I just started keto. How's this? Am I doing it right

I just started keto. How's this? Am I doing it right.

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> 50 calories carbs in breakfast alone
> keto

Pick one

I was told the ones in salad don't count so it should be 25 g
also doing OMAD

>I was told the ones in salad don't count

Attached: Evidence.jpg (956x631, 64K)

Am on keto currently. You need way fewer carbs than that. I started at 265 lbs and I have been on less than 20 net carbs a day. The one thing you might consider for the future is the idea of a net carb - subtract the dietary fiber from the gross carbs and that's what you count. Sounds like bullshit, but I've been doing it like that for a month or so and have stayed in ketosis the whole time.

The hell nigga u ate 2.3k cal in your breakfast? That's almost twice my daily intake

>doing it right

this is bait right?

i dont get how its so many carbs desu, I did everything perfect then I crunch the #s and its 50. what the FUCK!!!!!

but why are you eating at fucking wendys?

Most of that came from the salad. Sugar intake was below 20.

> 175 g fat
> 146 g protein
> napkin math: 62% cals from fat

...And this is supposed to lower your body fat percentage because...?

A) 6 Eggs w/ some 0 calorie hot sauce
B) 1/2 pound of beef or fish with some Napa cabbage
C) 6 slices of bacon, spinach salad w/ olive oil and vinegar

I just cycle through those 3 meals, usually eating 4 times a day. After 10 years of anxiety attacks and being anemic and vomiting in my sleep and being treated for schizophrenia, I was diagnosed with Celiac disease. Been on a zero gluten and grain diet for a year and feel and look better than ever. I put on 15 lbs in the 3 months and figured I would just go on a perma-keto diet. I look and feel the best I ever have.

Because the body uses body fat as fuel when your carbs n sugars are exhausted. Now if you do this constantly your body gets accustomed to burning fat for fuel, emptying your reserves.

>being this retarded
MAX 30gr NET carbs a day, or might as well eat like the normal fat fuck you are lol

1. Buy a food scale
3. Calculate macros yourself by using food labels or online databases that aren't mfp.

70% of your caloric intake needs to come from fats so don't overeat protein. Stay under 20g net carbs; hell stay under 10g carb. Fatty nuts (like pecan and brazil), oils, butter, avocado, coconut, fatty fish and meat, heavy cream, cheese are all staple keto diet foods.
If you're having trouble reaching your fat intake look into fat bombs.
Forget eating out at least till you get the hang of keto. Good luck user.

Thanks. Different guy than OP but I am also wanting to start keto. Had a meatstick, some salted cashews and two strings of cheese for breakfest so far.

Hoping I can keep this up.

Also I am generally an alchie. Do I have to cut out all alch from my diet completely to keto properly?

>eating fast food
You're never going to make it

>fast food
Never EVER going to make it
But on the off chance you do, install this, makes counting net carbs easier

I'm not advocating keto but seriously equating dietary fat with body fat is the most brainlet shit, like are you actually fucking retarded

it's 2018 we're long past that retarded notion

Wtf dude watch your sodium level, you are way over the bearable limit of 2300mg. Enjoy your bloated gut and heart attack if you keep this up