So all you niggas talk about routines/diet/skin care/jelqing/balding etc...

So all you niggas talk about routines/diet/skin care/jelqing/balding etc....But I never see you niggas talking about sleep. What do you guys sleep on. I have been sleeping on something like this and I feel 100x better waking up. Are soft mattresses bad for your body?

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fuck off nigger

My neck was KILLING ME after fucking around with way too heavy OHP and shit form, also I have anterior pelvic tilt so even tho I bench 2 pl8s and squat 3 pl8s I always have some back pain after standing up for a long time.

I bought a freaking tempur mattress, 1600€.

It cured my neck pain and my back barely ever hurts.

Oh my god, that shit doesn't feel like a mattress, it's a cloud that fills the shape of your body, when I sleep with a thot even tho it feels like a cloud it is still firm.

Also I'm a side sleeper, it's perfect for my shoulders. I bought also a cervical pillow of the same brand, game changer.

Go buy a good mattress, it's worth it

Get that new Purple mattress
Shit fucking works if you can afford it

What a surprise, I was wondering about this last night

I sleep on a cheap mattress laying on the floor and I thought it felt good for a while but I can't quite tell.

how thicc is your mattress

Sleep like GI Joe on something firm. Thats best for back and shoulders.

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I just sleep on the floor

Uuh, 15 cm. It's like a reserve one I tried over my usually used one. I can't tell the difference. Normally I stack the two and sleep like that, but I think I heard something about harder or firmer being better for bones than to sleep on a cloud or something

I started sleeping on my yoga mat since in my shitty bed my lower back gets super tight each "morning". Sleeping on the floor like that didnt cure my shit yet but it made the pain a little bit lesser.

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I'm genuinely interested in seeing if sleeping on (pretty much) the floor is actually good for your back or something.

I think I slept on the couch twice and felt horrible because that usually happens when I don't sleep in my bed.
Then I tried switching up how I sleep (single or double mattrass stacked). Still can't tell much difference.

I have one of those tempurpedic too, god tier matress

dont let this thread die, people need to know about sleepgains


i've been sleeping on the ground for a long while now. it's strictly better for you than a box mattress. mattresses are a meme from society.

I have a great matress that was about $2.5k. It's more firm than soft but still comfy. No back problems since I switched out from sleeping on a shitty futon. Invest some money into your bed and your body will thank you for it.

Asked physio therapist yesterday but he didnt really know the fucking retard.

Sleeping on the mat so far didnt make anything worse

death wish and not creature
never gonna make it

t. tempurpedic salesman

Purple is the best. I bought a bed and a pillow. And sheets! Best investment I have ever made and all cost me $1300.

nigga thats a phone case

step up to the manny pad bitch

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What makes that worth it over buying under $100 of packing memory foam and airing out the solvent scent?

I used too sleep on my stomach as a kid. It was a hard habit to break but it was worth it. Sleeping om my back feels so good.

what about the pillows? I've been tempted to get one but I'm in Aus and shipping sucks

Update, I slept on a single 30cm thick mattress and it certainly felt like an improvement over the 15 cm one

Sleeping on your belly is like one of the worst things you could do. I would advise anyone to not do this

When I moved out of my ex's house I slept on a yoga mat for 4 months, back felt amazing desu


why did you stop?