You have 10 seconds to name something that isn't protein

You have 10 seconds to name something that isn't protein
Protip: you can't. Protein is the only thing that exists

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>protein is the only thing that exists
What did he mean by this?
Also: glucose

>his country doesn't put protein in the tap water

That fertility. I'd till her lands and plant the entire reserve of seeds, it'll be a rough winter.

This is the only water you need, and there's never been conclusive proof you need water outside of your normal diet

Attached: proteinshake.jpg (1802x1337, 780K)

Joy from Sweden.
Based phoneposter

Seagull penis

Jackie Chan


Polypeptide chains with tertiary configuration changes.

Jackie. Cha- FUCK

S o y b o y


what about time and gravity

Any and all elements on the periodic table


milk truck?

Attached: IMG_1169.jpg (2000x2000, 325K)

It's Joy from Sweden.

Attached: idk_bot_that.jpg (234x250, 5K)

All P R O T E I N

Good thread

My dick, because it is diamonds right now.

Diamonds are protein

dang she's freakin' bangin.