Is it possible to become Chad as someone that is 5 8?

Is it possible to become Chad as someone that is 5 8?

Attached: chadlites.webm (640x640, 1.36M)

If you can pull the 15 yo look, yes.

Yes, shorter as well.

One of the most alpha guys I ever met was named Ray Care. Super charismatic, magnet for pussy, jacked, etc. Told me stories about jumping out of helicopters to kill dudes. You can look it up.

Yes in populations that are shorter than typical first world western countries

Why live life thinking you can't?

Move to south Italy
>average male height 5.7
>great food
>good weather
>blue seas
>beautiful women (until they reach the 30 then they become fat, but you can encourage one to go to the gym with you)

>Taxation is at 50% of your income

Absolute yes, of course height and strong face are usually always a factor of Chads, lacking in height isn't too bug a deal if you have charisma and the looks

Not believing you can't be a Chad at that height is foolish and will only hurt your confidence and confidence is key with being a Chad, only people who would put you down are Brads

Fuck yes it is
But with the current attitude you have(thinking you might not be able to slay) won't help you get what you're looking for

You forgot
>Over run with shitskins and all of their native population have kebab blood in them

>kebab blood in them
>average male height is 5.7

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>Ray Care
The niqqa who saved Irish from the malis?

Next question?

wtf my name's Brad. Please don't make it a bad thing.

Who is this immaculate ejaculate?

Who is this semen demon?

Who is this Jizz Jockey?

Nigga, being Chad is an attitude.

>mfw Chad mode ON being 5'6 here

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Having to ask the question is self defeating. The definition of chad is to be alpha without caring what ppl think, but you have a defeated mindset reinforced by Jow Forums manlet memes.

No, I feel like at 58 you're past your prime. Unless you're rich then you'll be fine.

Chad doesn't know what Jow Forums is, he believes the the internet is made off of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and google, nothing more.

>tfw pretend Chad
>pretend not to know what Jow Forums is when told about it
>pretend to be freaked out

day 506 and there are only sight suspicions

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yeah im gonna need an answer to these op

Some guys I know (legit Chads) slays via Tinder.


ezpz, just don't pay tax like 80% of the country

>taxation is 50% of your income
how is that a con? it's better for the nation as a whole

Taylor Hill, Victorias secret angel

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>thinking that government can spend your money wisely and efficiently
>the Italian government, even

>Taylor Hill

Thank you based user

5'7 here with babyface

People often think im a highschooler, I always get asked for ID whenever I go to clubs

just a question, Is this more of an adavantage or a disadvantage on the long run? Will people take me seriously when I reach my 30's?

advantage t.5'7 26 years old hanging out with 21 years old girls. They introduce me to all their single friends, Everyone think I'm 20.

The world's 10 shortest countries

Indonesia - 1.58m
Bolivia - 1.6m
Philippines - 1.619m
Vietnam - 1.621m
Cambodia - 1.625m
Nepal - 1.63m
Ecuador - 1.635m
Sri Lanka - 1.636m
Nigeria - 1.638m
Peru - 1.64m

I'd personally go with Bolivia and Ecuador

Disgusting commie detected

go back to Jow Forums, fuckheads

>not wanting to lose half your income to the government makes you Jow Forums
fuck off

The beauty of the Queen should be enjoyed by all

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