Can we get a 56% thread?

Can we get a 56% thread?

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This is now a 47 thread

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Wtf I thought Israeli women were supposed to be 10/10!

I love how a mere picture of some cute kids is enough to trigger half of Jow Forums God you guys are pathetic.

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Holy shit these are worse than brown brazilian kids

You’re the only one triggered here. I’m laughing at these ugly mutts

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Hideous, kill them with fire

Just a meme

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living in Canada is already shit.

I don't want to add America's problems onto my life. NO MORE DISGUSTING AMERICANS.

*rocks back and forth*


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Shit to be them. lol

>1,1% scandinavian

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racist prick. you're just jealous because you don't have a family of your own.

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56 perc.,...

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Oh come on, the jews are protecting the internet, with retards?

That baby's fucked - too white to be accepted by the black community and too gifted with mutant features to be accepted by people.

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>Click here

bretty sure they're illegal desu

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Viking rape

So - he's been married before or that's her cousin

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Mullato, next step is quadroon.

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La atrocidad...

75% La Creatura here. Race mixers need to be tried for crimes against humanity and tortured until death.

>soy cuck


We shall see how they look by the next generation. They should quadroon out nicely.

nothing wrong here

>1 post by this id

Different tribes of effectively the same people.

pls be shopped

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Your "canada" has worse.

They look as black as their mother, who is almost certainly not even fully black.

are those things actually allowed to carry a weapon?

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Viking wank off made it ashore and hatched.

this. im a atrocidad victim of race mixing, too. where are my reperations??

her tat has "Daddy" at the bottom of it there.

The child in the center, that one should proceed nicely to the next stage. The one on the right might require an extra generation. We shall have to see how she proceeds to having quadroons.

The right and left kids look okay, but the one in the middle is awful.


The answer is yes. When are you coming to visit us?


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>tfw pure breed bronze-skin indio

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That one should get the ivory fever and go directly after white men. We shall see how that one develops, the skin shout lighten up over time.

LE 95 and le 85 faces

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my senpai

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>happy families triggering stormweenies

Reminder that the kids being 'mocked' in this thread will accomplish and contribute more to society than the average retarded white nationalist poltard keyboard warrior

Stormniggers ITT literally have nothing else going on for themselves other than 'muh whiteness' that's why you harp on incessantly about 'muh purity' and 'muh race'

Truth is, the white losers you see here raving about muh shitskins and muh commies are vastly comprised of confused byproducts of modern society, children of single moms/dads who had a rough time and developed a ridiculous memetic desire to strike down anything that remotely deviates from the definition of conservatism you've conjured up out of nazi shit and memes

Believe me, these kids aren't the problem, they'll be raised by their two parents and become normal, well adjusted people who contribute to society

Meanwhile you will continue to shitpost angrily about muh shitskins and muh jews in a decade

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What exactly is wrong with people?

Lmao, its cool im sure he won't identify as black. He wont take the easy path of vicitimhood and he will hold his head up high. Yeah, im sure of that.

Every yank who post's their stats if more British than me, dafuq?

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who is the 95?

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nice eyes

Unless you made it out of the jungle you have spaniard rape baby DNA.

They should proceed into quadranation wonderfuly.

What are they?

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down the drain go the good genes

>not one proper salute


Do they look less?

That ones off spring will probably need an extra generation. We shall see though.

no lol XDDD gtfo muttican

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I haven't taken one but am almost certainly more British than you.

Mutt mad someone else is purebreed

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If you see a jiren indio in this thread recount the words "Shoo shoo jiren poster" to scare him away

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>that 0.1%

they do that on purpose to fuck with people btw and they admit to it

She shouldn't strike that baby just because the realization kicked in

There are pure Indians to this day that still don't speak Spanish or have Spanish names.

dragonball had a mexican character and it wasn't jiren

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Holy shit, that thing looks like a full grown spic driving a van to the job site already. Literally the ugly, brown, black bushey face of an adult spic TERRIBLE.

appears to be spring or summer, tanning will occur.

It simple, Blacks will go extinct, there is no avoiding it. Their females specifically perfer white males, probably because we don't ooga booga.

those kids are only 1/4 korean. i bet kate was hoping they would have blue eyes and blonde hair since jon has greyish eyes and she's a blonde. no wonder she's such an asshole to them.

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looks like some creatures he pulled up out of the ground

There are more Africans in the world than any other race by far.

no, they pass as white americans

i am going to guess the girl is the 85

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They are quads.

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is he gonna have the phsyical strength of nigger and brain capabilities of the white man? or he gonna get white man physical strength and nigger brain capabilities?

That kid somehow looks jewish.

esto es el fin, el tejano

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Genetically I’m more British than you. More white too.

Whenever I see someone with this shaped nose I get pissed off