/run/-Running General

Do you guys run in the morning,day, or night? I try to go later in the morning and evening before the sun goes down.

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Very early morning!

Why this picture for running thread?

She is cute from the tits up.

Night nigga

>makes a running post
>posts a bitch who has never ran in her life

This board is getting ridiculous.

She's fucking blubber OP, keep her off this board.

does running for longer than 5 km make your ass smaller? I know the glutes are used for running, but do they get smaller from running like 15 km?

Guys I never blog here but I have to today.

So I was training MMA and Boxing last year and I had pretty good cardio, and then I'd try running and my feet would always hurt in a way that was crippling, and I had to stop before I was even breathing heavy.
I went to this sports store and the girl there put me on a machine that basically gives an image on how you stand. Turns out I stand on my outer foot and ankle. I bought some shoes for 100 euro (previous ones were 20 euro) made for my kind of foot and holy fucking shit, I ran just as much as I ran last time + 25 fucking minutes nonstop. I didn't even stop running because my feet hurt, I stopped because an hour passed and I had an obligation later.

I hope this helps somebody, if your feet hurt, go find out how you stand and find shoes that fit you.

Again, sorry for the blog.

I hate getting up early mainly because I sleep late. Though when I do go before dawn it's super comfy.

Because I chose it.

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Damn, that bitch is sloppy fat.
She isn't even carrying it in places that would make her hot. She's just fat bordering on obese and has fuck all to show for it.
She's cute and I love that rich skin tone and tits.
But goddamn, she's a porker.

Sleep earlier!

I learned the hard way. I ran with cheap running shoes that had way too much padding. I was basically clomping around and made it worse with shitty running form.

Also running with your feet under you so your body and not just your shins/knees absorb the shook is super important.

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I sleep in too much since I work late. Going to change that though. Health over everything else, mental and physical.

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Never truly did cardio.
>182 cm
What do I have to do to run 6km in less than 28 minutes in less than 2 months? Is that possible?

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You're really light, and 6km in 2 months is not a hard goal at all. You'd have to start training today or tomorrow if you're serious about the 28min thing though.

Should I run every day? How should I training look like? I could run every day in the morning and every 2nd day at the gym.

Not at first.
There's this program called C25K (couch to 5 km) that basically takes you from being a fat fuck who can't get up from the sofa (exaggeration) to running 5k in 8 weeks. It has 3 running sessions a week.
What I suggest is, depending on your level of fitness, start from week 2 or 3 and do 3 sessions the first week, 4 sessions the second week and then 5 sessions for the remaining duration, focusing first and foremost on actually clearing the 6k and second on the speed.
If you run every day you might burn yourself out fast. I guess on the last 2 weeks you could do something like 1 day distance but going slow, 1 day speed but for a shorter distance, 1 day recovery slow run for short distance, repeat.

Listen to your body and you'll make it.

Guys I am pretty new at this gym business, so I could need some advice.
I'm doing the 5x5 stronglift routine, but I still want to run. Preferentially during the resting days. It's not much, maybe a 5-8 km session twice a week. I know if you research a little bit with in the web, you pretty much realize that the majority of the people say that you shouldn't do that, but does that really hinder your recovery that badly or are they maybe just a little bit biased against cardio?

been running for about 3 weeks now, unsure if this much variation is normal or if I need to work on keeping a more steady pace

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What's walking? The same speed when I move around in the office building at work?

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Shoot for 10k a day in the morning, before breakfast.

Grab the harpoons, there be a whale here!

why would i run when i can ride a bike

Yeah, as I said it's for complete beginners. If you can run 5k non-stop on the first go then that's great, disregard it and work on speed.

>blog here

really gross

I hate running.

>I hate running.
All us Runners will be alive long enough to see that on your tomb-stone.

I never said I didn't do it, I just said I hate it.

any runners experienced brain gains or generally better mood?

t. curious non-runner

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whats a good distance to start if you haven't ran in a while?

someone nuke this gay country

Putin would never allow this shit

yes. an hour of cardio a day has been clinically proven to boost brain activity and ward off alzheimers and dementia

Runner's high is real and cardio's good to have anyway.

Seriously people, run, your gains will be fine, and if you lose a little strength it's probably worth it

Evening for me. I always feel so much faster. Mid-afternoon is by far the worst.


Hey guys I've been getting a slight pain in my upper left hip after running for about 4-5 miles. I'm not too fat either (6' 185lbs). Could it be my running form?

I was going to do this for a couple months at a 20% deficit since I have to lose some weight for work while also rebuilding my running/cardio ability (used to be able to do 5 miles whenever I want now struggle to do 1).

Is it too much for me to add 2 sets of chins/rows alternating on the lift days? Can I do OMAD with this at 2200-2400 cal a day?

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I've worked 10 hours today and now I have to run 10 miles

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why walk when you can ride?

>I have to run 10 miles

I GET to run 10 miles
You need to look forward to the run, attitude is huge when exercising. You can rest when your dead.

Absolutely. Cardio is fantastic for clearing your head and helping you think better.

Thanks user, I will try to keep that in mind

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