Since you're so fixated on what school David Hogg got rejected from, I wonder: is Jow Forums just as academically inept?
What university did Jow Forums go to?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ivy League.
It should be renamed: University of Beijing, Sydney campus.
Threadly reminder to hide report ignore ops with questions
Why was Hogg rejected?
Washington University in St. Louis.
ah yes the University of Ivy League, wow congratulations
Possible data mining thread.
Report and move on folks.
the same uni as Carl the Cuck
the Harvard equivalent of my country
Fuck school. I dropped out of highschool with only like 8 credits needed to graduate. School is fucking pointless. Its more a socialization thing than an educational thing. You dont need fucking teachers to tell you whats in a book just read the fucking book. This way you dont have your teacher or classmates cram liberal bullshit down your throat. School is made to control you. Popularity is made to control. If youre popular youre less likely to break away from the herd. Sometimes rejection is a gift from god. Those demons will drag you to hell.
Online. U of Maryland.
Does anyone know why Hogg was rejected?
>going to university
US Army
I'm gonna need you to calm down.
He asked what school, not you’re favorite type of pasta,noodle nigger.
right here reject
Every single cunt in my engineering class is a fucking autistic chink
I dropped out of private University 4 semesters in and got into a trade.
getting rejected from a school is so difficult these days. most schools are online machines. i got my master's degree online, considering going for my DBA. I would have to fly out to North Carolina twice a year, but in two years, I could have my doctorate.
getting rejected means you haven't tried.
There was a thread yesterday solely discussing this. These are some of the reasons they came up with that I can remember:
>low ACT/SAT scores despite his having a reported GPA of 4.25
>universities not wanting to associate with parrots who can't think critically
>universities' decisions being cemented way before the incident occurred
>high profile universities not wanting to deal with the backlash of taking him in
>You dont need fucking teachers to tell you whats in a book
Apparently you need teachers to tell you how to use apostrophes.
Trade? Wut?
bravo majune
I’m at a community college right now.
>be me last fall
>go to classes until first test
>realize tests are strictly from the textbooks, not lectures.
>read textbooks
>quit going to lectures
>show up to take tests
>get A’s and B’s on all tests
>get A’s on finals
>grades posted
>fail everything
>university mandated attendance policy
>profs say it isn’t fair to for me to get the same grades as the kids who cared enough to go to class.
I got seriously shekelberg’d
Rumor is he got a 20 on ACT and in the 1300's on his SAT and he basically applied to only UC schools, so his application went into the trash bin as soon as it was delivered in the mail room.
>4.25 GPA
Fucking grade inflation is so bad it's not even on the goddamn scale any more
>what did your taint smell like this morning Jow Forums
what the fuck is this retarded doxxing shit doing here
Ok thanks. That is actually funny.
I know that feel my dude, I swear I'm the only white dude in my Masters class, the rest are either chinks or poos.
The chinglish is killing me
Don't like it? Get a job faggot, a mans job.
>private university
ispod mosta?
Yale, some might remember me from the Christakis brouhaha a while back
I got kicked out of law school for that reason. I never went to class but I scored at the top of my class on tests.
Paul Smith's College - School of Forestry
Every fucking syllabus says "attendance is required" within the first 3 paragraphs; you wouldn't have lasted at law school anyway with your shitty attention to detail and lack of reading comprehension.
This policy pisses me off to no end.
4.25 was before he moved to FL where it dropped below 2
University of Otago. I challenge any user to find a more aesthetic campus anywhere in the world.
Any GPA that's over a 4.0 is weighted, which means that it takes into consideration the difficulty of the classes that you've taken. Weighted GPAs go up to a 5.0. Relatively speaking, his GPA is really low. Compounded with his ACT/SAT scores, it really activates the ol' almonds as to why this fucker would even try applying to any UC.