Who /difficultchildhood/ here? Whether it's an absentee/unstable parental figure, regular bullying...

Who /difficultchildhood/ here? Whether it's an absentee/unstable parental figure, regular bullying, ostracisation or even something as severe as sexual/physical abuse, how do you cope with being built on a foundation of shit and balsa wood?

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>overbearing, hyper protective mother
>alcoholic, abusive father
>sexually abused by family friend
add a dash of autism and i never had a chance really

Bumping originally oreganolio origami

My childhood wasn't difficult but my parents definitely set me up for failure.

>parents are divorced and constantly trash talk the other behind their back
>didn't teach me any skills
>planted anxious thoughts in my head
>never tried to be role models
>no complaints when I failed at school and life
>tore me down when I showed an interest in things
>didn't prepare me for adult life at all
>heard them talking to guests about how much of a failure I am

>how do you cope with being built on a foundation of shit and balsa wood?
By knowing that it's in the past OP.

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>anxious mother
>volatile father
>best friend was the TV
>always nice to everyone and only got shit in return
>harassed and bullied throughout hs

now I've sucessfully isolated myself enough from the world. Live at home. Drink weekly. Severe porn addiction.

Even if your childhood was traumatic, that doesn't mean it still is.

Every time you access a memory of your childhood, that's a choice.

Let the past die. Focus only on right now. Now is the most precious time. Now will never come again. The past is behind you. Don't let it drag you down.

>parents constantly trash talked the other behind their back
I know of this all too well

>literally nothing
Nigga you childhood was allright

>literally nothing
my clearest memory from childhood is my father smacking my across the head for not understanding my homework
>constantly threatened me with beatings for no reason
>never was anybodys real friend always just someone to kill time with until the real friends showed up
>always that quiet awkward kid noone wanted to hang with
>those who did only did so beacuse they felt sorry for that little loser in the corner.

fuck you for calling my childhood was alright.

>inb4 pain olympics

That is literally NOTHING.
You know nothing about pain and abusive parenting.
You got a pretty good childhood but you want to convince you otherwise to excuse yourself for being such a failure.

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whats your damage them, mr "Ihadaworsechildhood"? You don't know suffering before you've been in my shoes.

>Having shoes
>Having parents
>Having parents telling you to make your homework

Dude i cant believe you are this selfish and ignorant

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Youre both self-important cunts.
Everyone has their own pain and it's horrible to them because it happened to them.

Just because you think you had it worse, it's probably me by the way, doesn't invalidate the other person's pain and experiences.
Thats the stupidest thing to argue about.

>going to school is a privilige
>being this nigger
schools are literally prisons. Actually prison are better

>Implying his burger suffering is worst than all those little niggers starving in the saharah

Dont be an hypocrite

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My childhood wasn't as bad as alot of people, but
>father was in jail for murder so sinhle mother
>mom spent most time sleeping

>Damage control
>S...Schols are prisions y... Yhea!

Fuck the niglets in Africa, they're not even cognizant enough to realise how bad they've got it.

only an absolute brainlet would compare suffering like it's dick girth or sth
maybe being a brainlet is the ultimate suffering, in which case congrats! you have won

the only thing I wanted in my youth was to do like pic related. Unfortunately everyone I want dead is spread out now.

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>M...my daddy used hit me
>I wanted a nintendo 64 and i recieved a super nintendo for christmas :(
>N...nibbas not humen lmaaAaAaO

Please... Just stop christ

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>tfw 18, everyone i dont like is in college
oh shit

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Rebuild the foundation

If you're american you literally cannot suffer, fat idiots.

I had a very rough ride. More than most can comprehend. For the vast majority of my life I used this to feel like a special snowflake and it was how I coped. The fact that having lived terrible shit, but still ended up turning out somewhat well adjusted made me feel like what I got through was the source of my strenght. Eventually, as I grew older and started getting more invested in adult wageslavery and more responsibilities, I started hitting a lot of rough patches and, suddenly, my once "legendary strenght of character" started running thinner and thinner and, all of a sudden, I couldn't feel like a special snowflake anymore. I came face to face with the realisation that, like everybody else, massive stress could lead me to intense moments of weaknesses. Talking to others helped me too. It helped make me realuse that regardless of whether people have real or fake problems, everyone genuinely suffer, everyone is afraid of death, failure and the future and having it worse than others doesn't mean shit in the end. Especially if all you do is shit on everyone else because it makes you think you're, somehow, different than everyone else. Since then, I cope by saying that I'm not alone, everyone has their problems and what counts is not how big the problems are, but how you choose to fix them. To me, being anxious about your virginity is the most babby shit, but it genuinely drive some people insane enough that they decide to murder people. How bad you have it is entirely a matter of perspective. Like everyone else, I am a meek human with terrible flaws and a massive fear of failure and I move forward a day at a time trying to play my shitty cards as best as I can.

I feel like i've had a pretty ok childhood but there were some things that happened to me that probably fucked me up somehow. I can't explain why i'm such a failure now otherwise.

>parents constantly fighting, screaming through the house in a lot of the evenings and mornings
>mother was really protective but never there when really needed
>father always working, rarely saw him so no real male rolemodel
>two sisters, fought with them a lot
>no real friends, always excluded from social circles but never bullied. I assume this was because i'm not really ugly or autistic or anything
>never had anyone to share interests, thoughts, feelings with, always bottling up everything
>as a result always overthinking things, general negative outlook on everything
>always felt alone, like i have no place in this world
I know a lot of you had it much harder than i did and these soud like normalfag problems but i don't know where else to go with this shit

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Can relate, spent a year and a half subtly trying to convince a friend to do a shooting with me, but was just an edgy normalfag, not a real shooterbruh.

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Become a Stoic and force the abusers out of your life.

>separated parents
>poor father with emotional problems
>mom had shitty boyfriend that I beat up 6 times
>nearly arrested because chads and stacys thought it would be funny to call me a terrorist when I was absent
>severe depression and social anxiety because was fat up to 10th grade
>was called a greaser since middle school because I wore a denim jacket and had long hair
>got into muay thai
>got confidence to fight people
>got in 5 fights each kne involved me vs 2-3 other guys (alot of social cliques hated me for whatever reason)
>forced to move schools by 11th

After I changed schools I had a fine life. I married my girlfriend from highschool (she was a virgin at the time) and I'm soon to expect a daughter. I found NatSoc when I was engaged so I changed my life and it couldn't be better.

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>being anxious about your virginity is the most babby shit
then you don't know the suffering of being a virgin. Not a virgin anymore, but I remember quite clearly. Always a robot. Can only speak to a few people. Everone around you is gettin sex, GFs, but you always remains the reject, the one no one wanted. Being a virgin when 20+ is literally the worst pain in the world. Worse than losing a loved one. I can confidently confirm because I've experienced both.

My childhood wasn't great. My parents constantly fought with each other and my older brother would beat me up. I remember one day after school being hit with a leather belt in the backyard. I seemed to do pretty well making friends, but I've always been a little small for my age so I was pushed around during junior high. I remember being groped a lot by one of the bigger kids in my grade. I'm pretty stable, but I have a difficult time trusting people. I used to get startled real easily if someone stood behind me or if someone made physical contact. I've gotten a little better, but I am trying to make myself less isolated.

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I lost mine at 28 bro. Don't try to play that "You don't get it mom" with me, please. I know, but if it conerns me, I always surrounded myself with people who were loving and understanding. I had massive phobia with physical contact because of what I had to live through which is why I simply could not fathom ever having sex. That and most girls would get scared of my issues once I revealed how mentally fucked it made me, so I perfectly understand. What I never understodd is that a lot of people, especially young 18 to 23 years old teenadults with plenty of time left ahead who are turning insane by it, some violent and others spending all their time building a narrative where the entire outside world is responsible for it. To me, THIS doesn't make sense...to ME.
My point was that this is not about me, It's about them. I dealt with my virginity in a good fashion, they can't and they suffer the worst pain and the worst possible stress because of it so you can't just tell these people that their problems are nothing because they need help. This is what my life has taught me so far. We must not compare each other's hardships, we must use the wisdom it granted us to help those who nedd it more than we do. I ain't no savior though. I try to help if I can, but most of the time it's really hard if you don't know the proprer approach.

I think in many ways my childhood was ok. we always had food on the table, nice enough houses, family holidays. So I was luckier than many. But I also had a violent autistic brother who would often take his rage out on me, add to this my parents making me always feel as though it was my fault whenever he did something to me. (trashes my bedroom, rips up all my art, pisses everywhere) my fault for leaving my door open. etc. its your fault he gave you a black eye (had to tell everyone I hit my face off the trampoline bar) then just a general kind of emotional neglect to the point where I don't even know how to handle emotions or affection these days..In my teen and early adult years as my brother got stronger, his rages less manageable the stress really took its toll on my parents. This lead to my mum starting to outright emotionally abuse me, make up twisted lies about me in her own head to justify it all. She did attack me a few times (sometimes with a poker) but I was generally stronger and faster) Picture me screaming as she tries to break down my door, or running to hide in one of my quiet places (grew up in a beautiful place, had lots of secret spots. I understand now why it had to be that way. They were just trying to make an easier life for themselves by making me the last priority and taking the pressure out on me. but fucking hell they had two kids and its really fucked me up as a person.

not even to start on the bullying and ostracising I got from being the ugly weird girl in my small school. Or the day I had my head smashed against a wall and had to spend the next two years mainly in hospital

although I'll add the hardest thing was seeing him attack my mum and smash the house up late it into the night. and due to the small bitchy community we live in none of us had any support outside of that. it was shit like "oh that boy is fine, his mum just spoils him" then people bullying him, him taking it out on us etc etc. fucking hate that place. best thing I ever did was leave but I worry about my family. just because I'm not there doesn't mean all this isn't still happening. I got away and just feel guilty as shit for it. I don't hate my parents, I have a lot of respect for what they put up with but it should have been different

>No father
>Decent stepfather who was cool except when drunk but he hardly got drunk at least who fell into depression and isolated himself after his mother died when I was 15 and left when I was 17
>Overbearing, overprotective mother who worries all the time and makes big deals out of small things and is one of those who complains that nobody helps her with anything and she has to do it all herself and then completely takes over and controls everything
>Deaf sister
>Dead brother who died when I was 9
>Very badly bullied in Secondary school 12 - 16
>I went missing when I was 6 for a day
>Almost drowned when I was 7

Not the worst childhood at least

>Being a virgin when 20+ is literally the worst pain in the world. Worse than losing a loved one. I can confidently confirm because I've experienced both.

neither of those are "the worst pain in the world"

I can't handle people raising their voice now since I got randomly screamed at for stuff that wasn't my fault so often. Sudden, loud sounds make me flinch like a rehabilitated dog.