What's your opinion on the Black Pill?

What's your opinion on the Black Pill?

Are we truly fucked?

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Things will rebound but not necessarily in our lifetime.

It's just plain old nihilism. Red pillers are more proactive at least but they're still annoying faggots.

Reddit meme, with regard to individuals every case is different.

If redpill is the truth, blackpill is the acceptance of that truth. It is not wisdom, it is giving up.

give me a quick rundown on what it is pls

The redpill is the truth and the blackpill is what comes after this truth
What comes after the blackpill, is up to you
Will you fight for yourself, or will you perish by yourself dying pathetically

>Will you fight for yourself, or will you perish by yourself dying pathetically
I've never seen something so fucking gay in my life. Did you actually think for one second you sounded cool or deep while typing that garbage out?

Seems pretty literal to me.
Tone down your triode

Maybe it was gay, but you still shouldn't take the blackpill

Blackpill is babby-tier nihilism. Most people that swallow the "blackpill" are hyper-paranoid and hide in nihilism because it numbs their fears since they already "know how fucked things are".

I print my own pills. Nobody else is making good pills rn

black pill is activated charcoal. when you take the redpill but shit is too real and you need soemthing to immediately purge it back out so you can take the bluepill instead. thats the black pill. yea?

The Blackpill is the Absolute Truth.
Only by truly being the UEbermensch can you not doom yourself while accepting the black pill.
Basically, if you are Elon Musk, then you can take the black pill, and you might survive because you have the means to fight without compromise against all odds.
Otherwise, stay the fuck away, it will not help you.

I took the black pill a few years ago, but I am no ordinary man, I am literally a superman in every way. That is not even an understatement, and even if it is pure narcissism speaking out of me, then so be it. Because the alternative is pure pitch black nothingness, that will consume you from inside.
The end result will either:
Make you forget, and you will live out your life as an empty shell, having given up on everything you once dreamt of.
Or you will kill yourself.

I sustain myself by pure, unlimited narcissism, I actually believe what I wrote above unironically - because I have to.
I have found a way, how I can actually bring hope to the future, with a 0.0001% chance of success.
If you can't do this, then the black pill will be your end.

If you think what is written here is delusional or chunni, then you don't even know what you don't know.

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Hi Donald, Mr T.

Then there must be more than one of us because that makes two, amazing who you meet here is not it not?

Like others said it is nihilism, giving up, and it follows well to mention Cypher and his craving of steak, even though he can't beat the system.

The black pill is just realizing what we are, and what we will always be. That's it.

Blackpill is facing the harsh truth and giving up. You need new catchy terminology for the uebermensch pill.

Blackpillers just see the truth in reality. Normalshits and women have won and that will not change until long after we are dead. At this point I just take pleasure in bad news and hope that society suffers as much as possible

you're just green/whitepilled in a different way. true blackpill means you've given up all hope whatsoever and are just waiting to die or are going to kill yourself

I refuse to take anyone who bases their philosophical musings on a lazy plot device found in a 90s box office hit seriously.
End of discussion.
Sorting your philosophy into "pills" is childish and proves only that you don't care enough to think about things thoroughly and on your own. You'd rather just take a pill and be done with it. And that is abhorrent.

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Correction: that's akin to negative/pessimistic nihilism.
Nihilism itself is actually a rather ambiguous philosophical device which can be looked at positively or negatively.

>Giving up
The black pill means giving up for those who can't bear it.
The problem with the black pill is that for most people it reveals that they are insignificant in face of the absolute truth.
For example, if you are a college dropout, and then you black pill yourself.
Good Luck with that, you will kill yourself after that, because the ignorance about the insignificance of your life is what kept you going.
If you are an Athlete, then the black pill will absolutely crush you because you will realize that everything you have done is absolutely pointless, you literally archived nothing.

The only people who don't get crushed by the black pill are artists and scientists.
If you can wake up and say to yourself: My work will be done, and even if it amounts to nothing, the fact that there was a moment in time where someone appreciated it, justifies all of existence.
If you can do that, then you won't kill yourself with the black pill.

But most people aren't like that. Most people are just stupid mindless drones. Whats most tragic is that most people who think themselves to be smart or special are also drones. And if you are this, and you someday realize it, then it's over.
From all people I ever met, I am the only one who is this way, I can endure it because there is something only I can do.

For the normal redpill, everyone can just accept it with stoicism. For the Blackpill however, only a select few have the potential to bear it.

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Your post fucking reeks of pic related

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>"Stop being lazy."
>*makes laziest cookie-cutter post of the 21st century*

Oh did you actually think I was gonna take your fedora tier advice

Great comeback. I laughed, I cried. 10/10

It's the true pill, and is probably better for robots to accept than the red pill.
The red pill is just a glorified blue pill now where men act dominant but woman still control them with their pussies and time.

Funny you should say that. I'm just a loser NEET with no marketable skills whatsoever, not particularly smart either. I've almost embraced aburdism and yet I'm still here, by all rights I should've just killed myself by now but I'm still here. I wonder what keeps me going.

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Take the green pill instead.
Life is pointless, but there are advantages to that.

you should take a fuckin handful of pills you faggot

>I've almost embraced absurdism and yet I'm still here
No surprises here.
There is no reason for someone like you to kill yourself.
You didn't lose anything from the black pill, you are probably just vegetating and doing nothing with your time.
What are your hopes or dreams? If you don't have any, then the black pill can't take them away.
People can fundamentally live out their lives in a vegetative state without doing anything, that's not hard

The Brown Pill is superior.

He is righr though. Getting mad at simple memes because le alt lite also happens to like it is classic basedboy meme

New-brainlet-fag here

What is the black pill?

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I view life as a dark hole of suffering and despair where the greatest power is never earned but randomly giving at birth money, iq, power, influence, athleticism, charm the only equaliser is opitunity something I'll never have not that I can't reach a point where opitunity will present itself but I don't want it I just want to live a normal life until I die or immortality becomes a thing otherwise I'll rather to of never of to come into creation but ending it all because of the meaningless or the unrelenting pain, suffering and stupidity I have to deal with was never a option for me
Simply because I fear the unknown
What a coward I am and to all of you who do take that step I applaud you bravery in facing the unknown

Everyone is fucked
Robots are double fucked
Swallowing the black pill makes you triple fucked because being hopeless and negative doesn't help

This is now a black-pill thread:
Women are not human, pic related.

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I at a loss for word at you inability to understand the deeper meaning behind the pill based system especially in today's society

Saya no Uta was a pretty cool read.

>The only people who don't get crushed by the black pill are artists and scientists.
I'm both, can I have two black pills?

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i used to lurk pill places and its people with no life experience trying to figure things out and put everything in a black and white scheme.
like its literally nerds with aspergers buying into some cult.

Oh shut the fuck up.
Nobody wants to hear your pseudo-intellectual drivel.

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>What is the black pill?

The choice to submit to bbc

I feel bad for this poster, they obviously have had very bad experiences with women.

hmmmmmhmmmm, I see....



>the only equalizer is opportunity
Nope, opportunity follows the things you mentioned before.

>The only people who don't get crushed by the black pill are artists and scientists.
I meant to say not NECESSARILY get crushed, so step with care.
I'm also both, but there are many many black pills out there. It's not like you just take 2.
Also, it's not every scientist and not every artist that is saved from it. Name an example of your work or your plans for future work if you want a discussion about it.

This is literally a thread devoted to my pseudo-intellectual drivel, OP asked and I answered. Kill yourself

>My work will be done, and even if it amounts to nothing, the fact that there was a moment in time where someone appreciated it,
And the two professions you choose are scientists and artists? Lmao. Seriously, if you think those are the only two professions where you can derive pleasure from where someone appreciates your effort. Holy fuck are you blind?
So your personal black pilled ideology, you are truly black pilled if you help society in some form. What in the fuck are you even spouting?
Somehow an athlete achieved nothing, but some failed faggot artists making shitty clipart on the internet for bitcoin is somehow on some higher level.

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>hurr durr I'm so goddamn special
>only I can handle knowing my life is insignificant
That's common fucking knowladge, not some massive revelation. You sound like a 14 year old who thinks he's the smartest person in the world, kys.

I have to disagree with you in life I fine there are three things need to succeeded and be a truely successful person one of these thing is not enough to achieve anything and two will only get you so far skill, effort and the most powerfully of all opportunity (luck is also covered by opportunity ) but that a whole different thing the point I'm trying to make here is that opportunity is blind anyone can suddenly become successful due to opportunity and nobody can do anything without it win a million dollars or get a job at a cafe if opportunity on you side than skill and effort don't matter

Well, I like to combine science and art and currently I am sculpting 3D models of pollen grains. I will print them out for my lab to use as both educational tools and funky decorations. I don't mind much if my work matters or not, I just want to do stuff I find interesting and make the people around me happy. It's hard to care about long-term impact when you think about how few people are remembered and how temporary humans and especially my current culture are. So for now, pollen is cool and sculpting is fun and I can produce a product I'm happy with and that's enough for me.

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You are a inspiration

>Seriously, if you think those are the only two professions where you can derive pleasure from where someone appreciates your effort.
He didn't say that though. He said those are the only cases where you actually achieve something. Granted he is wrong, but someone appreciating your effort=/=actually achieving something

It's actually not lol. Most people think their life is meaningful in some way.

Just look the sentence right after that.
>If you can wake up and say to yourself: My work will be done, and even if it amounts to nothing, the fact that there was a moment in time where someone appreciated it, justifies all of existence.

That's why I said that. He seems like he does in-fact mean appreciation = achieving something

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This is an enlightened outlook on life. Realising how meaningless your life is and still being happy and at peace.

This is redpill

This is black pill

>some failed faggot artists
Nope, I said, the only people who potentially every qualify for this are artists and scientists, not EVERY artist and scientist, only the very best and most influential. People who truly create something of value.
Just helping society is not enough, if you help 1000 children in Africa, then you are still insignificant, I'm talking about something really really important.
Someone who creates shitty clipart on the internet for bitcoin, will kill himself the next day if he witnesses the blackpill

>only I can handle knowing my life is insignificant
Hahahahahaha, no, I said the opposite: Of all people, only my life, and a few others are maybe significant. But not yours. Definitely not yours, I at least still have a chance.

If you are the best person for the job, the people will get you for the job.
If you are the best businessman, banks will give you a cheap loan.
Sure you can win the lottery, but that's not what I'm talking about.

That's not enough to withstand the fury of the black pill, you better stay away.

I want to correct that, this sentence was badly formulated. I mean achievement NOT appreciation, appreciation is irrelevant unless it is part of the achievement.

Ha why not sculpt a dick you faggot

>Hahahahahaha, no, I said the opposite: Of all people, only my life, and a few others are maybe significant. But not yours. Definitely not yours, I at least still have a chance.
Which is an even more retarded statement.
You post on Jow Forums, you have no worth.

Even if there are less than 100million of us left worldwide, I will never surrender. There is no point in living if there is no place for me. I will fight to last man. I'm too wrathful to be blackpilled.

You're right, i misread. It seems like the guy got lost a bit in his conjecture. It seemed initially like he was saying those are the only two professions that are meaningful and subsequently the only two types of people who can know their life is meaningful when being aware of the blackpill, and that those who are neither would have to find contentment in the fact that someone appreciated their work at some point, which would make him somewhat correct.

>appreciation is irrelevant unless it is part of the achievement.

I'm sure that's how Hitler felt too.

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What would you consider a scientist? Are mathematicians and engineers in your personal definition?

>people who truly create something of value.

How do you weigh value? The amount of people who will appreciate it? Like as an artist you write a work of art. Then promptly hide it away. Is it worth a thing if no one was there to appreciate it?

Haha the best will get the job don't make me laugh you understanding of society seem lacking I don't know who you are or what you do but I feel you haven't had enough hardships in your life it seem you don't have enough experience with the real world and the real side of people or maybe you do but your imprinting you own hope of society on what it really is covering the blemishes like a dead body in the casket

>You post on Jow Forums, you have no worth
This is the retarded statement.

I thought about putting engineers in their own category, but I mean all people who create something of intrinsic value, when I say, artists and scientists.
I would argue that just creating something for the sake of itself is not enough because it is also not important. But that is something that CAN shield you from nihilism.

What truly is of value would be something, that remedies all of existence, to be honest, the only thing I can think of that truly fits this category is AI, my field.
This is why I can believe in myself because it is something that is so powerful that it might just be the solution that is otherwise invisible.
Everything else is futile.
It won't work for sure, it might be our doom.
But it's a chance. The possibility exists. And that is why I can go on with the full black pill - because I have true absolute hope.

Ok, let me correct myself:
The best AT GETTING THE JOB will get the job with the highest probability.

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When you put it that way it's hard to disputes after all effort dose play into my three keys of success but there are many opportunities in life that effort can't effect let me tell you a story of a friend he's really good at basketball and I mean really good never misses a shot and he's got the dribbling skills of a all star and his dream job is to be a pro basketballer but he will never be a pro baller because he's nowhere near the opportunity he lives in a small town that doesn't even have a basketball club and he's just one of many who has no access to opportunity so will never succeed at what he was born to if Albert never escaped Germany do you think he would of killed himself I believe the bomb would of dropped ever way if newton was never taught to read do you think we wouldn't have the three laws of gravity if Washington was poor would electricity not exist

I haven't been on r9k a while. Is Eggman still around?

Holy fuck user I don't think any one that's truly black pilled could have the superiority complex you have.
I've read all your post and would like to let the other anons know that this user is a certified coper covering as a pseudo intellectual.

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So if I understand correctly, the blackpill is having a goal you believe is significant and fully setting your mind to it?

That doesn't make sense, a normal person would never kill themselves over a blackpill because it simply isn't there for them. Sure, they can have an existential crisis when they think about how insignificant their achievements are, but that happens everyday and most people who go through that don't kill themselves.

I'm happy for you that you found something you believe in and are motivated to create something of signifance, but you're still but a man.
Don't compare you and people like Elon Musk to people like Euler or Von Neumann, they're on another level.

The black pills it's just a shitty meme to trigger Jow Forums that's why everyone make threads of this shit

That just makes me want to shill the black pill harder, traditionalist can eat my ass.



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"We are raised to fall in love with women that don't really exist" is one that I can't get out of my head. Really goes hand in hand with what was saying.

Red pill is truth, black pill is acceptance.
If you're black piled you might even not care about the truth anymore because knowing it you have become indifferent towards it and actively use it to your advantage without concern for others.

chad + sperm banks

the phrase "red pill" got overused so someone had to find a more hardcore/extreme term

We were born into a pocket of time where we have fantastic inventions, but we are socially scrutinized on the basis of gender and other affiliations.

And now black pill is overused.

the black pill is the fact that AI can replace 100% of men. after AI creates PERFECT humans we can create ARTIFICIAL WOMBS. then we wont need women. huge 10/10 shemale orgies on mars. the race war...is litteraly a race..your racing another white shemale to see who cums first....GOD CUMS FIRST. . go look at a 10/10...really...who tf can compete with that? it makes sports / aggression seem retarted af. the blac pill...

Black pill is retarded since its basically all about complacency with your only action being some aimless spree killing and whining on internet forums. If you want to not be a normalfag at least pick a good pill like the red pill or iron pill

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You are accepting the most faggotty pill known as the pink pill. Neck yourself.

>What's your opinion on the Black Pill?
Well, since you ask for my opinion, I suppose black pill works differently from what people tend to imagine. Some say its just hate, nihilism, often adding up philosophers because of inner insecurities that are always present in everybody.
From my personal experience, its more akin to neutrality. You cant care, you just cant. You yourself downgrade the importance of your ego/personality and become something less individualistic, less afraid to fail because you already realize that on the scales you are quite redundant. Its kinda akin to freedom, freedom from desires, freedom from insecurities, even freedom from your ego/personality. I cant say it feels great, it doesnt have any feel associated with it. Balance between your mind and Void, perfectly logical unison where everything is so reasonable.
>Are we truly fucked?
This is a request for very personified definition, which I lack of. But from view of average human of the first world, yes.