What are your problems/psychological issues?
Why aren't you with me in my bed righ now?
Femanon tell me why are you here?
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23 W F
In bed rn too,
wish you were here w/ me user so we could cuddle and browse the internet together
>wish you were here w/ me user so we could cuddle
Don't torture me like this.
Why are you browsing this chinese cucking board?
Do you have friends to hang out with on the week end?
Can you do a vocaroo?
My issue is that I'm an INFP. It's also the reason why I'm not in bed with you.
briggs myers personality test is a meme, and it's basically the equivalent of a horoscope
No predictive validity
Sorry i had to express muh autismus
>nobody wants to relax in bed with you because you're not female or very attractive
True women prefer being in bed with other attractive women.
make it pretty hard to socialise, so i guess Jow Forums is a substitution.
Add social anxiety and that is me.
Are those issues clinically diagnosed though?
Bcs your bedroom looks creepy user, also you don't love me yet, I don't want to get into bed with people who don't love me anymore
That is not my bed, it is Freuds therapy couch.
> also you don't love me yet
Give me a chance to know you.
yeah, diagnosed at 13. used to have some bad social anxiety too, but managed to work through a lot of that. it's only minor nowadays.
The only reasons femanons are here is because they're horny sluts and post tits.
Prove me right pls.
I used jungian functions. Took at least three tests, all of them gave me INFP. Pic related is one.
That just sounds like an excuse. I'm friends with a successful INFP--just develop your inferior Te. Though it seems odd to me if that's your type that Ni is your highest scoring function.and your inferior is the lowest.
I might be a horny slut but I haven't posted tits in years.
That implies you have done it before. How about once more for good old times sake?
I've done it once when I was underage on /b/ to prove to some user that I'm a girl because I got really mad at him, I don't even remember what about. Don't have any intention to repeat it.
>it's only minor nowadays
Therapy and benzos?
Or did you managed to deal with it on your own?
I'm trying to do some exposure therapy on my own.
>I used jungian functions
I just consider the entire jungian stuff bs.
But how do you think being infp would prevent you from being in my bed, i'm a dreamy idealist too.
Fair enough. Shall we fuck now?
>I'm trying to do some exposure therapy on my own
mostly exposure therapy on my own, though being able to speak with a good therapist was a great help. always avoided medication.
i started off small, making myself run errands by myself and breaking away from my usual routine. that was a good start for me.
I'm alright though, just disappointed all the time with myself. I had really good grades in school, too.
Infp is not dreamy idealist. You probably don't know a lot about jungian functions, do you? Infp's dominant function is Fi, which gives you a strong moral set of values. My set of moral values tell me that being in a stranger's bed is stupid, because I don't know absolutely anything about you.
Thanks I'm good for now
>Infp is not dreamy idealist
Sorry i just googled it and this is what came out.
>You probably don't know a lot about jungian functions, do you?
Just read some stuff online, not an expert. And not a psychologist/psychoanalist.
But generally it is considered as meme-tier.
>My set of moral values tell me that being in a stranger's bed is stupid
Well dominant functions or not, this is a good thing, if true.
How many relationships have you been in though?
all femanons are fat disfigured abominations that are probably chained up in some dungeon and given a screen linked to projector that stops them from attacking normal people.
There is no other way a female could be here.
Some are skelly weirdos though.
>I'm a horny slut tee-hee
>No I don't want to have sex, sorry
Horny but not for anyone at any time anywhere, duh. If you're horny you don't mean you'd fuck your grandma, you mean you want to fuck something you're attracted to.
I'm good-looking and have money. What else do you need?
>good-looking and have money
user, if that was true, you wouldn't be here.
And you would be wrong. All sorts of people post on Jow Forums. It's just like you would say that only ugly fat girls post on Jow Forums.
She only fucks chad, you're just a subhuman who entertains her. Like a jester.
please go kill yourself, thanks.
Unfortunately, men have it infinitely harder than women so this is not true.
Because I'm ugly too look at and socially retarded to interact with.
>tfw never have a gf to sing David Bowie and Tom Waits to.
Why live
I'm fat and ugly.
I'm fat and ugly.
This is why normies and Chads hang out on Jow Forums. Because of whiny manchildren virgins like you, we look really good in comparison, and can easily get sex from fembots with mental issues.
You are neither a normalfag nor a chad, though. You're a sub-20 IQ basement dwelling inbred. It's easy to tell because even normalfags have at least """average""" intelligence and therefore cannot make posts as dumb as yours. Not to mention chads are actually smart.
I've gotten 6 """""""e-gfs""""""""" over the years. You get webcam sex at best and nudes on tap. You getting sex out of the whole endeavor is so uncommon you might as well try to get sex in a monastery.
Not to mention 9 out of 10 ghost you without notice within weeks. They are all yours bud, have fun.
It's just like in real life and tinder. 9 out of 10 girls will ghost you. It's all just a big numbers game.
Well someone without a cock would be ideal.
I'd love to have gone as far as you. Best I have now is a brainlet hallucinating girl who might be interested in meeting sometimes in person but all we've done for the past few months is shoot the shit basically.
I get sex from real life chicks with minimal effort. Tinder isnt really a thing in my country. Fembots are a waste of time, they are too damaged to function. You can have them.
any femrobots living in
i'm a 5-6/10 shut-in who works as a mechanic
Not how it works normalfag.
Life's easy when you live in a country with legal prostitution.
I have never had sex with a prostitute, I dont even know if prostitution is legal here (greece).
But then again, club chicks might as well be prostitutes, I'll give you that.
not knowing the diferrence between hikki and neet
>Because I'm ugly too look
Well you think so, but maybe it's not true.
There are some girls who think they are subhumans, but in reality they are average or even cute.
>socially retarded to interact with
Me too, and i never have anything to say.
>I'm fat and ugly.
Ok, but you could lose weight, probably you percieve yourself as ugly just due to your fatness.
Besides it depends on how much, and where is the fat deposited :)
>always avoided medication
Oh that is good. I developed an addiction to benzos, and only now trying to deal with it on my own since most therapist i dealt with are useless.
But how are you dealing with bulimia if i may ask? Is it serious?
Greece has legal brothels. How can you not know this?
>literally so dumb he thinks anyone made that mistake
You're clinically retarded, not shut-in.
Post on /soc/, you desperate faggot.
Would you add me on discord and be my e-gf?
Never cared enough to look into it. I know where the brothels are in my city and I have seen streetwalkers on the street but I never really knew if that shit was legal or not.
Where do I get a non-normie gf?
All girls I come across are brainlet normies
>non-normie gf?
But would you really want one?
Non-normie would basically mean mentallly ill and or an obese shut in pig.
I just want a gf that's not braindead and who can think for herself and doesn't only follow mainstream garbage
Well, you wont originally find one here, that's for sure.
>But how are you dealing with bulimia if i may ask? Is it serious?
surprisingly well as of late. it's been over a month since a last binged/purged. having trouble fighting urges to purge though and involuntary vomiting after eating is quite an issue for me. it used to be pretty serious, purging at least once every day coupled with a poor diet and low weight i fear has caused some permanent damage, especially to my teeth.
that's a shame to hear about your experience with therapists, are you american by any chance?
>Ok, but you could lose weight, probably you percieve yourself as ugly just due to your fatness.
I was fat enough where I'm covered in loose skin.
I lost most of the weight, but it's pretty useless at this point when you look like a 90 year old's ballsack and can't afford surgery.
>What is autophagy
Why is it that fat fucks lack any real drive to fix their issues?
An ebin maymay pushed by people who have literally never been fat in their entire lives ("oh, but once I was 1lb overweight! It totally works the same way for me as it does for you despite the fact you're over 200lbs overweight!")
Do you have big saggy ex-fat tits?
>Infp's dominant function is Fi, which gives you a strong moral set of values
Neat, I'm an infp but have 0 effective emotional range cuz depression for years and all that so I always wondered, but I do have a lot of defined moral values.
>look like a 90 year old's ballsack and can't afford surgery.
I'm sorry for you user.
>>What is autophagy
Is there any clinical trial that can confirm this, or is it the usual meme-medicine.
when i had cancer back in 09 they made me fast and i lost 60 pounds and kicked cancer
>Autophagy is a meme
You retards are fat for a reason.
I'm here because I been here since 03, was main form of socialization during the years I spent as neet, besides it's fun to shit post with your fellow anons.
>problems/psychological issues?
anxiety and depression maybe, mostly anxiety.
>Why aren't you with me in my bed righ now?
I'm studying desu, might sneak in later.
>didn't even read the article he linked
Typical brainlet.
27, depression, anxiety all my life
Friendless since high school. Been on Jow Forums longer than most of you.
Have you considered that you might be INFJ? It'd explain why your Ni tested so high and your Te was the lowest function, since INFJ has Te polr.
Glad to hear that at least you no longer have your cancer, user.
Is there any cancer survivor meeting you can go? You might find some clicking fellas there
But do you have evidence of someone who was over 200 lbs overweight doing this? I've only ever seen men who've maybe lost 50 lbs at the most and never a 5'3 woman losing that much.
Like the other user said, I highly doubt it would work for someone with skin as damaged as mine.
Of course.
Thanks, user.
Yeah because your cellural organelles are somehow different from the rest of the population and cell death induced via autophagy to release collagen works differently in you. You are a unique snowflake with one of a kind physiology.
Get this 16 year old boomer outta here.
>are you american by any chance?
Europoor. Socialized medicine and stuff (usually the worst doctors), can't afford a private one.
> i fear has caused some permanent damage, especially to my teeth.
Yeah my teeth are a mess too, have two teeth implants.
How much euros to fuck your fat pussy so you can afford a proper doctor?
>mentally ill but not obese
Deal, where can I pick you up?
>Friendless since high school.
So you had friends in high school?
How did you lost them?
Women that are literally missing teeth, have loose skin from being overweight and have a plethora of mental illnesses feel they are still too good to date a robot.
Oh, I am laughing!
I'm a man (man). Skinny and probably with a bigger dick than yours.
Just kys.
I'll be your ex fatty bf. Ive lost 60 lbs in a year but I don't expect you to, I'm being honest. Will you be my saggy tit gf? If you really want to lose weight I can help, but if you don't want to you're fine how you are. Please talk to me.
>still too good to date a robot.
Sorry user but they are to good for you, not for other robots.
And now please kys.
>treated like an outcast even among "friends"
>was joked as being the school shooter in HS
pretty solid reasons IMHO
>>was joked as being the school shooter in HS
That doesn't happen to girls user.
What is ugly about you besides being fat?