I'm starting a new job bouncing at a bar in my city...

I'm starting a new job bouncing at a bar in my city, should I stop cutting and focus on developing a physique that makes people not want to fuck with me?
>6'2", 181 pounds, 15% body fat

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That's pretty weak and small for a bouncer, you won't get away with intimidating anyone



its the small bouncers you have to watch out for

roid and go bear mode

How the fuck are you a bouncer being that small

Not even exhausted your newbie gains probably, so put on some muscle m8.

I'm 38, I bounced for 3 years 19,20,21 years old. Getting punched in the face sucks, getting slashed with a knife is worse, but most of all....actually doing your job and getting sued by a Patron is the fucking worst, and the establishment dips the fuck out on you every single time....Not worth it at all.

Not OP
How was the pay?

>t. Small bouncer

My lifts aren't optimal, but I'm tall and broad-shouldered. The manager didn't turn me away, so clearly I'm not a complete skeleton that shouldn't be bouncing at all.

There are bouncers of all sizes, some just do id's and break up girl fights and then you have the sumo wrestlers that throw out the big dudes
Some bars have fights every night some never do

At that time (1999-2001) $17-20/hr plus food, 2 drinks at the end of the night, and a ton of ass gets thrown at you. Now its around $25/hr in Boston-South Coast

I've bounced before op be prepared to have every guy fuck with you especially because you're on the smaller side for a bouncer .

also be prepared to roid my manager provided test and made us pin at the start of our weekly shifts

I have thought about doing it also while at uni. Currently 6'4 240lbs (510sqt/550dl) natty. Have been in a few fights, but I am good at dealing with drunk people. Not sure if it's worth the chump change. Sounds like a lot of hassle and I'd probably have to roid.
Think we would probably better off working as uber drivers or something similar.

>Think we would probably better off working as uber drivers
Uber is a meme. You get paid less than a taxi driver and have the expenses/maintenance of a car passed onto you.

lol I woudln’t hire you to be a bouncer at chuck-e-cheese’s you stringbean lol

It costs a shitload of money to become a taxi driver here. Well over £10k and takes forever.

Depending on the establishment, you might be aright. If you're mainly just an ID checking door man at a wine bar in an upper class neighborhood, you'll be fine. If you're to be a legit bouncer at some rougher club where fights break out nearly every night, you're probably going to get the shit kicked out of you, if not stabbed.

That also said, being a bouncer is primarily about demeanor. Size for sure matters, but if you're 6'6" and 270 lbs of muscle but look nervous and act like a scared puppy, you're not going to be cut out for the job. Meanwhile, I'm sure we've all met smaller dudes who just flat out give that "do not fuck with" vibe and attitude, and those guys can usually hold their own. Scariest bouncer I ever met was some 50 year old guy who was maybe 5'10 and 180 lbs, but he was a welder by trade and bounced for fun. Had one of the most outwardly intimidating demeanors of anyone I've met. Tougher than old shit and mean as hell, real no bullshit attitude.

Overall, like some others have said it's actually a great way to score ass and earn a little side cash, but it's also a great way to get fucked up if you're not fit for the job, and dealing with drunk assholes gets old quick. Easy way to get addicted to coke also, which isn't necessarily a great thing, either.

Oh, and never be a bouncer if you cannot legally prove you are a direct employee. If something does happen and a patron files a lawsuit against your actions while bouncing, nearly all establishments will immediately hang you out to dry and claim you were a hired independent contractor, not an actual employee, and then do everything in their power to make you fully liable for damages.



Bouncer is definitely better than uber dude

OP here. Thanks for a couple genuine laughs and different perspectives, but no one's really answered my question: can I get away with finishing my cut? I don't really want to start bulking at 15%.

I've never bounced myself but it seems like a shit job from what I've heard (unless you're bouncing for an upscale venue and don't have to deal with literal niggers)

>wanting a career in bouncing

Do you honestly think I'm dumb enough to want a career in bouncing? I'm doing it on the side while I'm in college.

How can anyone have a CAREER in bouncing.

Any shift work job does not create a career...

You can make a career out of anything when you're the best.

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you're too weak to be cutting in the first place.

Start with gaining some weight.
I weigh more than you at 5'11'' by almost thirty pounds and near identical body fat.
If you wanted to brawl I could throw you pretty far.
Reason a lot of bouncers are kind of fat tbqh.
Just don't be fat, build muscle. you'll be slaying.

Most of the advice I see says that 15% is where you should start cutting, how would I be slaying if I start bulking from there? How long would it take before I get too fat?

if you are not e-stating, you are fine.

the problem is people that fat= tough. just maker sure you take some self defense classes so you at least know how to grapple and avoid cheap shots and stuff

Try to gain some weigh senpai
Where are you bouncing tho

Bouncing is not worth it bro
If shit goes down the establishment will leave you on your own.

Honestly just get an actual security job if you want to do something like that.

Yes finish your cut

Most of it is conflict de-escalation and being able to read situations.

t. bouncer

A bar in downtown Madison, Wisconsin.

Just get fucking fat and grow a beard

is it the type of place where bugmen go to drink craft beer?

More so basedboys and East Coast/Chicago princesses whose daddies are lawyers

I don't even have autocorrect enabled on my Mac, what the fuck

>being this new