im good at this user. been using top tier cocaine for years and limit myself to max 4 nights a month without any cravings because i have shaped my mind. i also smoke cigs on these 4 nights without wanting one the next morning.
my only question is if its actually as enjoyable or am i gonna want to lay in bed like a zombie on opiates?
Anthony Morgan
Angel Fisher
xanax is a decent replacement for alcohol down a bar or two and follow up with a glass of vodka you'll be fucked up for almost no calories
Jayden Cruz
i tried ambien, valium and lorazepam
first one just puts me straight to sleep valium just chills me abit, cant imagine it having such bigger effect with booze lorazepam with booze spaced me the fuck out. i gambled thousands of dollars that night without wanting to. it felt like a dream.
is xanax different than said listed benzos?
Wyatt Lewis
Opiates are on a whole different tier of addictiveness. The addiction is like having a parasite take control of your brain.
Cooper Rivera
NAC n acetylcysteine 2400 mg daily totally erased my cocaine and nicotine addiction.
I'm not even jocking i'm unironical
Noah Stewart
lorazepam would be the most similar imo, but xanax is a bit easier to control, you retain a bit more memories too
Cooper Cox
maybe i misstyped the op. to make it clear: i dont have a cocaine addiction. i have already stopped taking it because in combination with booze which is the only way of enjoying it got me working out less intense in the gym and i got fatter cause of booze calories overtime so fuck that shit.
im looking for something less taxing aesthetics wise and pills come in zero calories so im looking for fit advice before buying anything.
Elijah Mitchell
can you get physical withdrawal by taking them 3 times a month?
Adrian Walker
What? You can't enjoy cocaine without alcohol?? Sorry, but if cocaine doesn't get you high enough without also adding alcohol then probably nothing will. Maybe you should just stop frying your brain and try enjoying things like a functioning member of society
Cooper Diaz
You won't handle opiates well. I did heroin for 8 years, trust me. Oxys/Roxy's/ etc is going to be the same sad song.
Try kratom, but be relentless with your dosing schedule.
Josiah Robinson
nah, as long as you keep it weekend warrior u gucci
Connor Hernandez
What guarantee do you have that you will limit your intake to 3 times a month?
Samuel Rodriguez
No. It takes anywhere from two weeks to one month. I'm warning you, you'll never feel a better feeling. Don't travel down this road
Dominic Sullivan
pills are cheap as fuck and you can buy them legally in a pharmacy here. dont see how i could end up with herone user
Josiah James
>guarantee there is none to anything in life user. but the fact i limited cigarettes and cocaine which are the most addicting substances next to it to 4 times a week got me confident.
Julian Edwards
a month*
also for opiates, should i try codeine/promethazine first or is that nigger rapper meme?
Jackson Allen
>im not junky tier First, stop deluding yourself. You have a problem. And not actually a fitness one. Accept it. Second, get help now. In third, she seems to be a fine lady. Who is this pippy erector?
Caleb Price
mira twitch
Jace Carter
cocaine is nowhere near as addictive as opiates you fucking retard. Opiates are literally physically addictive. Once you're on them, you'll be sick when you're not taking them
Elijah Ramirez
i was on xanax for my depression/anxiety 3mg per day, got off relatively easy desu just wean off them and take melatonin or something to help combat insomnia
Crystal meth gives you better high than cocaine. Fucking noob lol
Brody Perez
ditch the hard drugs and switch to weed/psychadelics
Robert Torres
You are fucking addict likes others, these energy drinks are worse shit than alcohol or smoke,
Jack Moore
>weed/psychadelics This is shit compared to coke
Kevin Perez
ditch cocaine and do the stuff that can fuck you up for life and give you a psychosis
Xavier Sullivan
I was a cokehead for years. Fortunately I got out of it pretty much unscathed except for my bank account - but I'm way too scared to find out just how much potential scarring I have in my heart from it. This shit isn't harmless.
Lincoln White
weed is the worst. cocaine is a soft drug compared to it for me. i get anxious, pessimistic, depressive 30 minutes after smoking. literally trapped in my own body and negative thoughts without a chance to escape. i feel like i get redpilled about nonsense on it but im just completely paranoid and out of my mind.
doesnt matter if sativa or indica. tried everything from amsterdam shop stuff to low thc street shit. never again.
William Thompson
>scarring uwotm8? a bit of cardio and im gucci after quitting it with no permant issues right user?
Luis Scott
Sounds awesome, i would smoke weed if i were you.
Jose Morris
cocaine is good just stop drinking, i do coke and ecstasy, either one or the other, if you do not do it everyday you are goona be ok and you should not have a problem with workouts, just limit yourself like 2-3 times a month
Landon Ortiz
>berating someone else >pippy erector
Pick one
Colton Foster
use Jack3d
Charles Foster
dmaa is pleb tier. poverty speed.
Camden Lewis
>gucci are you a shitskin op? if you’re white there’s no saving you. hopefully when you get older you’ll realize how stupid you were in your youth. how you talk unironically bothers me more than your drug addiction
Asher Baker
obviously has never done cocaine after drinks.
Isaiah James
Of course he is a fucking nigger.
Robert Perry
i was memeing because i had it in my had with this nigger using it prior
lol alright, best of luck then... maybe just cut back to 1/2 times a month instead of 4 then my man
Hudson Howard
MDMA. I use it occasionally and it's great, I have no side effects from it, except for not eating much the entire night/probably the next day. It's safe and a lot of fun. But you can't fuck on it.
Xavier Phillips
No, better kill yourself mate. It's uneducated people like you who push the stigma, but probably get shitfaced on alcohol regularly.
Julian Reed
Better do x, Whenever i do pure mdma i always take too much and cant fuck on it, one x pill and it will be fun but you will still be able to get your dick working
Ethan Ramirez
nah user. i look like an alien while on it. my eyes and jaw goes crazy the high is neat but its too wild. on cocaine its still decent and you in controll of things which is a must have for me. thats why i dislike weed so much, im not in control anymore. + as you said you cant fuck on it
Eli Scott
Mushrooms brother. The compound mimics dopamine and gives you cinematographer visuals.
Charles Lopez
I use ecstasy pillies/MDMA/Amphetamine about once every 1 or 2 months.
I'm mid twenties, heavily work out 4-5 days a week, am at peak health, no roids, eat healthy and a lot, make 70k€, have a long term gf, also more materialistic bullshit I've earned by myself. Drugs actually had some positive effects on me - and also a better understanding why they can be bad for some people.
For me, it is not an issue at all. But drugs should still be regulated well; people with no perspective, a bad state or other mental issues can get in really big trouble.
Don't take it easy and you're fine.
Adrian Jones
Street shit tends to be high in THC, so you've probably only tried high THC. I can relate to your experience though. It usually only happens like that for me if I've been a slob and smoked regularly. If I smoke less often it's more enjoyable.
Nicholas Myers
former opiate addict here stay the fuck away from opiates but I'm still on ze drugs coffee and kratom everyday everyone thinks it won't get them don't spend years of your life as a junkie