Building a calisthenics routine

OK so I'm building my own calisthenics 6 day routine that focuses on lower body and accessories too. No gym. This the way I made things fit into a program, need advice on improving it

Day 1
>Knee getup or vertical jump
>Hip thrust

Day 2
>Handstand pushup (back)
>Beghind-the-back pullup
>Lateral lunge
>Planche pushup

Day 3
>Knee getup or vertical jump
>Hip thrust

Day 4
>Handstand pushup (front)
>Behind-the-back pullup
>Lateral lunge
>Planche pushup

Day 5
>Hip thrust
>Knee getup or vertical jump

Day 6
>Handstand pushup (back)
>Behind-the-back pullup
>Lateral lunge
>Planche pushup

Acessories (every training day after main routine)
>Neck curl
>Neck extension
>Forearm curl or forearm extension
>Abs (dragonflag progressions, maybe other stuff)
>Back extension
>Calf raises

I'm still trying to figure this out. i dunno if changing the order up from 1 to 3 to 5 and from 2 to 4 helps or makes it worse, this is kind of placeholder and input is very much appreciated

I might use weights on hip thrusts and squats, but it's limited, and obviously forearm exercises. Might add weights to pull ups or chin ups and do pushup variations

3 sets each exercise, every set until failure. Sometimes I do 5 sets when I can. I was trying to do a 3x week routine but this shit only fits in 6x

Help a guy out, goals is big but aesthetic, with good extra stuff (neck, forearms), ab definition, wanna gain most mass in lats, delts and ass

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Why are you a unathletic person with no background in calisthenics at all trying to make your own program instead of a proven program like startbodyweight? Seriously lol

who the fuck said I was unathletic? I've been lifting on and off for over a year. I based some stuff on the bodyweight reddit thing, but it's simply too easy. Not enough volume, not enough anything. I can fucking do consecutive muscle ups and that subreddit is for people who literally cant do 1 pushup. Also I don't wanna be a leglet

What dips? Should do both chest and tricep.
Would suggest supermans for back too, they're great.

About the weights: not much of a choice unless you carry heavy things for a living. Really hard to work your arms and shoulders well at all without them.
Wrist roller is GOAT for forearms btw.

Well, why not?

>What dips? Should do both chest and tricep
sorry idk what you meant

>Really hard to work your arms and shoulders well at all without them
For a while when I was outside the gym I went to the pull up bar every day and did either chinups or pullups. Did lateral raises for shoulders at home, and dick forearms curls and later extensions. That work really fucking grew my arms. Forearm isolations are underrated. But I hear handstand pushups and planche pushups work delts better, plus they work traps and I don't need a dedicated trap movement aside from behind-the-back pullups which I might dial back as well.

Like I said, trying to figure this out.


bumperino pls

Are you going to do weighted leg work?
Seems fine although It might take a while with all this accessory work. If you have a hour and a half every day for training that's amazing.
Have you already tried this routine though?

Am new, what's a wrist roller?

i'm still contemplating whether to always do accessory work 6x a week or only around 3x
i do have plenty of time btw

Haven't tried the routine, i just finished building it. Might be a bit much, I'll start tomorrow and see if I can handle it.

explain why you don't just lift?

When it comes to leg work frequency and intensity are king.

also yes to the weighted leg work question but not really. i can scramble around 30kg or so in a bag. i'd love to do barbell work but i cant atm, so i'll try different bodyweight progressions on squats and do hip thrust variations if the bag is worthless

my old gym got shut down. commercial gyms are too far away and also stupidly expensive, plus you know what they're like with their contracts and other bullshit. i like coming in, paying the monthly subscription in cash and being done with it. i looked up the bodyweight subreddit, but it's a bit too much for beginners. i'm still inspired by them and still gonna do progressions on calisthenic exercises, but i dont wanna rigorously follow their program cuz its not enough imo


also interested
training boxing, i do cardio and boxing 2 times a week, strenght training 3 times a week
i do calisthenics
how do i hit everything 3 times a week and only with calisthenics?

Jesus you guys are over thinking it...

All you need to do is pullups, pushups, some core work, and running. That's it.

Monday, Wed, Fri, I do calisthenics, Tues, Thurs, Sat, I run 2-3 miles.

For calisthenics, all I do sets of pullups supersetted with 2xpushups. For example, I do 10 pullups, drop and immediately crank out 20 pushups, usually rest 1:30-2:00 mins. I do this until I hit 50/100 total.

Then I do situps until I've hit 100, cuz I like situps and hate other core work

>inb4 bad for lower back, i don't care.

Cardio days, run 2-3 miles, moderate pace.

That's all you need to do. It's free, it's easy to do, it's fun, and it builds everything well.

Girls are constantly toughing me shirtless, and I've caught them talking about how hot my body is.

Don't overthink it buddy.

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post body w/ time stamp.

>Lifting on and off for over a year

bruh, you're a fat piece of shit and an idiot at that

op here, i'm 5'10 and weigh around 175, less than 15% bf. could be a bit better but i've been slacking off lately. was 165 at

>redditspacing dyel posting actual reddit pictures and advice

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good pic, saved, but holy fuck those progressions