I am sexually attracted to children and jerk off to loli hentai. should i kill myself? why/why not

i am sexually attracted to children and jerk off to loli hentai. should i kill myself? why/why not

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I like loli too, but for the cute aesthetic and ecchi more than anything else, the image in the OP for example is gross and does nothing for me.

Yes, take the blackpilll user. No matter what, there will never be a child that will be genuinely attracted to you. I isn't normal for you to have a relationship with one either, sexual or not. In simpler terms, do it nigger.

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That's pretty good, OP. Thanks.

sadpanda? oreganutlised

Liking pre pubescent kids is a patrician fetish user

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No you're just normal. 80% of men want to fuck the loli

you don't need to kill yourself
no one has to know about it

God dammit Jow Forums. You've completely fucked my life. My fucking family hates me now and my brother-in-law punched me in the face and broke my glasses and it's all because of you.

I was at a family get together at my mom's house and my sister and her husband came in from the west coast and I hadn't seen her in 5 years when their daughter was 2 years old.

So I was playing with my niece and she was the most adorable, playful little girl you'd ever met and my sister and her husband asked what I thought of her and I said "she's an adorable little loli that's for sure".

Next thing I know I'm punched in the face and my uncle and my step father are pulling my brother-in-law off me and he's fucking yelling "I'll kill you, you fucking pedophile faggot". My mom's screaming and asking what's wrong and my brother-in-law yells "this little faggot just called my daughter a loli." And my mother asked "what's a loli" and he said "it's a code word pedophiles use on the internet for little girls. This faggot's a pedophile." Then all fucking hell breaks loose and nobody will fucking listen to me and then my step father says "It would probably be a good idea for you to leave now before you get your ass kicked".

WTF! It was a fucking slip of the tongue. I'm not even a pedofag. I fucking moralfag all the CP threads by reporting them. I don't even like loli hentai. The only porn that really gets me off are traps. But because of one stupid fucking slip of the tongue from hanging out on Jow Forums my family fucking hates me now.

kek should have beat his ass

>tfw pedo but no outlet for urges
>pictures are also illegal

, Well, off to /tv/ again

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FIled under things that never happened.

I hope that's pasta, surely you didn't waste you time typing that shit out.

>those nipples
What the fuck?

You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original

l see...
You're one of those newfags I keep hearing about, aren't you?

just tell them you're a weeb and show them a few clips of wholesome cute anime scenes with the word loli explicitly mentioned to prove it is a normal slang term

If your reaction to seeing a child is calling them an adorable little loli maybe you need to lay off the internet for a while. That's fucking sad.

Oh man, OP, if you do it please share it with us all on tape because that would be glorious and a shitfest.
> Hey! I'm not a pedo! Look these chinese cartoons will solve it!

No don't kill yourself. Believe it or not but most men are into that shit. A lot of them hide it because the virtue signalling retards make a big deal out of it. All the girls i've spoken to have been fingered by their dads at a young age and 3 out of 4 of my jury duties were guys doing sexual shit with their young daughters.

Look here now OP, you better post that sauce or else

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Saucenao is your friend.


>why/why not
>i am sexually attracted to children and jerk off to loli hentai

I've held back all of my sexual urges for so long by jerking off that I'd like to think I wouldn't molest my daughter. I'm pretty sure that's just not OK.

google didn't showed nothing and I had never used saucenao before, but it worked. Thank you. I will allow you all to live, for now.

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>The only porn that really gets me off are traps.
fuck. jeez men what have you done

you and several others in this thread should definitely consider suicide, pedophilia is caused by a malfunctioning brain.