Listen Jow Forums, we all know gains mean nothing without a good face...

Listen Jow Forums, we all know gains mean nothing without a good face. I just went out and bought a fuckload of whitening products for my teeth. I'm heavily insecure about their color and I'm sick of it. I now have
>1 packet of Oral-B whitestrips
>1 packet of Oral-B whitening toothpaste (hydrogen peroxide in the whitening paste)
>1 packet of charcoal toothpaste
>1 bottle of straight hydrogen peroxide (to mix into a paste with bi-carb soda)

Am I missing anything? Besides avoiding coffee and soda. Is there anyway I should tackle this, which one should I do first (or all at once?)

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Thanks man. I already have floss and I'm planning on flossing bi-weekly. I know it's not everyday, but it's a lot better than never.

how is this retarted?

i read somehwere that flossing doesn't acutally do anything

my dentist told me those products will fuck your teeth

enjoying burning off all your enamel, retard

Colgate literally has charcoal toothpaste and also has bicarb/hydrogen peroxide as a DIY whitening solution up on their website. If done correctly, how is this retarted?

Dentist here

Don't do the charcoal you fucking moron. It's abrasive, meaning it will hurt your enamel.

White strips or whitening gels are safe and effective. Anyone telling you that those are dangerous are uneducated.

You can pay a dentist like $30 to do it for you.

I get chunks of meat out every time I floss, even if it's after brushing my teeth. I doubt that food was going to come out on its own.

It's not activated charcoal. It's charcoal toothpaste, it came with a soft bristle toothbrush and is to be used non-abrasively, surely this is ok?

Flossing will at least get rid of any food trapped between your teeth

>I'm planning on flossing bi-weekly.

Flossing takes like 20 seconds. If you don't have the will power to floss every day, how can you expect to make it?

Flossing is more important than brushing.


um, try $800

>i read somehwere that flossing doesn't acutally do anything

You know how the dentist can tell whether someone or not has been flossing? There's a reason for that.

Surely flossing does less than literally putting toothpaste on your teeth and cleaning the majority of the teeth's surface.

have legit model looks aside from having Seborrheic dermatitis, so my face is always in some state of redness and flakiness. it's incurable btw. really kills my complexion. yeah there are worse things in life but for one day it would be nice to have clear skin because even with i still turn heads especially from a distance where it's not so noticeable :/ guess life had to have its joke

Um, no. Try actually asking a dentist rather than just googling it.

My fuck buddy is a dentist, we've both agreed that if one of us stopped shaving we'll immediately stop fucking each other.
Floss motherfucker, once you realize how much shit is in there you will feel ashamed if you didn't.

I think any professional solution will cost thrice the amount that any home solution costs, minimum

>~25 dollars in europoorian country

>tfw been using charcoal toothpaste
>it's literally the only thing that's ever gotten my teeth white
>now I'm told it kills your teeth

not fair

and yeah shaving also works in this context.

just go to a pro whitening doctor, these products will barely whiten ur teeth and are mainly used to maintain your whiteness after the appointment, well if u are using peroxide i would advise against it as it kills your gums and makes them recede.

I'm going to refrain from letting any peroxide near my gums, ofcourse it won't be perfect, but i'll minimize it

Perfectly white teeth make you look off-putting and weird. Source: any orthodontist or implant sculptor. And your dentist.

There is literally a teeth whitening clinic at my dentist office that will do it in 20 minutes for $50. You have it done twice a year.

Can't wait till I go back to thailand to get the best whitening available for £100. Saw it last time. It must cost like £600 in the uk

I look at people's teeth for a living, guy.

Surely, you need to fucking floss AT LEAST twice a day.
>he thinks toothpaste is anything except primarily a cavity deterrent

Here's the full dentist run down. I am a dentist. I own my own practice.

Whitening at a clinic is more than $30 but much less than $800. I have never sold a treatment close to $800. That person who made that post is dumb.

Whitening by yourself is a viable solution. White strips are fine. Whiting gels are fine. They will not kill your teeth. Pain is temporary. Try not to get it on your gums, but it's not the end of the world of you do.

Don't use charcoal or other abrasive "whitening" toothpastes you dumb shit.

We use jewish tricks to make you believe your teeth are whiter than they are after our treatments. That UV light bullshit temporarily makes your teeth appear whiter in conjuntion with peroxide treatment for like two days. I primarily sell my service to aging women.

If you aren't flossing at least twice a day then you deserve bad things to happen to you.

Buy a tongue scraper to fight bad breath.
Many bad breath scenarios are caused by tonsil stone infections. The best treatment is to go to an ENT and remove them if you are an adult.

all of life is a joke
you can't get the joke unless you've lived

Careful, going too hard on whitening can fuck with the enamel and protective shit on your teeth.

Coffee and smoking can stain teeth that's about all I know, don't go too hard at first. Maybe consult your dentist for advice.

U gay or is it a girl
She cute?
I have a hard on for dentists

try oil pulling brther

Be careful with all of those whitening products.

I used a 14 day 1hour a day strips and it made my teeth suuper sensitive and was painful.

I've used these Oral-B strips before, they made my teeth sensitive but it went away.

Don't floss everyday it can damage your gums

Thanks for you advice, I appreciate it.
But if charcoal toothpaste is bad, why does Colgate sell it?

>flossing twice a day

I heard more than x1 a day is bad for your gums? help me dentistman

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Its bot bad for your gums unluss you use it in a brutal way, pushing it hard against the gum
Just floss to get the food out, dont use more force than necessary

Oh yeah well I read somewhere that flossing is even more important than brushing

In either case I need to go to the dentist and I started flossing more so my gums don't hurt and bleed when they do it.

My dentist quoted $600

Bro, smell your floss after doing it. Its fucking rotten, horrible
Anyway, in less than a week your gums will stop bleedind and the bad smell will go away

Oh no I'm completely aware. Flossing does magic on the breath after persisting for a few days. I have this one molar that is slightly obscured by gums, never fully came out, and only recently was I able to force a floss under and behind it. It smells like putrid death every time. Yet I can't stop smelling it every time. It's like I know it's going to smell horrid but I almost look forward to it.

At least my gums stopped bleeding now. Flossing actually feels relieving now, like my gums have this "itch" to be flossed now.

Teeth alway look like the top row. Will the charcoal give me pearly whites or is it just a scam.

A few years back, the USDA or whatever revoked their flossing recommendations because there wasn't enough supporting evidence for them, by their own internal regulations, to make the recommendation to floss. All this meant is that not enough studies had been performed to verify that it was a good thing to do, not that they decided it wasn't a good thing to do. That's bureaucracy, plain and simple.

All the major news outlets said THE USDA SAYS THERE'S NO BENEFITS TO FLOSSING.

Flossing is good, user.

>... can tell whether someone or not has been flossing?

holy fuck man, stay in school

>I know it's going to smell horrid but I almost look forward to it
I do that with my farts kek

mostly a scam.
A deep cleaning can help whiten teeth.
Some things will partially whiten teeth, but the amount of time spent on it will be for very minimal difference.
Once tooth damage is done there is no way to fix it and often tooth damage from enamel is what causes yellowing.
Actually dirty teeth, nasty coffee teeth eventually become like the middle.

>people have literally been living for Millenia without flossing

Flossing does fuckall despite what dentists tell you
The shit that gets caught up between your teeth and up into your gums work their way out eventually anyway

>all dentists drink coffee
>they all have great teeth

I read somewhere that my fucking dentist noticed that the gums were in bad shape and recommended me to floss. I'll take that over "reading something somewhere"

If you get your teeth whitened all you gotta do is fucking brush religiously and not eat shit that will fuck your teeth every day after and you won't have any problems
t. has had lots of experience with keeping teeth white over the years due to carelessness and falling off the wagon multiple times

Your gums won't be bad if you fucking brush them(the closest to the base of your teeth you can get when brushing
Religious brushing and Listerine has proven to keep your mouth in great shape
Flossing is more of a placebo than anything, otherwise people would have fucked teeth years before they died pretty much since all of human history prior to the 50's
Just like with everything fucking else your body takes care of itself

Dude are you fucking retarded?
Coffee teeth refers to anyone who drinks coffee, tea, smokes, anything that heavily stains your teeth and you don't brush your teeth regularly.
Your teeth turn cheese yellow or brown.

Normal human tooth color is the top one.

You're also comparing a dentist, who gets full dental work for free at their own practician and can pay minimal for the absolute best modifications to their teeth to us people who have to pay 3k dollars for a fucking veneer.

God damn autistic fuck.

white teeth does so little to overall aesthetic face its not even worth it

rip ops enamel

I have excellent teeth, and I have brushed once daily in the AM for my entire life. Every time I have gone to the dentist they tell me "good job on the flossing user, keep it up", but I don't ever floss. I have been to the dentist twice in the last ten years (about 5yrs apart each visit), both times were different dentists than the one I saw when I was younger, and both made the same comments about flossing.

Oh hey big Lenny what's up

go get them laser whitened.

>how is this retarded
Because you won’t do it correctly

Yeah gum disease is serious. Plus your gum health overall is important. I even heard that flossing is more important than brushing.

charcoal toothpaste does fuck all. i tried using it for a month and it made no difference. i also use whitening toothpaste. it also does nothing. i drink coffee once a month, if that, and drink no other sugary bullshit. i brush, floss, and mouthwash twice a day. it's not poor dental hygiene on my part -- some people just have off-white teeth that are slightly yellow. it's sometimes genetic and sometimes the result of damage to your enamel.

Guys get the flouride treatment at the dentist. If you think it's some mind control Alex Jones shit kill yourself because if it were true you'd probably fucking listen to your dentist and not have to be told to floss/brush every time you go.

Why do you live in a house/apartment and not a moldy cave? Why do you wear clothes? Why do you own a car? Why do you use a phone? People have survived for millenia without these so clearly they're useless and only promoted by shills

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People have been foraging food for millenia and had a huge variety in their everyday diet. Tooth and gum problems didn't exist until we started farming and especially started eating refined sugars.

Steroid creams are a bless, get ur gp to describe u some. Only use when it gets really bad, it'll help manage it.

For scalp I use some ketaconazole shampoo, works amazing

The surface of the tooth literally needs the least attention. Gum health is where it's at. Without flossing, you're letting shit sit there in the crevices of your teeth, up against the gums, and that is what makes a nice little bacteria breeding ground, leading to plaque build up and possible gum decay.

Think of plants -- it's all about the roots, not the branches and leaves.

Flouride at the dentist isn't so much the issue, but the Alex Jones-tier concern is when it's added to everyday drinking water and you are consuming it 24/7.

What will be, will be, user

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Dude your teeth are going to be destroyed if you do this daily in a couple of years.

Whitening is degenerate and should only be done in special occasions like a wedding or movie.

teeth on the top are healthier desu

have you ever tried oil pulling? i use coconut oil and swish it around in my mouth for 10 minutes. my breath smells like coconut after too which is cool i guess

Honestly so true. When someone has perfectly white teeth, it looks unnatural. As long as your teeth aren't yellowed, they'll look great.

Wanna know what it really is? People who floss are also the same people who brush more often. So when they compare sample groups between who flosses and who doesn't at dentists offices of course the ones who "don't floss" (read: don't brush) are going to have worse teeth, gums, etc.

Statistics also show this to be true. But, you should prob floss once a week or something anyways. I always get popcorn stuck between my teeth.

My dentist always tells me its far more effective to brush 3 times a day over mouthwashing, flossing, brushing and whitening once a day.

Jesus Christ I hope no one believes this horse shit. Do yourself a favor user, give yourself a good flossing right now. Make sure you get the very back teeth. You see that greyish yellow shit that comes out? Smell it. Give it a good fuckin whiff.
Then realize that every time you breathe, your breath is being filtered through that shit.
Flossing is literally the most important thing you can do to have breath that doesn't smell like feces.

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No, brushing your tongue is doofus.