is this body achievable being natural?
Is this body achievable being natural?
Absolutely, unless you tell me he's 6'4 250lbs
Yes, anybody saying otherwise is a gaurenteed dyel 17 year old skinnyfat incel.
I think that's the literal limits of natty
>that body
>that neck
I always thought getting swole automatically gives you a propotionally thick neck
When you have no fucking idea of how to actually workout and you just hop on gear, you miss little you neck.
For the record I estimate he is 5'8 165lbs
Considering hes about 5 ft, easily
You forgot a few buzzwords, autist.
I would eat that food after it went through his system right from the sauce haha
99% sure he's on drugs
but he has signs of HGH use
LOL look at his back its massive hes on the gear
wew lad that face really ruins it looks like it belongs to some skinnyfat incel
if your balls produce either nandrolone or trembolone along with testosterone, then yes
Although he's on gear and it's achievable natty. It will probably take you 10 years of training and good nutrition and he made it on a couple of cycles.
>signs of HGH use
Good skin?
Don't know but
>them veins
With a decade of lifting yeah
Steve is a example of a body achievable natty.
Yes but does he really look that great?
>he really look that great?
you can't be serious
In an academic sense he looks terrific, but practically speaking, that's not what chicks are after. You know what I mean?