Is there a better device to browse Jow Forums with? I don't think so.
Is there a better device to browse Jow Forums with? I don't think so
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>leaf frog ftw
How's the keyboard mod? I've got a X230, unmoded. Are there any keys that don't work?
Honestly thats probably the most fitting way to lurk Jow Forums, and I don't even own a thinkpad.
xx20 keyboard in xx30 machine is basically perfect (done it to a T430, T430s, W530, it's all good.)
you know if T410 keyboard works too? Heard it was the same.
The design/connector is the same so it should work (basically the design with the enlarged esc/del keys should work - the one with the esc on top of F1 won't aka T400x era)
it should work, I think it's the exact same part number even
To be precise, the design is almost the same - you'll have to shave down the nubs on the bottom to go in to the palmrest (and cut the one below the top 3 button mouse buttons.) A flush cutter is the easiest way to do this, just cleanly cut off the middle one, and cut off the folded cup shape on all the other ones (i.e. the vertical bits of metal, the horizontal bits are in the right place/shape.)
not sure why people still cling to crusty old memepads
ivy bridge like that I understand but even then still vulnerable to exploits (I'm in same situation unfortunately)
libreboot and whatever is mostly a meme if you're still using intel (and likely outdated ones at that)
T430s i7 + FHD IPS mod + xx20 keyboard = almost perfect for me - right size (no ridiculous numpad - trackpad belongs in the center), good enough performance, good enough battery life, perfect linux support...
>not browsing Jow Forums on your iphone
I hope you're using Fortune at least.
F that, been thinkpadding it up here since desu
Whats that
Originally comment
>that thinkfeel
I can actually kind of relate to that which is somewhat terrifying... (used to carry around a W520 all the time, sometimes two)
>openly admitting to phoneposting
>when a roastie judges your T420
I got a T530, thicc and heavy as hell, IPS FHD, 3x500GB SSDs, 16GB RAM, Quadro K1000m, quadcore i7. I'm never giving up this computer.
I have a tricked out W530 (3820QM, 32GB RAM, K2000m) with a keyboard mod as well.... it's just so heavy. :( so switched to the T430s and remote for heavy work
That's nice, I wish I could put a quad-core in the x230.
I used to carry a X201 in my college days. Nowadays I wagecuck and commute by car so weight isn't an issue.
A T430 can kinda-almost take a quad (put a 3632qm in mine) but it will be very hot at full load. still bigger/heavier than the X230. T430s is like x230, soldered CPU so no go there
>tfw quad core T420
This baby can survive anything
phound the summerfag
is it also librebooted?
t. T430let
Man, I really need a new video card in my own. Not a bad little computer but the cpu and ram carry the video like fuck.
not libreboo but coreboot works I tthink
my autistic dream is to make my own hardware from scratch to avoid all of the corporate cumstains
it's never happening
we out here boys
What a beautiful machine
Hey I have this exact one in my closet, got it from an ex, came with anime studio and shit. I wiped it all and just use it for fucking about
nintendo gamecube
Doesn't even have a browser
You guys know where to buy pre-modded thinkpads? I'm a brainlet I can't figure out that stuff.
Pre-Modded thinkpads are way too much. You don't really need anything modded (besides that abomination trackpad on the xx40 series)
If I find a weeb keyboard for cheap then I'm getting it.
>tfw bought a pre-modded for just $119
What's a good model to get? After my current workstation dies I plan on getting a desktop for video rendering and a Thinkpad just for casual browsing/vids/etc.
Out of curiosity, how do Thinkpads handle video rendering and stuff like that?
chinkpad is shit, only IBM version.
>muh linux
bought two and both broke with a stuck key error
Browsing on my X240
How do I get that Peep to be on my boot screen?
>$25,000 a year
why the fuck?
why, most japanese use romaji input anyways
probably find it on here
I think you need to get the bios flasher.exe from lenovo
True. But it also has more keys than the other keyboard models which I could remap to anything.
O que eh isso, anaum?
i'll browse Jow Forums and use the internet
i will watch a movie and videos every once in awhile
i will play games probably up to the specs required of terraria
what model should i get and where
this is how she pays for it
Quad core, 8GB ram
I've got an elitebook 8560w that I sort of put together with parts bought on eBay, that's still a robot device
thank you
where do you recommend i buy it from, amazon has bad reviews for bad quality
Windows fag?
No, you need to hunt for them on ebay, it's part of the experience. Try to get one for as low as possible. Lets say for t420, I filter for new Buy It Now listings under $120, and turn on notifications. So I check them out as soon as they are listed and see if they're in good shape.
You can just bid like always but I had better luck with Buy It Now because some are just looking to get rid of these 'dinosaurs' quick.
elitebooks are good, very solidly built. I like the screw-less back panel
What said
I got lucky and found a cheap refurbished one for under 120 within the first results.
is this a good deal or no?
Of course..I shouldn't be suprised
Hell no, half that much is upper max budget