Why do people hate this man? I just watched a couple of videos...

Why do people hate this man? I just watched a couple of videos, he looks like the person many people here need to listen to.

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He's not a left cuck retard. Why would anyone here hate him?

I don't know if what he says actually helps people that much or if it's just enlightening stuff about the nature of the world.

Because he pushed back against Orwellian anti-speech laws in Canada that can lead to people being fined or punished for simply misgendering people.

>properly gendering

People don't hate JBP because of his generic self-help advice, they hate him because he goes on national television spouting off insane gibberish and laughable falsehood


>Why do people hate this man

On this website? Not many. It's just SJWs that hate him

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I mean listening to him can't make you taller, or more desirable, or less ugly, knowing your life sucks doesn't make it suck less, you can't sort out bad genetics. Telling people to be trade cucks or talking about IQ isn't revolutionary either. He just represents a "help yourself" mentality to people and they use it to brow beat losers like me.

i watched a couple of his videos, and thought he was pretty intelligent and thoughtful guy, until i realized he really just tries to fool everyone into thinking just that.
in reality hes just your average Jow Forumstard, but instead of being an incel hes someone that can formulate words quite well. in addition to this hes said some really stupid things recently that seem to reveal him more as not as smart as he sounds, and really kind of an asshole

>people here
Peterson doesn't care about you. If you're not Chad material, in Peterson's worldview you deserve to be alone. Stop worshipping a guy who wants you dead.

>Jow Forumstard
Wow, pol loves Juden Petersterin now.

Because nobody wants to listen to some faggot with entry level life advice give them a lecture on modern politics. Also his undergrad cult of fans likes to suck his balls so much (pulling six figures on patreon) they make bts fans look like amateur hour

>im so smart i can just TELL this harvard psychology professor is just pretending!!!

How fucking dumb are you LMAO

>psychology professor
You're saying it like it means something. No competent neuroscientist takes psychology seriously.

Meme memeprovemement is a stupid meme and even memememe memermeme knows it

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Because I don't need to be told to keep my living space tidy, which tells you a lot about the calibre of his fans

He's derivative and his advice is dad-tier.
He is, however, a figure a lot of men lacked. A jungian archetype, like he so often goes on about.

He also low-key tries to make people religious but I forgive his reasoning behind it. He definitely isn't some crypto-fascist like some loons would have you believe.

>low key
Hebrings up god every 5 minutes, it's just his fans try to censor it.

Its just a few far left incels who are shotgunned to hate anything that questions their world view.

>spouting off insane gibberish and laughable falsehood
which is false.

Or are you a person that think there are more than 2 genders?

This is the perfect example of a triggered lefty who doesn't know why he hates JP but that he should because the groups feels that way.

Can you get the fuck off of this website normal scum?

Oh a bunch of opinion pieces from the Liberal media. The only people spouting gibberish are those who subscribe to the "gender on a spectrum" nonsense.

There is nothing wrong with being a christian and if more people were we would be better off.


Anyone who thinks trannies are anything other than mentally ill can't be taken seriously. Now I know why the far-left are attacking him.

Many people do not like the implications of the shit he talks about.

Because every word out of his mouth is muh just world garbage and anarchy retardation.

Jow Forums-lacks hate him because he won't name the J.
Left hates him because even though he doesn't name the J and openly speaks out against fascism, he's a popular right leaning commentator so that automatically makes him "a leader of the alt-right."

>muh sekrit wizard club

Agreed.It has a powerful social function, that's why I get the reasoning behind advocating for it in this ''low-key'' way. He should be, however, more upfront about his intent - just look up how he answers when asked if he believes in god (YouTube or wherever)

He's a centrist LE BASED jew loving shill who hates nationalism. But he atleast presents some of our views in the mainstream

What does JP think about Jow Forums's TRUE god emperor?
Pic very related

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He's eh. Some of his stuff is generic bullshit, but does make valid points. I just don't like all the drama surrounding him. While people like to get riled up over commies, gender bullshit, and general snowflakery I do not.

Lots of people on the far left don't like him because he questions the Tranny nonsense.

This. Just another LE BASED centrist but atleast he isnt sargon

>At least is isn't Sargon

Ain't that the truth

Yep. But people will continue to say people like Sargon and Peterson are based. They'll just be fanning the flames for retarded flame wars that don't matter while actual problems go unaddressed. I don't see why people are keyboard warriors for either side. I will admit that some of his lectures that aren't about political/gendered issues can be interesting. But Sargon will just bitch about batty feminists and snowflakes.