Shhh sweetie, not until i finish this cuppa.
>taps mug.
Shhh sweetie, not until i finish this cuppa.
>taps mug.
Based and robust post OP.
When you’re finished, mind telling me how many days until Avatar 2 is out?
What part of shh didn’t you understand silly.
*points toward mug*
Hey.. give me second sweetie
Sweetie, no...
can someone explain this meme
Women are a living meme
shhh you know the rule user
Usually older women do this in office environments first thing in the morn.
It just so happens that smug pepe has the perfect face for it.
>already on my third
‘Ahhh. Much better.’
Does this cuppa look empty to you?
Then don't talk to me.
What’s the point of this thread?
le epic meme xDDDDDDDD
Please be quiet...I said shut up
>that image
Top fucking kek
Is Carmella /ourgirl/?
>ywn have your coffee with Carmella before eating her tight little ass