How much of a difference does testosterone make?

Been feeling extremely fatigued, depressed and anxious so I went to visit a psych. He had me run some blood tests and told me I have very low test for my age (21). I think my t level was 300 and he's putting me on test and trying to bump me up to 600-800. My question is, how much of a difference is this going to make as far as my body is concerned? Will gains come easier? Will I become leaner etc.? Tbh I'm mainly just looking forward to not being so fucking tired all the time but was curious as to the effects this would have on my body as well, I'm 5'11 and rly skinny.

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I would also like to know this

>be 27
>burn out leave from work
>still is about 5 weeks before I can visit a shrink
>doc says i should just take it easy

how do I make sure I dont have low test?

I even have fucking ED but that could be because of depression too. Help guys

>be 22
>have these exact symptoms
>ED just crept up out of nowhere recently
fucking worry

I had roughly the same levels as you and got placed on TRT

>how much of a difference is this going to make as far as my body is concerned?
None whatsoever. You're raising your levels to that of an average man.

>Will gains come easier? Will I become leaner etc.?

>Tbh I'm mainly just looking forward to not being so fucking tired all the time but was curious as to the effects this would have on my body as well, I'm 5'11 and rly skinny.
What you're likely to experience are higher sex drive and a very minor and subtle increase in mood, energy levels and aggressiveness.

Do you have depression too?

I kinda wanna go to doc again because last time I didnt had ED issues but i've already been so much for depression I feel like going again is just gonna annoy him and he would say its because of depression.

But dont I need to make sure I dont have like cancer or anything test-related?

Also, your balls will shrink.

i havent been formally diagnosed with anything because i havent gone to the doctor with any of my problems like a stubborn idiot, but having limp dick out of nowhere has shocked me into action
i'm going to the doctor this friday and i'm gonna get the ball rolling

fuck it im calling them now too

did they offer any other ways to bump test besides trt? the normally would. help me brah. im dying and im at around your level

You don't have a depression unless most of your life is in order and you don't have anything significant that puts you down.

im going on friday too

good luck bro our dicks are gonna make it

i sure hope so
had a date last week that went great until i had to start pushing rope which is just fucking awful for all parties involved
good luck lad

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Yeah I had it happen 2 times now with 2 different girls in the last month. The fucker just quit on me when I was with them on my bed trying to put on a condom.

Thats really fucking bad and I dont even want to have sex now cause I know it'll end in disappointment.

I fucking hate being depressed and if you fail in bed like this it doesnt do your self-esteem good.

Lifting and running and eating well doesn't seem to help me and i'm fucking lost in what to do :(

I already take zinc and magnesium it doesnt help

also there isnt "one thing" you need you need everything a little bit

hopefully the doctor helps out, i need to get myself on a multivitamin and nail in my diet some more, its not super balanced right now, but its tough to do that when i have zero fucking energy at all

I do fucking everything right

>I go on walks
>I go running (had a new distance record last week)
>I go to gym and lift
>I eat well
>I sleep plenty
>I take supplements (multi-vit, zink, magnesium, fishoil, fucking everything)

also I got basicly all the time in the world cause im on sick leave from work

I have never lived this healthy in my life and im 27 and my fucking dick quits on me twice with 2 different girls. What the actual fuck how is this possible :( I just hope I have cancer or something that at least points out the reason because if this is mental im even more fucked cause mental shit is something you cant fucking fix.

Idk about you but I suggest doing the same things I do to start to make sure your physical and body shit is allright. Because for me my physical and body shit SHOULD be alright with everything I do so its probably mental but still I need to be sure

>Had you run a blood test
Sure thing m8

not him but isn't it normal a psych can get bloodwork done to make sure it isnt a physical issue? I mean you can get all the therapy you want but if you have some other medical issues they wont help you

I was depressed and had ED for while in my early 20s. I'm 40 now and have been healthy and happy with a rock-hard cock ever since.

Don't sweat it, you're gonna make it.

how did u fix it

Meditation, more chilling out (not consuming media), more sleep, and stop worrying overanalyzing too much m8

>stop worrying overanalyzing too much

Easier said than done

Just get some sildenafil (viagra) and pop it before banging a new chick. Works like a charm.

You can still fix it if its mental dumbass.
Get the pills that work, perform a fee times, ween off pills. Boom problem solved

which pills? i dont think i can just buy those myself and popping in viagra at some point during the date is also a bit difficult in reality.. you know with timing and all if you're even gonna fuck her in the first place and without her knowing

Judging by how you look in that pic I'm going to be honest op... I think you're not even up to 300. Quite frankly you almost look girly

In my experience test is literally everything
>tfw 33
>all my friends are skinnyfat or just plaim fat
>even the ones that exercise or lift can't get lean if they drop their weight

I avoid sugars, alcohol, and onions at all cost. Also, minimizing stress and getting good sleep is everything. These things will sap your test.

Also, i know that it's unhealthy, but i swear that i'm the leanest / look the best when i smoke (just a few cigs a day).

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Why would someone who looks like that try to cosplay as an attractive male? Is this yet another example of onions-driven stupidity?

I'm 22 and have 402 yet the d oc said I'm good no need to "supplement" it.
I think he might have said it since my blood resutls were all good and I look fit.

could one night of bad sleep throw off T levels? I remember the night before I was a bit stressed on not resting enough and I woke up mid night, might have had around 7h-8h of shitty sleep.

I would go and take another test but im cutting from 12%-10% for summer so it will be lower, naturally.

Also now a proven test booster

Onions lower test? There is some onion meme around but I thought it raises test
I like onions :(


Test gives you motivation, energy and vitality

But if your a total loser that can\t get what you want it will make you angry and violent

could be an iodine or boron deficiency too

Well since going on trt I no longer have anxiety, actually make gains with out banging my head against the wall, and an over all more positive mindset. So for me trt has been nothing but good. Well except pinning e5d and some pip but it's not too bad.

But I would still tell anyone considering trt, that it's a last resort.

You saw a psych and he prescribed you test?

This is a weird turn of events. I hadn't considered that as a way to end up getting it...

probably meant to say onions

Doesn't make sense what you're saying. If his levels are below that of a "normal man" and then he gets to the level of a "normal man" then yes, things will change, precisely because he was low before and now he isn't.

god the filter is great

it fixes itself when you stop worrying about it.
and with someone you're actually attracted to.

cut a cialis pill into 1/4s and use them for training wheels.
worked for me, rock hard boners no pills now

S O Y*

i wish they would bring back roodypoos and candyasses
I always thought wordfilters were hilarious.

Wordfilters are always fucking hilarious. I don't get why some people hate them.


How can you accept TRT so easily at a young age? Are you on HCG? if not you're never going to have kids.
I'm 25 and have low T but have cycled a few times btw

that hoe sucks only nog knobs

>could one night of bad sleep throw off T levels?
depending on how bad the sleep was the decrease could be up to 50% if memory serves right.

söy gets filtered to onions as of a couple days ago.

Good news for me.
I've never had a good blowjob and she's got fantastic DSLs.

I started icing my balls and sleeping without boxers to see if I can get a test boost. Might start cold showers again as well. Any other suggestions?

I read a study where people were injected with T to the point they had 3x the normal amount, and the gained muscle and had increased strength without any resistance training at all. There's no doubt that T plays a huge role in gains

Shoulda been ripped. It's not funny when a dyel does it

Protip: take vitamin D and zinc supplements, drink a glass of pomegranate juice every day, eat red onions often, and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Depression will lower your T even further

>Just stop being sad bro!

Literally works you pathetic loser.

difference is very subtle, you wont notice a change unless you do extremely high doses

Some docs prescribe low doses of HCG to counteract that

>In my experience test is literally everything

What are you test levels and how do they compare to your friends?

>just stop being sick

That's why he said to meditate

Just say ONIONS

there are natural ways to enhance your t levels. Look in the internet.
-sleep enough, but not too much, in the dark
-do sports, dont overtrain
-take zinc, magnesium
- vitamin d in the winter, but not too much that is dangerous; walking outdoors, hiking will do it in the summer
- and stop fapping and watching ANY porn in the net, it will destroy your desire for a real girl.
- dont even touch your damn dick for boredom
- often meet with friends
- take lecithin granulate
- do morning sports like jogging
- take cold showers

with all that, it should get easier.

and also eat healthy and a lot of fruits and vegetables.