Is this depth beneath parallel?

Is this depth beneath parallel?

Attached: 913F19EB-50DF-4471-9A66-358CCBE790BE.jpg (619x1020, 592K)

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No it's parallel.
God lowbar powerfarter squats are so fucking ugly.

it's pretty much exactly parallel, looks fine to me

t. sub 3pl8 squatter

It looks like your hip bones (not the crease of your pants) at still above knee level. So no.

Also your heels look like they're coming up.

No. 5+ plate squatter to olympic depth.

not him but whenever I do squats I always feel my heels are raising. how do I fix?

>t. sub 3pl8 squatter
I mean, if you're hitting 315 lowbar you probably hit

So what I did was started squatting high bar without shoes. No squat shoes/oly shoes, no weightlifting shoes, no sneakers, nothing. No weights under the heels either. This allowed me to really build flexibility in my ankle as I took my highbar squats lower and lower. I also take ~10 minutes to stretch and warm up before squats, which includes warming up and stretching my shoulders, chest, and back, as well as warming up my hips. My warmup sets consist of ~10 second pause squats at 135, 185, then 225, and the idea isn't to burn out or actually get a workout, but to have the weight push you down into your squat lower and lower as you prepare your body for the flexibility it needs to squat.

Then, once you're nice and warmed up and stretched out in the ankles, heels, back, and everywhere else you need to be, you can start loading up to your working sets. I found taking that 10-15 minutes before I really start loading up has done nothing but increase by squat and comfort as I squat. Make sure you really push off your heels, and your big toe, pinkie toe, and heel should have constant contact with the ground through the squat.

After you warm up, feel free to put your shoes back on. I found if I don't do something to warm up my ankles they won't have the flexibility I need to go atg.

Pardon, stretched out in the ankles, hips*, and back

My typical squat goes far deeper, but I was cutting depth today and couldn’t decide at what point the squat technically goes to “beneath paralllel.” I’d say maybe an inch lower than this, possibly a half inch. Hard to say.

Naw, if anything my toes come up on the ascent, probably just angle

10 seconds is a long ass time to pause. Anything beyond 2 seconds really doesn’t matter, all you’re trying to do is eliminate any bouncing/stretch reflex

It's pretty borderline.

"Parallel" is defined as the hip crease being below the top of the knee. Yours is pretty damn close. A lot of USAPL judges would red light it. You would get 3 whites in any SPF meet though, lel.

Attached: drinkmorewater.gif (237x250, 449K)

That's nice, me too. 500 highbar and 530 lowbar.

See above.

Then post a webm of you squatting 500 atg. That's impressive weight and a very impressive claim for someone who doesn't know what is and isn't parallel.

No, I'm doing static stretches before heavy lifting, which is blasphemy but if I'm not maxing out that day it's only been beneficial.

Right on, yeah that’ll get things stretched out

I know what constitutes depth lol

Not if you're OP you don't.

I'm not OP.

I’m OP. The question wasn’t what constitutes “depth,” but instead on clarification of parallel vs below parallel. I’m of the impression that the picture is parallel, but others have stated that it is just at the point of below.

Then they're idiots, that's above parallel. Squatting to parallel is stupid anyway, highbar that shit atg like a man.

It's at parallel. It's fine. I don't fucking understand what the obsession with ATG squats is if you don't have a reason for doing them. I do since I like oly lifting.

For the most part, it's just a huge fucking pain in the ass. It's a shitton of mobility work. And you have to relearn how to squat every time you get a couple inches lower. I was stuck at the same weight for 3 months doing this shit. And I'm I'm still not done.

...If you want to get lower, do ankle stretches. Third world squats help A LOT. Though my preferred stretch now that it's hard to progress on my bodyweight alone is to get into a third world squat and leave a 135 lbs barbell on my thighs and sit there for 3-5 mins. Ankle mobility also really helps the high bar squat as it will allow you to keep a more upright back the further down you go.

>I don't fucking understand what the obsession with ATG squats is
I don't understand what the obsession with parallel squats is. If you can't go atg then go as low as you can comfortably go, don't just stop at parallel for the lols.

I mostly agree. I did what I could at the beginning. I was 1/2 - 3/4 squatting for 4 months. I eventually transitioned to parallel.

I do think you should try to get to parallel because it's where you get the most out of the exercise. After I hit below that, I still "felt" more returns on my investment, but it felt like diminishing returns.

For most people (particularly if they're squatting lowbar), parallel is about where that happens.

Bro, fix your knee to toe posturing, your knees will thank you in the long run.