Mfw i just fucked a fat bitch because of my body

mfw i just fucked a fat bitch because of my body.

im not even Jow Forums yet but i needed the pussy so fucking badly.

im having major conflictions if being single is good or not. should k keep following the goal to be Jow Forums or settle down with someone nice and actually healthy and not fat?

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its too late

when you fucked a fat chick, you're cursed

user you will marry a cow

volcel gang you degenerate

>mfw i just fucked a fat bitch because of my body.
it is better to fuck anything than to stay a virgin

>im not even Jow Forums yet but i needed the pussy so fucking badly.
nothing wrong with that, it proves you are a healthy straight man.

>im having major conflictions if being single is good or not. should k keep following the goal to be Jow Forums or settle down with someone nice and actually healthy and not fat?
you can do both but if you only have time for one being with a girl who is not a bitch is better than being a lonely loser who lifts all day to fill the void. you can fit in both with proper scheduling though.

my ex was really skinny and she had extreme issues

does would this mean im forever fated to broken girls?

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well its certainly better than the first time i lost my virginity at 20 (im 21 now)

i havent lifted in 3 weeks due to my job (lawn mowing and tree removal). im trying to squeeze time in. im planning to buy pre workout

That is a lie. I fucked a fat girl on my first and that gave me the confidence and exp to talk and go out with other girls. Thin girls also love guys who dated fat girls in the past. It makes them feel safe in knowing you will not judge them if they ever get fat themselves, that their biggest insecurity.

first girl of mine was a thin chick. i tried to get her into lifting, she was real nervous about it. told her "you could become like me big and stronk", she sort of freaked out but it was cute haha

all girls are broken girls. they all have extreme insecurity's and are emotionally unstable.

thin, fat, and even girls who have high college education all suffer from this.

I learn that you as the guy have to be the one to show patients and maturity when they throw their stupid outburst and tantrums. You also have to be the one who walks away and ends it if it is getting out of hand.

no shame in it bro. we all been there.

this was only a casual thing. really a one night stand

This is the only kind of fat chick (and biggest) I'd fuck.

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been there done that, got the better girl
she was fucking crushing my dick in cowgirl tho

enjoy stretch marks and no ass

you let a fat girl get on top? damn you must be a brave man.

>im planning to buy pre workout

coffee is better, health wise.

worst part was not the sex, not the events leading up before it. i'll tell you what it is

i talked to her for like 90 minutes straight. she wanted to watch a movie and shit with me but i was too autistic to do anything. so best thing i could do was talk until it was 11pm

she finally fucked off but i didnt want to feel rude and shit

i am really autistic. fuck

>settling down
no no no no NO NO NO OH NO user NO

we have literally all been there.

>dry for 2 weeks
>chubby cute thot on ig has been dming me
>"yo come over?"
>-thought ud never ask

felt bad about it, but fuck it. Better than staying dry.

too much of a coffee addict. plus it gives me shits and its too much to drink to actually feel anything
im 21 years old, my first ex was fucked in the head and everyone i know has successful jobs or has a good thing with their girlfriends

i mow lawns and remove trees and shit. i get paid well for it but its a pain in the ass thinking of "what the fuck am i doing?"
i havent gotten laid in 2 years. i held out and i was finally ready to move on

I literally can't go on for more then 2 weeks. I've been single for like 4-5 months now and I just can't take it. Was in a serious relationship for 4 years and I'm making up for lost thots now

you jelly lad

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so uh

is this porn

>im not even Jow Forums yet but i needed the pussy so fucking badly.

Everybody has fucks they're not proud of because they were horny. Welcome to the club.

>im having major conflictions if being single is good or not. should k keep following the goal to be Jow Forums or settle down with someone nice and actually healthy and not fat?

Why not plan for a series of short term relationships that you have zero commitment to? It's similar to being single but with more sex, you'll learn about yourself, the skills it takes to have a relationship, and the skills to evaluate a relationship you're in.


dude dont fucking go with thots man
no. no im not. thats literally just obese with a plastic surgery
>Why not plan for a series of short term relationships that you have zero commitment to?

been there, done that, worst possible excuse of a girlfriend ever

>is this porn

Nope, it's a screenshot from a PSA about water safety.


also every girl has an inner thot, you just gotta bring that shit to the outside. I call the females i don't dm/call in the morning thots.