What do you think?

was 5 '10 100 pounds and gained over 20 pounds in the last 5 weeks

Attached: now.jpg (1291x667, 82K)

Wait, you're 120lbs at 5'10?

Keep at it man, your gains will dramatically slow down over time, but you already look better.

Did you cheat?

5 weeks feels to short for that weight gain at your weight.


No cheating, just eating every 2 hours and counting my calories


Diet or workout?

Your workout

i'm 22, not teen

you sure you're 5'10? my mother is 4'11 and 100 pounds and thin as a rail. You couldn't possibly have less muscle than my legal midget 60 year old mother

Proof that abs aren't made in the kitchen.

3 min run
curl ups
inclined dumbbells
bearhug dumbbells
bicep curls
bicep machine
preacher curls
tricep rope pull down (not sure what it's called)
back workout
short run

40 mins of random leg machines

"Routine", faggot.

He had negative muscle mass so its gonna be easier going back to 0

positive, and that's where i get confused too Iv'e seen videos of people that were similar bmis and i think I looked somewhat decent compared

must have them lightweight bones bruh

Attached: 343.jpg (596x628, 39K)

Fellow skellyfag here. Been a month and some change and I think I've gained just under ten pounds. 6'2 130

I thought you could only gain a pound of muscle mass a week? how are you guys making gainz so fast?

4k+ calories a day

100% sure a lot of it is fat. That's totally cool with me since I have no weight to begin with. Once I'm like a "healthy" weight I'll slow bulk from there so the cut won't be so long

how do you do this as a skelly? I'm 5'8 120 and I can barely stomach 3k

throw in some junk food, salty fatty foods stimulate your appetite

chocolate milk. large glass=1.5 cups = 225 calories and have it with every meal

2 packets of oatmeal for breakfast=240 cals

corned beaf hash, chicken pot pies, spaghetti, burger for meals with the choc milk = around 800+ cals per meal and i can usually eat every 3 hours without getting sick

Before I started going to the gym I tried eating 3k+ a day and I just threw all that shit up. Slowly I got used to it and now it's to the point where I can still feel hungry after eating 3k.