tfw u have brunette hair and a ponytail hazel eyes white skin a navy blue polo shirt with lighter blue and white stripes on the right hemisphere of said polo shirt, you open your mouth you roll your eyes upwards and then you scream
Tfw u have brunette hair and a ponytail hazel eyes white skin a navy blue polo shirt with lighter blue and white...
tfw you have green eyes and blonde hair in a light pink robe and you look upwards and open your mouth to scream while you are shaking
mfw i smash my mug on a door frame while getting a piggyback i fucking die and i scream whilst rolling my eyes up
tfw mmh?
mfw some cunt pisses in my sip
very good thread
please continue
mfw im stupid head and i eat paper
mfw i have a cool hat
mfw i have a condom going in one ear and out the other
outstanding thread
Is it wrong that I find these hot?
mfw i have an israel proxy reply to me
mfw im ginger and have no soul
mfw im a furry
mfw my face when
mfw i have a huge fod
mfw kernel panic
mfw i die again
mfw ^
mfw im a furry again
mfw i run out of images