How the fuck am I supposed to obtain this? Is this entirely genetic acquirement or everyone can develop them?

How the fuck am I supposed to obtain this? Is this entirely genetic acquirement or everyone can develop them?

Attached: img-adonis-belt-training-904.jpg (843x474, 55K)

Low bodyfat, oblique work, and a bunch of cardio preferably HIIT

leg raises on a pull-up bar, flutter kicks, etc

Learn The L- Sit

BS no amount oblique work or other meme crap will give you this. at least 15% bodyfat and not nigger tier genetics.

don't do any meme workout to hit that muscle specifically, yes it's genetic

try lifting weights

>be a lanklet
>don’t work out at all
>eat whatever the fuck I feel like eating
>have had an Adonis belt my whole life

Yeah it's genetic. I have that even when I'm bulking.

>and not nigger tier genetics.
But niggers have the best genetics

>He fell for the compunds are all you need meme

An hero

Dont be a fat fuck and pray to God your ancestors are like somekind of Aryans who have ubermensch genetics

I'm fat as fuck and have a better one than you nigger fucks. Get mogged

Attached: IMG_20180408_135339.jpg (2304x1223, 315K)

Too bad it just makes your fat disgusting belly stand out even more. Don't ever post on this board again

If you;re not larping you look soft and terrible LOL

the freckles/moles ruin it all for you unfortunately

lol this dude thinks he's hot shit. looks like he's been to the gym once a week for a month, after living a sedentary life sitting in front of a computer screen playing vidya.

hanging leg raises worked great for me. i started doing them a few weeks back and i've already seen noticable changes. i'm dyel as fuck, so if you're a fat cunt they probably won't do shit for you

Genetics. I have it when I'm at like 22% body fat.

Attached: MeAdonis2.jpg (1242x1467, 255K)

That's a fat pouch

that is like 16% but okay

I wasn't claiming that was 22. Also that is much lower than 16.

Dude has veins on his oblique/serratus and you think he is 16 lol.

do you do gay porn you look like you do gay porn

1. You can build an adonis belt

2. There are people who developed it when they were young and thus can have it when they are fat. This is what creates the myth that its genetics

3. If you are fat , and lose weight , and have no adonis belt. Do alot of ab work.

No, but thanks?

Reverse Overhead Deadlifts

you should consider it

Wife might get upset.