Wendy's has released a hip hop mixtape titled "we beefin." are you excited to get your copy Jow Forums?

wendy's has released a hip hop mixtape titled "we beefin." are you excited to get your copy Jow Forums?


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I'm excited to crank my pecker to that photo, user.

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back to /b ... nice pics wendy .. but its politicaly corect to be a cheap whore sorry back to /b now now

are you saying the continued niggerfication of american culture isnt a politically relevant topic?

>Be white
>described as "tattoo'd" from their fingertips to their necks by Muslim scholars
>dreads since 700
>had "poem battles" in 1600 England where they talked smack to each other
>called it "flyting"

White people were dread headed, tattoo'd rappers for hundreds of years. Show me where niggers invented any of this before whites

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Wendy's rappers are bitch ass niggas, my boys at Hamburger Helper shlonged Wendy and she came back first night the soreness had faded: soundcloud.com/hamburgerhelper

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>had "poem battles" in 1600 England where they talked smack to each other
prose before hoes

>using one slash instead of two

back to

its a dude.

well I stop reading at hip hop mix tape..

ya well I tried and fail .. im way too politically incorrect they dont want me sorry user

>wendy's panders to niggers

Ah, so that's why vibrant employees were rude and gave me a sandwich that was only worthy of a garbage can. Nigs are the real reason why I'm trying to quit fast food.

prove it

we cant see her/his hand .. can see Adam Apple .. look like a female to me .. I dont mind wendy sucking my D with that pair of titi she can do the triks for me..

she went by majoras_flask and she's not a dude

sorry here /b/

she hot..

Attached: majoras_flask2.jpg (640x640, 83K)

im surre she can handle a kok like a pro she freakin tight look at this little body mm MMm mmmmm delicious thanks user

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i bet she sucks a mean dick

it's stoya but glad to see anons on their toes.

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tiny penor
