Every male in my family before him before 60. Give me one good reason I should waste the time I have left eating brown rice and grilled chicken breast.
My dad just died at 49
>Give me one good reason I should waste the time I have left eating brown rice and grilled chicken breast.
You'll probably make it to 60 if you do.
Where do they die from? Heart attack?
Mostly cancer.
Live your life as well as possible. Strive for mental and physical health. Stay in shape like your life depends on it (because depending on your genetics, there's a chance it might) and if you're definitely gonna die early, make sure you fit in a normal coffin, not an XXXL one.
Are all males in your family unhealthy as fuck and obese or something?
Just be yourself.
Same here from brain strokes, it actually motivates me, I have less time, so I have to go at it harder.
I'm in the same boat. Males on both sides dies of cancer around 60. Don't dwell on that shit though, it'll ruin you.
If I've only got 29 years left then so be it, no need to waste what you've got left and turn into a depressed slob.
Nope. All average weight for their respective times and moderate drinkers / smokers.
What kind of cancer?
>growth hormone livestock bullshit
Stay away from it and Work out.
drinking too much water can also increase your cancer rate lmfao
Well sorry to hear that man. I think the best thing to do would just try to be healthy as fuck and try to outlive everyone else. Don't give in and start binging on junk food. You'll live a happier and more enjoyable life being healthy anyway. That doesn't mean you have to torture yourself with bland food everyday. Get good at cooking.
I've also heard that if you stop drinking water you are guaranteed to never get cancer for the rest of your life.
Ass cancer.
Mostly testicular.
Testicular cancer that eventually spreads to the ass
haha ebin user you're so funnayy
>moderate smokers
Oh no no no
Most moderate smokers live past their 50s and 60s. I guess smoking affects some people worse than others though.
Wow you've just discovered that people die. I'm sure that living in the modern age where this basic fact of life is pushed to one side because we just ignore old people must have made this a shock to you, but I'm afraid you're just going to have to stop being a little bitch.
Boo fucking hoo you'll die one day. Get a grip.
Eat apricot kernels OP
How do you die from testicular cancer? Just chop the balls off lmao
Leading a healthy lifestyle will improve your quality of life no matter how old you are period.
That doesn't mean you can only eat steamed veggies or some shit, but why would you want to eat crappy fast food in the first place?
Do what you wanna do OP, you only owe it to yourself to live the life you want.
If you wanna take drugs, smoke, booze and eat burgers all day, knock yourself out, but I don't see how that's a life worth living.
I prefer to die than chop my fucking balls off
Most testicular cancers are rectal in nature
gee I wonder where that cancer came from
Nice meme. Fucking everything, and i mean EVERYTHING, is genetically modified. The progress boost of this world literally owes it to GMO. Stop spreading mom science.
>Tfw unable to genetically modify myself to be a bigger man
I'm talking 10 a day max.
what did he mean by this?
>Dad is almost total wreck at 61
>smoked for 20 years
>did 420 in his youth
>did cocaine when he was young
>did get drunk every weekend with his brother and friends
>worked as construction worker
>complains that he isn't "fit" anymore and can't walk 200 meters without having taken a seat
That’s ten more than you need
70 more than you need per week
3640 more than you need per year
>tobbacucks will defend this
Average for what country?
Moderate compared to what?
You can rebuild him
He had 3 heart attacks and is still alive.
But yeah he is lifting again.
Mexico ;^)
Perfectly healthy and average 300lbs male here btw
We have the technology.
Tell him to walk 201 meters without sitting. Then 202 the next day,etc.
That's half a pack every day.
Definitely on the heavier side.
Do you smoke yourself?
If so, then you need to shut up about your mortality, cause that's not unfair at all, you are doing this to yourself.
If your male relatives all had the "why even bother, I'll just smoke and eat fast food every day" mindset, then it REALLY is no wonder they died young.
>moderate smokers
My Gramps made it to 54, dad 59. Heavy German ancestry, both heart attacks. They were drinkers and both smokers. I see they died of cancer for you, but cancer and shit can be prevented if you eat properly, eating antioxidant foods have cancer preventing properties, but must be eaten for years and consistently.
Things can be fixed and changed, you can break the cycle. Exercise, EAT RIGHT and you may increase life span. Also eating healthier means feeling better, and not taking the worst shits of your life.
Sure I'm gaining muscle and mental effects that are awesome, but my favorite thing about the whole eat right and exercise is the shits I take. So much better.
As if lifting is gonna fix that.
He needs to run or swim or at least take long walks.
We can make him better than he was.
Shitty man. My Dad's currently playing 'Collect'em All!' With cancers. Lukemia, bone cancer, prostate cancer. He good tho
They were pretty heavy smokers Mysterious indeed.
Better, stronger, faster.
Holy fuck nigger moderate smoking is just not much healthier than heavy smoking.
Don't smoke
Don't drink
Stay out of the sun
Have healthy eating habits
Et voila monseigneur here is the magic recipe for living long and healthy. Unless you get unlucky and get asscancer.
PS. Dying from testicular cancer is super lame. It is easily treatable and has a 5 year survival rate of 99.8%. Only retards die from TC.
My grandpa made it to 96.
My grandma is 100 and still kickin.
Dad & mom are in their 70s.
I eat better and exercise more than all of them combined.
I will get to 150 or die trying.
>Average weight for their respective times
Mate if you're American this is exactly the problem
My neighbor in rural Germany lived through both world wars.
Her secret? One half liter of beer every day. She called it her life elixir.
>moderate drinkers / smokers.
So, not alcoholics or pack-a-day smokers, just in-between a casual drinker and alcoholic and almost a pack-a-day smokers. Moderate and moderation are two separate things. I'm sorry your dad died, and I'm not gonna say he did it to himself, but he certainly didn't help any. Don't be like that. Eat your chicken, eat your vegetables, exercise hard, rest well, limit your drinking to every couple of weeks, never smoke cigarettes, and live.
>moderate smokers
Lmao there is no such thing
Maybe Im just sensitive to how my body feels but for me living healthy or unhealthy affects me on a daily basis.
If I eat like shit, skip workouts, and have a cigarette I just feel like garbage. Low energy, headaches, stomach issues etc.
People always pretend that, living healthy is solely for future purposes, living longer, not getting health issues when you get older. But its not, living healthy affects your daily life.
If I would not have much time left on earth I would rather feel good and energetic so I can have some great experiences in the time I have left.
They may not have been fat, but they probably had pretty shitty diets, and very little exercise. If they happened to keep portions under control, it's very possible. My dad had a heart attack at 50 and he wasn't noticeably fat.
Look, not to be harsh, but their deaths were probably quite preventable. Now, you can do the immature thing and act like a thoughtless hedonist and be dead by 50 too, or you could eat healthy, exercise right, limit drinking, and avoid drugs. Doing so will increase your survival chances greatly.
>You'll probably make it to 60 if you do.
The behavior affects health meme really needs to stop.
>he decided to live forever or die trying
>Catch 22