>that 30 year old guy squatting at the gym
That 30 year old guy squatting at the gym
Jow Forums propaganda is too transparent.
grandpa cope
I fucking hate old people.
>that 23 yo who thinks it's not too late to start lifting
>that 18and1/2 year old who thinks it's not too late
>that 14 year old who doesnt think its too late to start lifting.
hey guys, I'm 35 AMA
If you’re lifting for pussy it’s always too late.
If you’re lifting for self-fulfillment and health, it’s never too late.
>hey guys, I'm 35 AMA
how long does it take to start peeing. (31 here, it takes too long)
never really noticed a problem before unless I have a lolbonerlol
only thing I do notice is that I have a drop of dribble at the end now. I started doing "penile milking" and no more problems
>that autistic little kid that posts the same thing everyday
May the fourth reich rise!
>squatting at the gym
Jokes on you kid. My bad 30 year old knees don't allow me to squat.
24 and I have that problem. Press your fingers up under your balls. It'll flush out that extra bit of piss.
This is me but I am 27. I have squandered god’s mercy.
I'm 30 and my hips are too fucked to squat so I do trap bar deadlifts instead AMA
Jokes on you, I don't lift.
wanna get banned again
>that guy who has a locker yet chooses to carry his arsenal of shit in a duffel bag on the gym floor
2/10... guess this meme is shitting out quickly
>that 18+ guy who thinks it isn't too late to start lifting
>any age
>doesn't realize you can do anything you set your heart, mind, and soul to
we all gonna make it homos.
>that 30 year who still watches anime
When did 30 become a bad thing user
>that 35 year old guy that cucked Jow Forums orbiters
>that Ed Coan squatting the entire gym
>tfw was 24 when I started
>now 27 and its obvious too late cause no matter how hard i lift and how good I eat I wont get much bigger
I hate fucking old people.
43 here. recovery takes longer. wish I had started sooner. oh well.
im that 40 yo that still watches anime.
this place sure turned into a shithole if people even berate those who decided to improve themselve.
You are a bunch of morons.
Ok this might be a little long but bear with me here.
So Im at this Irish Pub, Mahaffey’s Pub its pretty cool I suggest you try it out. You receive a card and if you buy over 100 beers you join the club. I was currently up to 85 before I came to the Pub. So at about 10 beers in I had this crazy Idea to order 5 beers at once to get into the club. I down 3 of them and the other two im sipping on. Things start heating up and I have this other idea, I figured lets do two things I havent done before in one night, the chocolate entrance. At first she said no but I mentioned I would give her some of the Astronaut Dried Ice cream we got on the way home as a joke. Shes like, whatever im down to try something.
I try to get down to business and she just starts YELLLING. Im like alright maybe we should just keep this civil and keep it in the right hole. But shes still yelling, saying it burned her! I mentioned, thanks baby, that empowers me but im really just average no need to patronize me here. I turn on the lights because she says its really burning now and see that I used Icy Hot for lube. Shes start yelling and yelling I take a look, it looks like an onion ring that I ate earlier at the Pub! I am so drunk im just like what should I do?!? So I turn on the shower and I start smearing it off and I get some ice wrap a paper towel around it and start pressing, she said that helped slightly. She is in the other room right now because shes pissed, and with reason. I figure I should call a cab for her because I sure as hell am not driving, but it ends up I have no cash on me I spent my last 10 dollars on a couple packs of some damn Astronaut dried ice cream at the 711 down the street on the way home.
What should I do anyone been in a similar situation, I dont really want her to be this pissed at me. Should I offer her another pack of my Astronaut ice cream to break the ice or what?
43 here. Recovery was nearly a week then got on trt. All good now. Squatting 150kg. Was 90kg before.
>that 7 year old who deadlifts and doesnt realize he already missed the boat
I have to do this everytime and im 18
Is there something wrong with me?
the only thing I'm worried about are my shoulders, my OHP is up to about 55kg up from 30 bench is 80kg up from 50 my dl is 140kg up from 100kg. been at this for about 6 months now. starting to see some stuff level off because my shoulders are feeling like shit.
Weird thing, if i take more than 2 days off my joints feel worse.
Nah. I just didn't do it at the time. More piss will stay in your dick the longer it is. Just means you aren't a dicklet.