If you can’t grip it, you can’t lift it
If you can’t grip it, you can’t lift it
I like this guy
Too many youtubers are too bro-ey for me, this guy comes across as an actual man, and not a grown child
>tfw you will never be like eric
>tfw you will never even be like eric's kitty
who is this twink?
I would suck his dick for free
yet people hate on his advice/programs
Who? Only absolute brainlets do
probably powerlifters who think gay sumo dl is so much better than alpha jefferson dl
Doesn't he preach only doing 1 lift a day?
no shit
his advice is shit for the average lifter lmao
Why does he look Spanish in this pic? He has blue eyes but they look dark as fuck here.
his advice is to drink raw milk and focus on one lift at a time for weeks. that's pretty shit for the typical person's goals
Bulgarian is an intensity program. Volume builds muscle and muscle helps move more weight.
When you can't gain any more muscle, all that's left is to use it to it's maximum potential by focusing mainly on intensity.
However, aside from the odd-lifts he also does squats, bench and deadlifts in WWE.
All in all, if you are a weak dude, you need both. If you are buff and haven't ever trained anywhere near 90% you could benefit from Bulgarian.
He recommends to try that but only to ADVANCED lifters interested in maximizing their strength and even then it's not just ORM and go home. For newbs he recommends standard volume work to build the muscle like every other sane coach.
For peaking on a specific lift? Yeah.
But he also advocates daily training, daily volume work, training the muscles you want to improve the most more often in general, which is god tier advice for natties.
He's of germanic and greek descent.
Guys just do programs that have worked for others in the past. 5/3/1, SS, Texas Method etc.
No need to follow the latest trend.
Eric is a fucking monster
>ywn be as strong as him
It hurts
I am very bright eyed, got blue-greyish.
On pictures with not optimal lighting, my eyed turn bright brown.
wow mister wise man really deep
I will live by this one rule from now
In some other video he talked about how he trains (used to train? Idk if he still does) beginners and it was pretty standard, because without a base you will plateau very quickly with bulgarian method.
"having a base" means having accumulated work done.
It's ridiculously difficult to build a based with bulgarian method, because you are only allowed lifting to an absolute max heavy rep.
Daily lifting though works if you do daily volume.
1 rep does shit for gains regardless of how heavy it is.
Even when eric was on bulgarian he was doing volume based bodybuilding workouts for specific muscles so they wouldn't shrink.
His arms are also the biggest they've ever been now after training them daily.
Well yeah, but he doesn't recommend jumping into bulgarian on your first day as far as I know. And having a base in this case means not being a 150lbs skinnyfat twink.
I dunno, I think his arms looked bigger back when he used to row like a madman. At least his biceps
isn't this the dude who cheated on his wife?
What? He has a kid now
>literally says CHAD on his shirt
>doing more than one big lift a day
He's a mutt
Who is him? looks cool I wanna follow his advice
i was coached by him
He is most down to earth bro ive ever spoke to.
Absolute specimen, idc if he ever roided, im pretty sure he doesnt now, his work ethic is insane.
>cant upload pics again
fucking shit
eric bugenhagen. his "old" videos were just him smashing weird deadlift variants in his basement while screaming at the top of his lunges. now he's calmed down.
Why does he never do any OHP?
he had ACL snap or something years ago
he can only do decline bench or dips press wise
Pushes are for virgins. Pulls are for chads
>wasting 9/10 Chad genes on an old, flat, plain mestiza spic and then spawning la cretura
Absolutely into the trash
He doesn't have any programs though he just says what he's doing and how it's working he's not shilling anything that's why he's good
The old videos were the best era
imagine if he was full on MGTOW monk mode
literally ubermensch
he programs for novices and peoples he coaches
t. done program made by him and got sick gains
minicycle of deadlift variation everyday (went from 160 to 180kg conv deadlift)
minicycle of 20 rep squats everyday (went from 60kg x 20 to 100kg x 20 in week)
share it bruv
my deadlift is trapbar 120 x 5 max
what would he recommend for me?
Drinking milk.
literally jason genova has bigger forearms.
jason genova isnt 6'2 chad with long arms
cant post pics
this is the writeup he sent me after first skype call
Then program was changing, it was progression from easiest movements, plenty of pulls, plenty of glute work, little bit of presses, plenty of squatting, some unilateral work and some grip work
fullbody everyday 6 days a week
is he natty?
>and you damn sure can't rip it
you had one job op
He's so attractive it's not even funny
No, that would be Dr. Disrespect
>If you can’t grip it, you can’t sip it
s i p b o y s 2 0 1 8
what do I take away from this ? I can rep 1/2/3/4 but am stuck slightly past that for a while now. I cant imagine that not doing 2 of those 4 lifts for a while and focusing on the other 2 would actually be benefitial overall... or will it ?
Eat a lot of calories and protein, sleep 8 hours at night, add more volume, start new programs too light and progress slowly.
skittles the mentbringer is on
This thread is so retarded. Eric always uses straps for heavy lifts.
check his recent videos
>tfw 6” wrists at 6’4”
>tfw 6.5" wrists at 5'10"
At least your dick isn’t thicker than your wrists like mine
>I like this guy
who is he?
Eric bugenhagen
>tfw 7.75" wrists at 5'8"
anyone doing zercher deadlifts? I've noticed how eric does it and he always rounds his back
also are you supposed to do it off the floor?
i tried to do them and i cant get into position to save my life off the floor
if i was to straighten my back after somehow getting my elbows under bar the bar lifts up 10 cm or more
His basement roof is too low and it's too cold outside
I have a theory that eric is satanist and literally wants to injure his viewers by showing them, him performing those crazy lifts so they attempt it themselves and snap their shit up
He's incredibly attractive and Spanish men (mainlanders from Spain, not their mutt rape baby offspring) are objectively the most attractive males so you just grouped the two together
>Voted least likely to know what the word 'twink' means
yep. because my wrists give up before my grip does. I have no idea why this is happening but when I carry a heavy bar for rackpulls, for example, I feel pain in the dorsal ulnar side of my wrist, both sides.
Sometimes it's so bad that I can't do pushups.
I did them and started at 275 which was a 100% effort max and added 10lbs every day and can do 365 now which blows my fucking mind your supposed to brace the shit out of your core and forget everything you learned about good deadlift form at a certain point in the lift above your knee you stall HUGE you gotta change the way your lifting it from horizontal to vertical there it's a fucking epic lift its basically a two foot deficit deadlift
Faggot here, can confirm... He's fucking beautiful.
>Eric eats raw onions and garlic daily
>sv3rige is afraid of garlic
I choose to eat raw garlic.
I feel like my core is very weak so it's either going to destroy me or strengthen me significantly, I'm eager to try it.
Try his jefferson bulgarian split squats bulgarian lite is amazing you get a pr and it's incredibly hard you probably couldn't get 5lbs if you tried that day the next day you get a 30lb pr it's like perma noob games
>jefferson bulgarian split squats
why this exactly?
grip it and rip it
Any more of this program?
Has he reproduced yet?
>child cheering in the background
I have like 10 different programs mad eby him all look same
Squat or deadlift variation
Row /pull
Acessory like grip or glutes or more lat work
Squat or deadlift variation
Row / pull
Accessory for grip or glutes or more lats
Unilateral movement
Row / pull
You can figure oht the rest from writeup
Low reps for warmups, 1rm of the day and then 5 backoff sets for most exercises
That's a cat.
He's probably so fucking big that this guy looks like twink to him
Because you suck at unilateral shit and will get quick cns adaption because your just so unused to it
What a based last name "Bugenhagen"
fuck it, back to GOMAD it is
1rm every day? I get that the number will fluctuate but won’t the effort fry your CNS quickly?
Spanish are human pollution
holy fuck this is goal body, how?
fucking hell first nether now eric
are they all fake?
It's just like with the Italians breh. The further you go South the smaller and browner they get, with the Moors being the reason for the spanish people.
I mean there is a reason that Europe is (still) white, then comes water and then brown people occur. Of course there is some sort of gradient
Hahaha this guy recommends eating tofu. I don't take advice from S O Y B O Y S
>Vegan Power Strongman
>mentiones some "famous" "strength athlete" to get more views
>literal stick
Yeah you can think the rest for yourself
Basically it autoregulates once you stall on the oddlift you try you change the lift if your really fried you can just do some kind of press