So now that Andy has been tranquilized and Tonka Salt and Failure are JF's property now, what's does the future hold next for the French harem king?
Internet Cuck Drama
Other urls found in this thread:
I wanna sniff Brat ass
JF should write a book, it's actually incredible. He also managed to completely subdue Baked, Failure, and Tonka to kiss his ass and lick his boot when they were shit-talking him just day before. Now they parrot JF's theory about everyone who doesn't like him are discord psyops boogeymen. They can talk big all they want in their safe space (the kumite), but when things got confrontational, they revealed their true beta nature and became the first members of JF's harem. You're either born an alpha or you're not.
What's even more pathetic is how Tonka and Failure desperately started stroking their frail egos by circle jerking about how Kraut and the liberalists are "such fucking loser holy shit so profound this needs to be said" and how people who get under their skin have no sex life. How does the kumite crew have such a lack of self-awareness and continue to be so full of themselves after this monumental embarrassment?
Wait what happened? Last thing I know is that Andy said he would book is own shows from now on.
Sorry but it's obvious to all of us that you're a discord psyops boogerman.
JF is a way cool dude, and you should stop trying to take him down. You can't do it.
Are you a bot or just a fool? I don't see anything in that post that's bashing JF.
I am way smarter than you, and that's why I can see things you can't.
Dicks are so cute omg( •ω• ) when you hold one in your hand and it starts twitching its like its nuzzling you(/ω\) or when they perk up and look at you like" owo nya? :3c" hehe ~ penis-kun is happy to see me!!(*^ワ^*)
>calls anything he doesn't like psyops boogeyman
You chose the correct picture to represent yourself.
You are a brainlet, and you cannot defeat JF with these low IQ tricks you're trying to play.
You're paranoid. Get back on your meds.
Shaming Andy far weed was just lol
I already was uncertain about JF but this outburst and all the shit he proceeded to do afterwards just made me side more with the court documents
So if girls with penises are allowed in the ethnostate, will cunt boys be allowed too?
Nothing more beautiful then seeing a feminine penis penetrate a masculine vagina :3
Just keep the same thread format, dumbass
It's a fascinating study of human pack behavior. What do you think the kumite hierarchy is?
I think JF>Jim>Tonka>Baked>Andy's girlfriend>Andy=Failure
>totally not completely gay as all fuck to watch retarded fag ecelebs fabricate """"drama""""
So in the last shill thread there was:
These are the people responsible for these shill threads, Jow Forums.
Same. I take with a grain of salt what modern Western women and the courts that side with them have to say, but he completely legitimized those psych evaluations with his behaviour in his last two streams. No wonder the Frenchman has been divorced several times by 30 and tried his luck with a 19 year old autistic NEET. The guy knows how to use his power and authority over others, which is why he liked dating undergrads working under him.
Oh you should check out his ED page for the land-whale he impregnated and may have given herpes to.
>siding with kikes.
Stay in your shitty containment general. Eceleb viewers should be sterilized.
I don't think Jim is part of the hierarchy. He's an infiltrator in it for the lulz.
hi, destiny's discord
You can't make me, newfag.
We're on team Jim. Please get it right, Tonka Salt.
"I 'et [shift] and then [click] and I 'ave a beautiful Jow Forums experi-unce. I block de trholls!"
Low IQ shill confirmed
It's only a matter of time before Andy and JF break apart again. The damage is already done, the truth about Andy being a brainlet who can't contribute to debates is already out there. Andy should stop embarrassing himself and go his own way.
Look at these posts.
This is a psyop, part of it is from a group called the "manlet army"
>inb4 "No one would ever join something called the "Manlet army." No one is that pathetic.
Reminder that Destiny fans posted dic picks to show support for their dear leader.
On a related note, reminder that Eugenics is a good thing.
There is no way to go. He made his bed, now he has to lie in it. Once he can't stand it anymore, he'll go the way of Kraut.
A cloistered, shut-off clique that's a jerkfest over one guy and hostile to opposition
You have some sort of shrine dedicated to you e-daddies? You seem very protective of them to the point that you're threatened by discussions.
I only shill against the kumite, so you could say I root for JF. Sorry to disappoint you.
Manlet army reporting
Hey mods I have a question.
When are you going to start doing your job and prune threads that are not about politics?
Eceleb drama is quintessential newfag.
That's been known for quite awhile
Also, there's a very high likelihood each one of these shills has fapped to a bleeding child's asshole.
It's alright though, Jow Forums, it was totally ethical CP.
>i only shill for jim
>I only shill against kumite
>i shill for JF
Of course, nobody would believe the word of a shill in any case.
>When you can smell the soy through an anonymous image board post
>No I'm not part of the "Manlet army," honest
>t. discord psyops boogeyman
>Jim and JF have mutual respect for each other seeing they're not brainlet
>kumite is composed of degenerate retards who continue to be full of themselves after getting put in their place by JF
My shilling remains consistent.
>ancap memeflag
>anyone who doesn't like my e-daddies is a pedophile
Of course. Of course. Such a sensible man you are.
Now that everyone knows how he feels he's just going to be humiliating himself. I can't see this charade going any longer than two months. Even a soyboy like Andy can only take so much.
Will JF be able to manage his cult? I'm excited to see what happens next. Should start a Warski house just like Athene did and start pumping out white autism babies to train.
>those who praise JF are subversive discord shills
hahah all these canada shill faggots.
You could at least use a vpn from a different country.
there is no team Jim, faggot, jim is chaotic neutral and just wants to laugh at dumb shit on /ibs/ so being team jim would technically make you team tonka and JF.
I am just here because I wanna sniff brat ass
Is that too much too ask these days?
He's a little bit like Molyneux in terms of personality
it's pretty obvious who the kikes are here, destishill
Well we keep telling you we're not shills. Perhaps..... we're just your average shitposters? No no no that's not a convenient narrative for you.
I want JF to get rid of the brainlet and go back to doing his own thing.
>just wants to laugh at dumb shit
>that would make you team tonka
Tonka is the dumb shit
I already told you I am much smarter than you are and you can't deceive me with these low IQ ploys.
No it is not. I wish to help make your dream a reality.
That's exactly what a brainlet would say. Modesty is a virtue of the wise.
Thank you fellow leaf
Anytime user-kun
Jim is the only one who isn't willing to get into this stupid inconsequential drama and just calls it like he sees it. He's also probably 100% ready to detach from this and wash his hands of it when it becomes too stupid.
Hey Jim
I think sticking around for it to reach peak stupidity. The last two days were a trainwreck.
The soy boy Kumite skeptics are trying so hard to get JF kicked, lol
What time tag should I look for?
you're not smart enough to get my post, sorry. jim just wants the show to go on, it's not about taking sides, retard.
>for the record I've always been against JF
HAHAHAHA Tonka is a fucking joke.
1:40:20. Some soy boy faggot is complaining about the show becoming an "alt-right" thing then Failure suggests that Andy shouldn't be taking calls through his discord because it brings in "his audience".
>that Andy shouldn't be taking calls through his discord because it brings in "his audience".
*that Andy shouldn't be taking calls through JF's discord
That's not tonka
Tonka was team JF the whole time. He and Jim were the only ones saying to talk to JF before going public first while Failure and co were pushing the kick JF meme.
Thats why this needs to be changed. Tonka a good boi.
>Andy shouldn't be taking calls through his discord because it brings in "his audience"
These Kumite asshole really need to learn when to shut up.
My bad then. Sounded like him
>Group of shills fanboys of a man who argues for ethical CP
>Man now under investigation by FBI
>Last thread a shill literally WOULD NOT DENY he fapped to children
We have a bunch of demented freaks loyal to a savior that tells them their degeneracy is a sign of intelligence.
Indeed, last thread one admitted as much.
Only a retard who could fall for "Ethical CP" can't see this connection.
>Female shame tactics
This only works on women and manlets user. You're way out of your league here.
You've been subverted by the manlet army and don't even realize it, stop shilling against the Papa.
To be fair, she has spiraled downhill post-JF. She was skinnier and about 2 points better looking when she was younger and started drinking all the time.
what did varg say about kumite?
Yeah but post-louise, JF really did fuck a retard lmao
"Cognitive testing was done and reportedly she was functioning in the borderline to low intelligence range."
—[Rose C Gonzalez, MD Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
"Jacqueline "Jackie" is a 19 year old Hispanic female..
Jacqueline is diagnosed with Pervasive Development Disorder and Low Average Intellectual Functioning... She was able to subtract 7 from 100, but did it very slowly as if counting her fingers.. She also seemed upset when I asked her to subtract 7 from the answer she would get. I asked her to spell Houston for me and she was able to do it forward but had difficulty doing it backwards. Later during the interview she suddenly tried to spell Houston backwards for me again.. I asked her how she was planning to take care of herself in North Carolina and she responded that she and Jean Francois were going to work on a cooking show... Jacqueline was diagnosed with a speech impediment"
Thats called love you EEDIOT
>low average = retard
Oh boi
Internet love sports
Are you faggots in this thread really all bots? You anons would tell me if you were bots right? You bot user faggots wouldn't lie to me and tell me you are human when you aren't right?
It's kinda like JF convinced a 19 year old Chris chan to move in with him.
And then have a baby right off the bat.
Now we just need everyone drunk on the next show for it to be even more lulzy.
Andy needs to do a heroic dose of Mushrooms
This is disappointing, what was JF thinking?
Btw, it would be nice to have Chapo Trap House vs. JF. Can someone tell Warski to book it?
>andy is taking an online IQ test today on stream
This just keeps getting funnier and funnier
This would be pretty good actually. Genuine bloodsports for once. No more boring "chill" shit