Do you have any recommendations for getting a butt like this?

Or are implants the only option?

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squats and genetics boi

squat 405

sprint, jump, squat, clean, deadlift, use your legs and lower body a lot and with time you will develop decent glutes and hamstrings unless you are a glutelet

>squats and genetics boi

Do I have a nice butt Jow Forums?

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Yeah, don't
The idea of it is nice but in practice it's a nightmare and buying pants is just plain bullshit
I don't have one like that but I do have a proportional bubble butt which is incredibly rare among dudes and it has only brought me 3 positives that I've found
1) Can sit almost anywhere and on anything
2) Unless they're too big I don't have to worry about needing a belt for my pants
3) chicks love groping it
Friend of mine however does have what you've got in pic related and he swears regularly that he wish he didn't have it

More than probably 80% of men
You do a lot more cardio and you'll add some muscle chisel to it which will give you prime man ass as it won't be too massive and it will be the perfect mix of manly but close enough to female ass for chicks to obsess over it
Also wear pants that accentuate it but not good damn skinny jeans like some homo

It's ok

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not at all

Post more of that boi pussay

>he swears regularly that he wish he didn't have it
Why does he wish he didn’t have it?

>tfw good butt genetics
It always fills out pants. GF slaps it during sex, or uses it as a pillow afterwords. Get straight boys to question their sexuality on the daily. it's a good blessing.

>close enough to female ass for chicks to obsess over it
What do you mean by this?

I wear slim fitting jeans that tapper towards the ankle, If I'm not wearing jeans I wear slim fit cotten bottoms

My gf loves to squeeze my ass so I take that as a sign of affection towards it

He means it's almost girl level thickness and curve, so enough for it to have more shape than some girls, hence they love or possibly get jealous of it

>Get straight boys to question their sexuality on the daily.
Do you think that baseball player makes guys question their sexuality?

How do I achieve a better ass?y lo he handles don't cooperate but I can't loose more weight

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Post butt

>He means it's almost girl level thickness and curve, so enough for it to have more shape than some girls, hence they love or possibly get jealous of it
Does this apply to the baseball player? Would girls be jealous of him?

Saggy old roasties, skelly girks and land whales are the types I can imagine getting jealous of a butt like in op's picture

>it's a "bubble butt boys take over Jow Forums" episode

I fucking wish. Usually more boys post delicious asses