so snoop dog started his journey
do you think he can make it? hes 6’4
So snoop dog started his journey
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He's a piggot, nothing more!
What's the point?
He will end up taking roids anyway
he's a total piece of shit he'll just end up perma bulking and lifting with bad form like that wigger Riff Raff
He looks asian in that pic
Weed smokers have no ambition. He'll never make it.
>mfw Snoop Dogg becomes Scoop Dogg
Imagine lifting with Versace plates
>gets the munches
>eats up all the protein powder
No one ever makes it from skinny fat
He was a drug dealing gangsta and now he's worth fucking millions...
He has his own VC fund...what are you on about?
>do you think he can make it?
i seriously doubt he will without roids, he is fucking 65 years old
Probably has more delts than you do
that 50 yr old at the gym
scoop hogg
snoop dogg is a faggot
He's going to take a picture every day?
Dont underestimate bbc genetics
I hope he drops the bar on his neck
Like it's hot?
Because he killed a childhood friend for fame.
no, he will take the shortcut with roids cuz hes a dindu lazy bastard, who got rich by producing shit tier rap for all the braindead hiphop normie fags
>trying to imitate the vastly superior Dr. Dre
He already looks better than 95% of 50 year old men
Black really doesn’t crack
I remember a vid where he got dna tested. He is like 16 %native american
He is black, he only needs to do a few pull ups a day and in a month or two he is more shredded than 90% fit
Shit, dude might as well get on trt and start doing ghetto workouts and do the occasional curl bro stuff.
explain. im not well versed in nigger culture
blacks statistically are 25x more likely to use crack you retard
He did huh.
So that's how he got famous.
I thought he sold his ass or became the bitch of some jewish/rich gay dude/police bitch or got into "satanism".
Who was the childhood friend?
>the weird Jow Forumsshit in here
fuck off
Snoops loaded, he probably has rippletoe in his home gym feeding him organic GOMAD and making him squat ATG. So yes, if he doesn't get bored he'll make it
You're like a kid, you found a pup, and now you're dapper
But tell me, where the fuck you found an anorexic rapper?
Talkin' 'bout who you gon' squabble with and who you shoot
You're only sixty pounds when you're wet and wearin' boots
Still one of the illest diss tracks ever. RIP Eazy
No way he's 6'4". I met him briefly when I was helping do security for an event at camp pendleton. He was shorter than me, and I'm like 5'11" with boots on.
he'll start juicing within his first 6 months. with that much money and connections there is no way he won't
>complaining about pol
Skeletons always have an easier time making it because eating a lot of food is fucking easy
He's rich as fuck he can just pay someone to hold his hand and make it for him
Max par
Fat guys have it easier, all they need to do is not eat.
Funny that a dude who was the litteral bottom bitch of a lot of well off dudes and was as much of a "gangsta" as dre died of aids. That he got from fucking dudes.
Jow Forums is the most reddit board, it's not even close
>weed makes you have no ambition
>kills friend for fame despite weed being proven to reduce violent tendencies
Trips confirm he was a bitch ass nigga
Just let him jump on HRT and he will be above otter in few months.
starving yourself is mentally more challenging than eating a lot
Hunger is one of the worst mental torture while "being full lol" is how you feel after a good meal
>day 6
Wow 6 whole days memeing with a personal trainer. Cool good job
My only question is how does this guy stay that skinny his entire life? Especially when your lifestyle is just smoking weed literally all day and your job is to just sit around and make rap music? You'd think life would eventually catch up and he'd become a least a little pudgy at some point. I remember having his exact body when I was 16. 6'3" at the time and like maybe 160 lb hungry skeleton, if that even. Then once I hit my 20s just started filling out naturally and hit 6'4" and 205 lbs.
Not true if you were anorexic in the past. I could easily go for days without eating if I didn't force myself. Eating sucks.
Why wouldn't you take pictures of your journey?
He's old and his frame is bad.
He's smokes weed and he's lazy.
He also has a neutral attitude leaning toward negative.
No, I don't think he'll make it.
He'll probably try for a bit, but realize how much effort is needed, (especially at 6'4" and old age) and give up.
He talks real tough for such a twig. Fucking studio gangstas, man.
Are you from Reddit? Black don't crack is a meme.
I think he'll raise the bar for all of us
haha 25 yrs later you still mad
It depends on the person.
I'd rather not eat for weeks, than shovel food in my mouth.
I, personally, don't like food.
I don't find pleasure in it.
I see eating as a chore and a waste of time.
I'd rather never have to eat ever, than have any food I want.