""""""""""natural""""""""""" bodybuilding

>""""""""""natural""""""""""" bodybuilding
compare the main guy who is really natural to the winners, that's the difference between natty and enhanced. 8 years of training for that body? fuck that.


Attached: natty lol.png (1364x1120, 1.59M)

>being healthy, strong and looking good naked isn't worth it because some roidmonkey has bigger muscles than me
t. 80 IQ

This. But honestly, the main issue with natural bodybuilding is that they're trying to get as shredded as the non-tested shows. If they competed at higher body fat % and worked that into their posing, it would be amazing.

wow smug

Attached: 1524959004673-1.png (127x143, 31K)

Wait, is this one of those things where someone is supposed to say "But girls like guys that look like that" and you say "Mooooom, I want to look swole for meeeeee" and we learn a lesson about not getting your self-worth from the expectations of the other sex?

You dumbfuck need to calm down
Most women will not care about the amount of muscles you have passed certain point
And we will appreciatte more a great functional dick

and stamina.

And they still look better than most of fraud. Hell, they blow you the fuck out of the water.

should just change the name from "natty" to untested desu famalam

really? they look better than me?

Attached: wang.png (740x747, 553K)

Attached: 1518592124858.jpg (611x800, 80K)

You don't understand how genetics work.
That guy is small all over and has shit conditioning, he is average gym rat tier.
I mean look at his fucking arms, they are tiny, and he has no abs at a fucking competition

tits or gtfo

>some dude with legit 14" arms flexed
>no abs
>tiny legs and back and chest and shoulders and traps and calves

No, lmao, he's just shit, I bet most of the guys at that stage were natty.

he's been training for EIGHT YEARS

i can't be the only one who thinks they look like complete fucking shit

The skinny guy looks like an average soccer play. There's no way that's his natty limit.

So if I want a chest like Arnie I have no choice but to do roids?


This, higher body fat would make it 10 times better

Then he’s doing something very wrong. It should be illegal to look this bad after 8 years of training.