Weighted calisthenics

How do you add weight to dips and chins without looking autistic? Can you successfully hold a dumbbell in your feet if you don't have someone else to help? Will people look at you weird if you take a dumbbell from the rack across the gym to the pull-up bar? I think my gym has belts eith places to attach weights to a string (not sure) but I don't want people to think I'm a retarded

I finally made it to 5x3 chins and 12x2 dips, would it be beneficial to add weight to them at this point? I can do like 8 or 7 chins in my first set, should I just add weight to them and do sets of 5 or wait until I can do 8x3 then add weight? I'm doing GSLP and I don't do rows.

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Dipping belt

I awkwardly balance a barbel on my feet - it clatters off all the time and makes tons of noise but I’m not compromising on optimal form.

tie a few small plates to your shoelaces

I use a dumbbell between my legs. I do 3 sets of 8 reps. Only because I do one arm pull ups on my heavy day so I use them for volume.

Dip belts, chains, backpacks. It’s not that hard.

Guys I bought a dipping belt and idk how it works I feel like it would fall off easily is there something I'm missing here?

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weighted vest

I just get tissues from the bathroom drench them with water at the water fountain and just shove them in my pockets. Thankfully my shorts are waterproof so I can get at least 30+ wet tissues per pocket without any leakage. I'd guess this adds at least 2/3kg to my pill ups but I've never properly weighed them.

> inb4 ''you're autistic''
> its better than trying to hold a dumbbell between my feet like a fucking retard

An arse.

Guy at my gym uses a chain looped around his belt and through the weight.

This is possibly the most autistic thing I've ever read on this board, and I've lurked here irregularly for 8 years

I just hold a dumbell between my feet, works fine and doesn't fall out

put weights through the chain then clip it into the other side. put it on the floor then put your feet through it and pull it up like putting on a pair of pants. it will point down slightly but won't slip off of you. just make sure it's above your butt and you'll be good to go.

Tbh I do the same thing even though Im not proud to admit it

You got le epic baited xD

Its not a bait you fucken retard

Le epic double bait haha xD

2 Good "Calisthenics" exercises - dip and pullups, yes pullups not your faggotry chinups. Others are garbage,

if you are worried about how you look while you exercise you are already autistic

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Chin-ups are harder than pull-ups tbqh

>yes pullups not your faggotry chinups
t. weak biceps

>you're afraid of spiders
>you want to secretly fuck one

I use a chain and a carbiner for the weight and an old karate belt and a carabiner for me
a db is too hard to keep without getting deconcentrated
start weighted when you can do easy 15 reps

What this guy said but buy a pool noodle and cut to size where it wraps around your back as cushion and wrap with duct tape for grip. God tier and won't break no matter how heavy you go unlike those shitty nylon and leather ones. Also get a carabiner to clip the weights. Look up diy dip belt Ross Fitness for pics.

Found retard who thinks your biceps matter in chinups. They don't.

Shit, RossTraining not Ross fitness

Unclip the hook on the bottom of the pic, loop it through the big metal loop, then loop it through the weight, then attach it back to the belt like the pic

When I see people just straight up looping it through the weight I think they are retarded

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>How do you add weight to dips and chins without looking autistic?
>caring about what others think of you
Never gonna make it

I mean. You take a knee, hook the weight onto the belt and clip it up. then stand up carefully. Not autistic at all.

I do weighted calisthenics
I'm 175 now
>135 weighted dips for 3 reps
>120 weighted chinup 1 rep
I need to take a more recent pic, I', a bit leaner now, that is me at 180
You need a dipping belt
You can do any scheme you want for it, I did 5x5, 3x8, and pyramid.
Been doing it for 1 year and worked out for 2.

Attached: CBT_feb2018.png (208x236, 133K)

also requesting the weighted dip meme pics; I started doing it because of it. (tips fedora)

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Get a dipping belt for $20 on Amazon.

Weighted pull ups and dips are great exercises.

You just loop the chain through the weight, then the opposite loop, then clip it to the loop it started on.

Most chains are too small to do this above 2pl8 but at that point the thing will since down hard enough to not fall off.

Bro thats a nice dip number, i've been stuck at 50kg/110lbs 3x5 on dips for the past few weeks. tips dipman?

linear progession, did 5x5 style adding 2.5 or 5 pounds at first every week. Any exercise is going to be the same, eat more, more muscle.
Start doing face pulls for shoulder health.
Your dip number is pretty impressive as well, I would be stronger if I didn't have leg mass (dead-lift 460).
people in this Weighted-dip competion are insane

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Just use a dumbbell between your legs

are you doing them exclusively? or incorporated i a regular weightlifting program?

You javen't reached bloat mode yet. These belt is only for when you've reached your bloat potential.

can you do 1 arm chins?

incorporated into regular program
not yet, haven't been my goal, going to use the pullup assist machine and progress on one arm chins.

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