Shhh sweetie, not until i finish this cuppa

Shhh sweetie, not until i finish this cuppa.

>taps mug.

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Based and robust post OP.

When you’re finished, mind telling me how many days until Avatar 2 is out?

What part of shh didn’t you understand silly.

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*points toward mug*

Hey.. give me second sweetie

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Sweetie, no...

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can someone explain this meme

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Women are a living meme

shhh you know the rule user

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Usually older women do this in office environments first thing in the morn.
It just so happens that smug pepe has the perfect face for it.

>already on my third

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‘Ahhh. Much better.’

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Does this cuppa look empty to you?
Then don't talk to me.

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What’s the point of this thread?

le epic meme xDDDDDDDD

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Please be quiet...I said shut up

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>that image
Top fucking kek

Is Carmella /ourgirl/?

>ywn have your coffee with Carmella before eating her tight little ass