ITT: characters who are LITERALLY you

ITT: characters who are LITERALLY you

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not even memeing, this is me

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>stereotypical nigger
I’m not surprised

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how do can i go about making you ruler of the world so you can guide us through benevolent autocracy

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that's rude fren the honey bee is a extreme weapon developed by the USA to help with the soviet invasion of Afghanistan

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Hurts so god damn much.

Attached: gabu.gif (500x281, 1.02M)

Chillax amigo, we sent him to Hong Kong for a reason. The man is an asset

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oh okay thank you for informing me of this information me amigo

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Attached: hector.jpg (960x651, 260K)

>brown hair
>green eyes
replace his ragetard with autism and its basically me

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Kek, mufukin hector is solo king

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I've been told in real life I can be rather smug

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perro caca

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Good man.

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Is that a guy or a girl?

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All images are male unless proven otherwise


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Sick Spanish Pedo

This but unironically, based terry


Attached: milhouse_smiling.gif (340x374, 10K)