Stop eating carbs.
They are poisonous.
Stop eating carbs.
They are poisonous.
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i eat tuna, eggs and veggies every day only
am i gonna make it?
i get why gluten and sugar are poison but why beans?
500g+ of carbs a day crew
get out of here with your broscience
im energized for days
>gluten is poison
Explain this to me this second
Gluten actually is poison but only to like 0.1% of people who have celiac disease. So if you are normal like most people, then it's fine and not poison.
post abs
why should gluten be poison you retard
In some weird way it seems the fact that I have so much trouble not eating carbs somehow proves in itself how bad they are
although it'd also be a lot easier if I could just eat steak every day like his daughter does
How am I supposed supposed to make gains without a surplus of carbs
try not drinking liquid too, its really hard, really tells you how bad it is for you.
It's actually a low level toxin for everyone, except for people with celiac disease, who are allergic to it.
Daily reminder that Jordan peterson is a faggot that appeals to nu males who ignored their fathers advice to clean their room 10 years ago, but when jordan peterson says it they think he is the second coming of christ and requires 40,000 a month on patron. The people who worship jordan peterson are collectivist slaves.
Why did you post a picture of a globalist to tell us something retarded? Oh...
bet you feel smart typing all that don't you?
those legs
>who ignored their fathers
He's a stand in for dudes raised by single mothers/liberal parents i.e. never had a father
It's funny and depressing that even with the internet, people are still falling for self help gurus. I guess nothing ever changes.
Sure when you stop balding and getting hair transplantation.
Carb the fuck up faggot. Oats, Fruits, Veggies unironically neck yourself if you don't eat this holy trinity of carbohydrate goodness
Change tuna to sardines and your good :) maybe oysters for zinc?
sorry but I'd rather be a properly functioning, thinking and productive human being
plus I do value my muscle mass and performance at the gym
The problem is with where the carbs come from.
Usually people get SIMPLE carbs from breads, sodas, sugary shit, instead of getting COMPLEX carbs from natural products.
i take zinc as supplement
>SIMPLE carbs
Eat real bread, little boy
Peterson pls go.
But seriously, that's fucking stupid. Carbs are good for you if you're getting them from the right sources. Whole grains, oats, barley, rice etc. Fruits, vegetables.
Carbs give you energy and power your body. It's fat that will give you problems later on. Limit fat, carb the fuck up.
Saturated fat is bad, kiddo, the others are good.
i know right
Agreed, should have been more specific in my post.
Who's this clown? Why is he giving anecdotes and not sources? Fucking faggot
>Carbs are good for you goy. You need a full and "balanced" diet. Just check out what these pill care professionals have to say about it. Looks like you'll need to take another trip to the market.
Please stop with this 1940's non-science. All carbs are simply calories. Their only purpose is to fill your body if animal fats and protein are not available.
>t. Dyel
>eat 80% carbs
>fit as fuck
Don't tell me you tubbydactyls fell low carb meme?
>all carbs are simply calories
what? please explain the significance of this statement
the strong correlation between being DYEL and not eating carbs that I've noticed over the years of going to the gym has made me skeptical towards anything I read on the internet about keto/low carb
including "research" which is basically never conducted properly when it comes to nutritional issues
If I can't see someone's physique I'll ignore them if they advocate low carb
You guys are such retards
You don't need carbs for gainz
>develops kidney stones
Please explain how carbohydrates like grains and rice provide nutrients necessary to function beyond simply giving you calories?
100% making it, don't forget other meats as well
This is why I love Jow Forums
Peterson has an auto immune disease ffs, he never advised carbs are bad in general.
Jordan Peterson is not a nutritionist, dietician, biologist, nor medical doctor.
I'm not familiar with his work, but if he's saying that you should not eat carbs, you should take that advice with an extremely large grain of salt.
I have no idea what i'm talking about btw, i was just parroting what JBP said.
He did in his last stream.
Gluten is garbage for any lifter, they are inflammatory as fuck especially wheat. I avoid wheat like onions especially because I get severe acne.
What the bloody hell did you just say aboot carbs, bucko?
>am endurance athlete
>"Stop eating carbs"
Yeah sure thing I'll get right on that, LOL how fucking stupid can you be?
he's been talking to Rogan lol
>am endurance athlete
LOL how fucking stupid can you be?
>LOL how fucking stupid can you be?
LOL how fucking stupid can you be?
gorgeous hammies on that girl. Mirin hard
>eats tuna
Have fun with the brain cancer you fucking nigger
Its his fault people want to give him money?
>human brain cannot function without carbohydrates, as proven definitively by modern science
>starve brain to lose fat
>in my state of retardation from literal mental exhaustion, shill my bad diet
at last I truly see
t. edgy retard who only thinks of Jordan Peterson as "le clean your room man" and has never watched any of his lectures
>fit on the outside
>fucked on the inside
I agree JP
The biggest advocates for low carb diets are quite literally fat people that don't exercise and the people scamming them (like Thomas DeLauer).
>avoid carbs
>get trolled by Žižek and look like a fool against Harris
What did Peterson mean by this? If I pay for his personality tests will that help him catch up?
>gluconeogenesis doesn't exist
lmao brainlet
I was raised by a single mother and I learned some important things from Peterson
I don't like how political he gets, I wish he would just ignore all of the political retards screaming in his face and focus on psychology
You've gotta admit that he's developed a weird following though. More than a few people seem to think he's going to 'save the west' or some shit.
That said, I like his lectures. Though I find his approach less than rigorous, and he seems to hide behind 'it's complicated' and 'it depends on what you mean by x' without ever dealing with said complexity or poor definitions.