Girlfriend left me for this dude, she sent me this photo with the caption

Girlfriend left me for this dude, she sent me this photo with the caption

>he is taller than you
>he is 6'3"
>you're too short i cant stand childern that are 5'8"

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You mean ex-girlfriend, get another girl user, and whatever you do: do NOT answer to that girl, delete her and block everything, she's not worth your attention anymore.

If height is a value that decides her partner for her there is nothing really you can do right? It's the same for guys: if they get a chance with a girl that is prettier or her personality is a better match for him.

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are you a turbomanlet? if you are I do not blame her

i'd be relieved.

she's gonna have a better life. she woulda wasted her life w/me

Weak bait from weak virgin lanklet.

Feelio was right short people dont stand a chance

why are you here faggot?

>things that never happened
why would she bother sending you this crap, it's so unrealistic

Actually OP is 6'3" and a 5'8" guy took his oneitis.

If they don't have the face, the body, the personality only the height they need to mock others.
The tallest guys I see only get the almost midget girls, the tall ones seem to date guys their height.

Attached: pQJK8KR.jpg (1148x1599, 552K) manlets really have to make posts/like this to compensate?

That comic looks like something tenda spenca would make

Found the triggered lanklet virgin.

A very small guy (the actual manlets not the meme ones) might have a problem when the majority of women are taller than them, but height won't fix an ugly face/body.

Unironically, originally murder her

ask her what is his dick like
when she replies
>hes much bigger than you

then reply that shes easy to fuck slut, that you are glad that shes gone, that soon he will probably leave her anyway, laugh at her, block her, and erase her from your life.

Threads over guys he figured out it was bait
Also susana fucking message him

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And taller men are a lot more likely to have an ugly face/body. If you think of all the men who are famous for their good looks, pretty much none of them are tall.

>5'8" manlet
>thinks he deserves a girlfriend

Short girls belong to tall guys. Tall girls belong to tall guys.

Short men can have each other.

But why are most virgin men tall?

There are very tall handsome/attractive/hot men, but yes many actors are "manlets". On top of that most guys over 190cm have a ectomorph body type.

She's a bitch obviously, feel bad for the new guy.

Don't get hurt over a sket like that man lmfao

Holy shit guys op here and this is literal bait thats my gf of 8 months and we were eating penut butter m&ms together after work fuck you guys are depressing excusises for people

We don't have much in our lives and are to weak to end it and have no motivation left to change anything.
Falling for bait makes us feel at least something for a short moment, just like a cigarette

kys op

we were offering support to you

>girl says bitchy thing to you
>you come crying to us for support/advice

>we call her a bitch and not to be fussed over her considering what you say she said

>you twist it back on us



Unless you can prove otherwise I can almost guarantee you the percentage of men over 6 foot that are virgins is much lower than the percentage of men under five foot five.

You don't have a source for that desperate claim. The fact is, most virgins on Jow Forums are over 6'.

It's not desperate, it's common sense. Women hate short men, therefor they would be more likely to sleep with tall men.

Even tho we talking about percentage, but there are far more men under 165 than there are over 182cm. there is actually a baseline and at 157 the bellcurve starts.
the guys with the most ONS and gf are all smaller than me and the guys that never had a girlfriend without a deformed face are very tall. Just a small sample.

anyhow, if you are over 165cm the most that matters is your face, than your body than maybe the height for some girls.

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They might hate short men, but around average seem to be the ideal height, tho

Most attractive male height Is 5'8" then 5'10" then 5'6"

How is that a surprise? Those are the heights where men are the most physically attractive.

>That spike at 6'5"
Found the height where men are the biggest liars.

I guess it makes sense, where I live you see guys that height with girls around that height all the time, even like the 5'6" guys are with like 5'10"+ girls.
It's just surprising though because you'd think it'd be 6'2" and all that.

There was some study I won't ever be able to find again that showed women are most attracted to 6'5" men, so the numbers line up. It's probably more a mental thing than anything else because "six foot five" sounds like a slightly better "six foot four" without sounding as worryingly tall as "six foot six" to women.

That's women not knowing what they want and being shit at evaluating height. 6'5" is abnormally tall. The majority of women would be turned off by a guy that height if they actually saw one.

True, women want men around 5'11 to 6'3, 5'11 dudes usually lie to satisfy the female demand for 6" men. I hate being a manlet.

I'm 5'8 and my gf is 5'9".

5'7" here with 5'10" gf. Life is good.

Fucking this, kys op

>people still care about females in 2018

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