Why did you start getting fit?

Why did you start getting fit?
Surely it wasnt to pick up girls

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I was bored. Now I'm bored with bigger arms.

Because I'm weak

It was to keep from killing my first wife.

Most guys on this board are barely out of high school, user. Of course they’re working out to get girls.

Best fucking girl, I lift for her!

Because I have a phobia where I think that 5 people will just jump me on the street for no actual reason
I wanted to get strong enough to be able to beat them all up

I was always conscious of trying to exercise and "be healthy," but I started taking lifting a lot more seriously when I got to college. It was a time when I felt really lost, isolated, and depressed, and I could always go there and have some sort of constant in my life; "two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds."

It's a good hobby. You got two things in this world that are always with you, 100% of the time - your mind and your body. Might as well make them the best they can be.
Plus, the benefits that come with lifting are never ending. People see you and understand that you can dedicate yourself to something, the endorphins feel good, and seeing progress that you made is super satisfying.

And also because I was sick of being a fucking twink. People say I have a babyface a lot and it's begun to irk me. If I'm at least ripped I might still have a babyface but I'll be able to bench press anyone who says so.

t. college senior who wasted his first three years not lifting

For not being a skelly, fells good to see that now the strengh relationships with my former high school mates have been reversed

I was a disgusting fat fuck and decided I would either off myself or lose weight

First it was for girls. Now it’s for anime girls.

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Tired of people always assuming I'm weak, I'd like to fill out clothes better and look better.

>dat progress

I agree, I started squatting at 40kg, today I am squatting 85kg

Feels good man

awful taste

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I wanted to get stronger for football because I was a 5'6 125lbs weaklet:(

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Keep up the good work m8. I was doing SS squatting 3x5 at 180 but then I switched my routine to a ppl where I still squat 3x a week but now at a 5x5. Dropped down to 170 and I'm gonna work back up. My kinda fat friend weight ~200, I want to be able to squat him

We're gonna make it brah

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Daily reminder that if your resting heart rate is above 60, you can not be considered healthy.
46 here.

never do cardio

tinder thots and having an easier life in general thanks to the confidence boost

Also, the thing that kinda keeps me going the most is jacking off looking at myself in the mirror

Looking good in clothing. Not anything retarded like /fa/, but I just love the way a suit fits me now that my shoulders and back create a wider silhouette

first it was to get to a higher level in my sport. now its to outlift everyone in my gym

46 as well, not a second of cardio besides walking everywhere because of the city I live in and having a part-time job as a waiter. Girls always comment on how hard my heart beats, too, which I'm not sure about whether that's a good thing or bad thing, but I find it interesting nonetheless.

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It feels better.

Recovering /fat/fuck, started at about 110kg, borderline obese, down to ~83kg and still going strong.

>mfw i can finally give """advice""" like do zumba 3x a week and other retarded fitness memes

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>low RHR
>never do cardio
without a doubt bad thing.
See a doctor.
For endurance athletes it's natural, for someone reasonably unfit by those standards, your RHR is wayyy too low.
See a doctor asap, might be something wrong with your blood or your heart.

I ran out breathe walking slowly up 5 steps. Was 5'11, 250lbs.

It was for girls
2d girls

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For my kids. They think I'm a super hero and I just want to live up to that

this. im at a crossroads. when i see shit like this all i can think about is impregnating and then snuggling with her but then i think about what our sons would look like... hold me brehs...

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holy shit my dick

le 9gag told me it would make me more confident

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Because it's a waste of steroids if you don't exercise and get big...

definitively gonna make it, keep up the good work

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That´s a boy user

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So that I can be fit when I go back for my next semester of college. Everyone expects me to be fat, and i probably still will be, but I do want to show up having lost weight.

Besides that, I have a ton of cute girls in my class as well. Might as well become cute myself.

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>tfw no lewd petite gf

I'd rather look like He-man than some skinnyfat fuck. For myself.
I also like seeing numbers go up, going to the gym is like a rl MMO

I had hours of free time and I was bored, plus I was weak so I figured I might as well pick up a hobby that has some physical benefits

I discovered SL5x5 and IIFYM and assumed getting big and shredded is easy as fuck, so I started. One year in and I still look dyel and know this shit is harder than just counting calories and following a linear progression routine. At least I actually enjoy lifting heavy now, smashed my Bench and Squat PR yesterday, 230 and 315. Gonna attempt a 160 ohp and 355 deadlift tomorrow.

So I could cosplay as a Final Fantasy character I will NOT disclose.

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I lift for this girl.

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I looked like absolute shit and Jow Forums memes became popular

I lift because it helps ease the pain of living

To make my ancestors proud

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Uraraka? Best girl? More like...
>Esteban Rojas Delgado
>Worst girl


First mistake doing SS. First do Candito LP, then switch to an UL split, if you’re feeling up for it and want to make more natty gains do Candito Six Week for them periodization gains. Then switch back to an UL split to maintain.

I'm not really aiming to becoming a powerlifter and my ohp numbers are just as important to me as my bench, so I'm not really interested in candy-toes routines. Currently following a changed version of the juggernaut method to include more heavy lifts and doing full body 4 times a week. Still making good progress so I don't feel like changing it up just yet.

I don't believe in any kind of afterlife. And i'm not some kind of edgy atheist. But i think that there will be nothing for us adter death, i terrifide by this idea. Lifting helps to escape that thought. I don't want to become nothing. I don't want the illusof my mind to disappear.

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1. girls
2. because I thought muscular men looked awesome and I wanted to look like them at some point in my life before I become an old fuck
3. it feels good to lift heavy shit off the ground.

I want to fuck the world.


this guy gets it

I want to be able to take as many jews and niggers when we eventually get eredicated because we allowed ourselves to become a minority.

I'm working out to try to not get rejected anymore, that still count?

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I started just because I was tired of being so weak. As I got more into it I gave myself the goal of lifting for my waifu. Now that I have a 3D gf, I lift for her too. Lifting feels good, being stronger than most of my peers feels good. Having a girl tell you she feels genuinely safe in your arms feels really fucking good.

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I started lifting because my depression was literally killing me. If I'm going to die, it's going to be on my own terms