Does your girlfriend ever workout with you anons?

Does your girlfriend ever workout with you anons?

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my what?

>your girlfriend

Nice digits. Also yeah sometimes, it's annoying trying to do the same workout together though so we just ignore each other and do different stuff. Sometimes I join in her meme bodypump classes and that's more of a fun bonding thing.

Nah, she’s lazy as fuck.
I’ve tried to get her to workout with me but she just finds excuses everytime.

Yeah. We just started together. I've been on hiatus for 2-3 years.

Put her on starting strength to get her core going. Then we'll see where to go from there.

More like my bf never works out with me

You know, your girlfriend.

You do have a girlfriend, right?

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my gf doesn't workout with me. she has a group of gym bros that all lift together. She said if I joined it would create an imbalance in how they team up to spot each other, etc.

We go to the gym together but she does whatever else while I do my thing


I just realized something....according to that water bottle....if my figuring is correct.
If I lay my balls on her ass cheeks my dick can reach half way up her back.

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Lol, girlfriend. That's funny.

No, she just complains all the time when I try to get her to lift anything over 20 pounds. She's more suited for jazzercize and yoga.

>Why don't you have a gf
Since when did this become a question people who aren't family asked each other?

I didn't ask that though, user. I assumed he had a gf, since he works out and why workout if you don't have a qt gf waiting to squeeze your muscles at the end of the day?

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Chuckled a bit


No, 'cause I don't have one. But generally, I don't get the whole working out together thing. Shits counterproductive and distracting.

Me on the left

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My wife once joined me and I discovered she...
.didn't take any kind of advice when doing bad form
.never asked the PT for instructions on certain exercises (not weightlifting related)
.used machines endlessly
.wanted to go home after just 55 minutes

Damn, I love lifting alone.

No, but me and my sister do workouts together all the time. She likes thot machines so I join her on cardio least half an hour per session and she joins me for lifting. That way we keep eachother in shape.

I'm trying to meet a girl at the gym, because I really admire the personality traits of someone with self discipline and self-motivation - also the ability to work hard right now for gratification later. Most girls you meet just like to eat junk food, and lay on the couch watching stupid shit all day, spending money they don't have.

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is this what female autism looks like?

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She comes to the gym with me but does her own shit.

Girls can't be autistic

This. Ideally you meet a women who already is into some kind of sport (not included: jogging once a month or having a gym membership but never going there=)

Good good, very good.

ummm excuse me, where do you think you are?

> Jow Forums
> girlfriend
Pick one

>tfw haven't had a single serious relationship in 2 years
>tfw talking to an autistic grill from Jow Forums is the best I got
>tfw I even have feels for her now
End my suffering Jow Forums

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I wish I had a tall gf

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>Jow Forums

how to spot a newfag 101

It's what a qt looks like


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Oh boo hoo for you! Let me dry my tears user, that's such a touching story! No one else could possibly imagine your torment! 2 whole years!? All you've got now is a girl to talk to?! Oh boo hoo for you!

Yes, I even take her with my bros and we form a mega lifting party. In between ladding it up I call my cutesy wutesy over and give her a kissel on the cheekul cause I’m a lovey dovey. It’s how I spend my breaks in between sets, the love test boost is great

>that couple that makes out in between exercises at the gym

I see that often at my gym.
I may be autistic, but if I ever get a gf that lift with me I would want to not do that.

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No need to bully user

>not licking the remnants of your gfs bulls sperm from her lips between sets for extra protein
never gonna make it

I-I'll kiss you though, user. Wouldn't that sound nice. Why don't you wanna kiss me?

we run sometimes together, most of the time its been shite, she cant deal with the fact that i am faster than her because....(I run more often, thats why) she is destined to stay slow, and never improve

You're all sweaty. Get off

You're saying you don't want this sweaty boipusy

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Not him but holy shit fuck off you fucking faggot

Go do your gaypost rp shit somewhere else goddamn

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I'm a homegym fag and she doesn't work out. I wouldn't want to work out with her anyways because the only thing she does at the university gym is cardio and maybe a rowing machine.

I like being in my own mental place when working out. It's relaxing.

>mmm, yum--
>oh shit I'm being filmed
>quick, let's forget how to swallow


One day

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This chick is so beautiful, she's radiating youthfulness and playfulness and needs to suck my dick

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This is what I really miss about having a relationship. Having someone be with you and enjoy your company.
Sex as well, but there's more meaning to relationships aside from sex

>there's a world of people for whom these are just routine interactions


none of it seems real to me. just a fantasy

how autistic are you exactly?

>yellow teeth



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Yeah, she's my spotter and films my heavy sets for form checking. She pulled 175 today, pretty proud of her progress.

i wouldn't say i'm autistic but i think i'm definitely a schizoid

What are you a fag?

Make sure all of those men get full nude post workout body massages and blowjobs from her. They need to maximize their test for gains. She's also going to need to get eaten out and squirt from them as well to maximize her hormone levels. And you shouldn't have sex with her anymore. She should only get orgasm release with those men post workouts only for now on if she wants to ever look better. Those guys can help you out to tell if she's making body progress too. Don't be selfish user. You're a cucked retard if you get jealous. There's nothing you can do.

No just a self-diagnosing autist. It's actually tangible through my screen. You type like a fucking robot.

>is this what female autism looks like?
All women are autistic

I was at my gym and there was this couple working out together. It was a manlet and his gf that was a good 3-4 in taller than him. They did the exact same weight and everything. Kind of cute desu

I won't deny i have some autistic tendencies but as a whole i think i'm closer to the normal part of the spectrum

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I brought my ex to the gym a couple times, didn't work out well.

There are guys at my gym that bring beefed up women with them that either do their own shit, or know enough about fitness to actually be useful to their boyfriends as a real spotter. I've seen a very small select few of couples that can work out together efficiently. And I'm so, so jealous.

If some faggot online can tell just from how you type I'm pretty sure you think you are on the wrong side of the spectrum bud.

I miss doing this. I used to rub my ex's head for hours on end before I broke up with her. I still do it to a lot of girls I spend the night with, some like it, some don't.

I don't understand the girls that don't like it.

your understanding of autisim is just too narrow.

compared to the volume of indicators and symptoms bundled up on the autism spectrum, very few things can be gleaned from my earlier post

>your understanding of autisim is just too narrow.

things an autist would say for 500 jim

>compared to the volume of indicators and symptoms bundled up on the autism spectrum and them some more autistic rambling
this fucking guy is really bad at communication and picking up social cues. Do you also suffer from:
>more intense and frequent loneliness compared to non-autistic peers
Post some more autistic shit so I can make you down for repetitive behavior as well user.

Nah, but she said she would if I'd be down. But I'd take way too long during my lifting, so I just brush it off.

She's supportive of what I do. She will poke fun at me if I eat a huge dinner and have a "food baby", so it's inspiration not to bulk so hard.

I like her a lot. She's a riot and is helping me venture into normie territory after being a reclusive autistic dork for so long. We're both also drug taking, sexual degenerates who go to festivals together.

>pic related, normie as fuck

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again, autism is a spectrum. i won't deny that i'm autistic to an extent, but you guys' estimation is inflated.

autistic shit i do:
don't know how to smile or express emotion in general
have narrow, specific obsessions

non-autistic shit i do:
i can maintain eye contact with people mid-conversation
i can maintain conversations with others (although i don't know how to initiate them)
i'm relatively well-coordinated
and clearly, since i derived all that shit myself, i'm self aware and not oblivious in social situations or elsewhere

outside of carrying a muted expression i'm not bad at communication or picking up on social cues

and sure i suffer from loneliness, but that's mostly a consequence of lacking common interests with others. i also seldom approach people, since i don't know how to initiate conversation and i don't want to waste others time with my morbid, awkward company

if anything, i'd say i suffer because i have too much social awareness

*i have too much self and social awareness


How am i supposed to lift without my right hand ? Nice didgits btw

>start lifting
>girl is a slob who finds that an excuse to eat more pizza
>i refuse
>she packs 5kg in two months while i lose 3 of fat
>dump her
>haven't fucked in over two years except for a single occasion
Never been better. Don't settle for gains goblins, mates. Fucking half-assed girls is not worth it. Do your best and you will earn the best.

>Most girls you meet just like to eat junk food, and lay on the couch watching stupid shit all day, spending money they don't have.
Fucking this. Ironically most gym thots at least treat their only asset with care.

ya we work out alright. in the bedroom if you know what I mean

if my date goes well then yes

>two months while i lose 3kg of fat
Is that supposed to be impressive?

No, i'm just showing the different trend her and i were going into. Stop one-upping everyone, it makes you even less desirable to have around.

This just makes me sad. I will never experience this.

Virgin detected

Working out with your gf is the worst. Absolute gains goblins.
>That's too much weight! Take some off so you don't hurt yourself!
>Can you check my squat form? (Proceeds to do 10 sets with terrible form; ignoring every critique you give)
>Wanna go to BodyFlow(TM) at 6? It's probably harder than what you do
>We can go once I finish my 25 sets of 5 pound triceps kickbacks
>Wow! I think we earned an extra large stuffed crust cheesy cheese pizza and a couple cinna-loaves!

Why does this webm only show like half the girl's face

It's only like that if you're a complete bitch inside and outside of the gym

>tfw no punk gf with black flag tattoos

Sounds like you need to upgrade.

She used to, but I've convinced her to get fat for me.

Sounds like you need to tell to fuck off and go on her cardio equipment while you lift, you fucking pussy.