Intellectual edition for people who pose many questions
Kpop General
VERY nice thread
It's a term of endearment.
>Intellectual edition
flag not related? ;)
beat you to it.
i don't know what to post for this thread so i'll call it a poop edition
good one
very lame
I'm channelling sanic - gotta go fast.
>very lame
no you
Not anymore now that you've posted. ecksdee
Yeah my confidence in my thread making abilities has been restored.
I can't believe this, my confidence has been shattered.
O quĂȘ?
why do african americans commit 44% of violent crime despite being 12% of the population?
is it that dang poverty again?
hungary, smol was last edition.
Now it's post girls in glasses being intellecutal edition.
glasses suck and look stupid
next time you go for low hanging fruit be fast
i'll break you down and build you back up. just make a better thread tonight
the frames are a little elton john, but, I think we can let it slide.
>next time you go for low hanging fruit be fast
I thought it would be funny if everyone posted "eh?" on sequence
lol. i'm not sure if indians serving with US forces went into combat with long hair and wearing buckskins
Hold your horses you need to start the discussion more subtly
>make a better thread tonight
But this will probably be the last thread I'm in today.
No it's whitey.
>Me in the back
what the heck
Jeez, why did he do that?
i figured op was just an invitation to shitpost so i didn't try to contain my autism. the stats are true anyway, not that anybody cares
explain that indian then
you're not staying up? shame
cute actual stewardess tier.
This will be the last thread tonight since there's no way we're getting through it in forty minutes.
Pinky oppa is all about the goofs. He's the one who dressed up in that superhero costume that one time, too.
crime is just a social construct
u suck and ur stupid
my BIAS! Hnnnnn-
(Let's not mention your terrible solo that showcased you could barely dance let alone sing)
Oh I didn't recognize him, he's the best
What are you trying to say, you wayciss yuro?
where are the asians?
he's a well tanned norwegian after them casino gibs
I'm a good conformist today.
We could try...
>glasses without lens
I am thinking of working through the night. Listen to the Olivia MV at 5 am and then go to bed.
>glasses are great and look cool
I'm drunk
who are you quoting?
>where are the asians?
Asians don't commit crime, they are too smart for that
>who are you quoting?
good to see you're back to normal
she's never said that
not in english for sure
why so mad?
i mean that op post allows me to post my questions without holding my horses like you suggested
>Asians don't commit crime
explain this
post comfy music with a comfy idol
so, how does SM Entertainment function with LSM on Interpol's list...?
>they are too smart for that
jews are smart too but they commit crimes all the time
who's mad?
strong commitment
Was talking about your previous post
Normal is relative.
>normal - conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
how is that relative?
i've never heard the backstory on it. maybe he evaded taxes or court appearances while in america?
nice trips. which post exactly? can you link it
I was about to post this!
Sana is exceptionally cute in his episode
>u suck and ur stupid
Because the "common type" changes?
Two decades of my 30 year life has been spent with this abnormal sleep schedule so for me it is by definition the norm, while relative to the global norm it is abnormal.
So, relative.
I've been listening to AOA a lot lately and I'm really sad that choashitter ruined aoa posting and I'm also sad that Seolhyun and Jimin didn't know who that gook assassin was
I wear glasses and you were talking shit about them
I had to defend myself
This one ya fartface
you forgot the comfy idol you bellends
are you a pair of glasses?
those are two different norms so norms aren't relative
one is your personal norm and second is global norm
two different things
>you forgot the comfy idol you bellends
spending work day buying clothes and going to the pool is comfy pabochingu
I identify as glasses
such a lively thread
phoneposter get out
They were all on a different level on that award show dbh. Dahyun as the MC was the jjang.
she looks great in that shot. Super classy/elegant.
Are they turning her into Twice's Yoona?
more normal than you previously were. i'm taking off so a good night already
It was just missing you
at least I'm not german
ah, that one. well, that was a purely educational post. if you're not sure what i meant by it, don't worry, i didn't mean anything specific by it. i was just trying to get people to think about those stats and what they mean,
>such a lively thread
are you not entertained?
Brazil, nancyposting is nancyposter's responsibility.
Just, I dunno be yourself.
That's what makes it relative though.
He said "back to normal", I replied "normal is relative". The implication being that normal for me means something else.
Sleep well, friendster.
>are you not entertained?
i have a webm for this feel
>nancyposting is nancyposter's responsibility
people can post whoever they want man
I like to reply with girls user likes, that's why I posted Nancy
I'm being myself
Whuts the euler characteristic of the projective plane?
don't start that again.
You wanted stimulating conversation - there you go.
word. when i think of choa i now think of a pale sperg furiously shitposting in a basement with a fridge full of tendies at arm's reach
I say you're trying to push your racists beliefs down our throats. I already called the cyberpolice to backtrace you, don't try to run.
By any chance are you the user who said I posted same pictures too many times? You smell like him
I didn't know what you meant. She was finally given her opportunity to be the MC. The last show she was meant to do it on was called off because of the strike.
There he goes again
you don't know which normal he meant
In mathematics, the real projective plane is an example of a compact non-orientable two-dimensional manifold; in other words, a one-sided surface. It cannot be embedded in standard three-dimensional space without intersecting itself. It has basic applications to geometry, since the common construction of the real projective plane is as the space of lines in R3 passing through the origin.
nope, but, the "come on" gif was used last thread.
1. I have google.
Yeah, my comment clearly illustrated that.
See .
i'm flexing my leg muscles as we speak, waiting for the cyber commandos
you should thank me for setting you up desu.
honestly Euler was probably the coolest guy ever
check this out
>Euler's work touched upon so many fields that he is often the earliest written reference on a given matter. In an effort to avoid naming everything after Euler, some discoveries and theorems are attributed to the first person to have proved them after Euler.
Kiss me, slovo