Hello Jow Forums welcome to Bumstead's Flower Shop! I want to find your perfect flower, and to do this I need your favorite color and favorite flower. So come in and tell me, I'd love to find that one flower!
Hello Jow Forums welcome to Bumstead's Flower Shop! I want to find your perfect flower...
Hi, I'm the real Bumstead. From now on, I will be selling KFC.
Dark red, poisonous nightshade.
I really like your shop, it's pretty on the inside. c:
prove it
I want a flower that looks like a cat
How about a nice cup of Please Kill Yourself instead?
can i get uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh
>MFW someone is taking my name and thread.
It's rude to impersonate. Pls stop.
Theres too many!
Whos the real one?
I'll take a bundle of roses to go with my bloodwine. And no, I'm not a klingon.
Now there's two
I want one of those big flowers that smell like a corpse.
Also some poppies. Opium poppies. Papverum Somniferum. Pls & thx
Here you go! Have a nice day!
Trips. Pls gib flowers. I need my fix
I'll get to these and just a moment folks.
I sorta believe you're the real one. Not sure why.
Like you said in a previous thread wait out the h8rs
The real bumstead would never tell someone to kill themselves 'it's' to nice for that.
I think
Throw his ass out. He's a nigger! He's a nigger! He's a nigger! A nigger, look, there's a nigger!
Fifty years ago we'd have you upside-down with a fucking fork up your ass!
I'm not referring to kys bumstead (XamVgr6N) I'm referring to nice bumstead (rHR6Lm99)
then again maybe that's what you meant
It is
ah, sorry friend. Let's support true bumstead together
can I have some sunflowers while you're at it?
Yes I'm the real one.
Sure thing. When I get home.
Ok I mainly just want to watch those two interact with each other
You're dare tooting.
You dare turn down the scarlet devil?
Here you are.
How is this?
How is this?
Here is the first one.
and the second part.
Wow, you're good at this, and pleasant as well.
Can I get an opium poppy as well? I didn't realize how pretty they are.
Sure in a moment.
Here you are.
Bring me something reminiscent of Easter festivities.
Sure thing but do let this thread die it isn't an official Bumstead flower shop.
How is this?
What's that? The semen slurper wants a bump?
I don't want or do these things.