Similar minds attract each other

>similar minds attract each other

>you're an INTJ male with an IQ of 148, degree in theoretical physics, and you write poems where you cleverly explain the metaphysical nature of reality with math concepts

>women like me literally don't exist, and because I'm hot I'd also like to demand a hot one

Mating: impossible.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They say opposites attract, so in reality your playing field is wide open. Maybe women don't like you because you're a pretentious dick.

Go check your horoscope, maybe that will help

>browses r9k
pick one

Post poem or else you're a liar.
Also I'm INTJ but I'm a stupid retard so I don't really get it.

Jow Forums turns out to be fkin cringe

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What the fuck else were you expecting it to be

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I thought opposites attract, the only real issue with being a high IQ man is that sexing a woman 20 or more IQ points lower than you is essentially rape. anyway do this

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What's the official stance on ISTJ?

Also fuck this faggot thread.

>i'm a genius and borderline normie but am also an onions boy and have fake depression

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fuck off Belgium

Well, I just found out that hand sniffing is considered autistic.

At least you guys are more down to earth than N types claiming to be einstein.

>They say opposites attract

I'm not attracted to idiotic bimbos if that's what you're getting at.

>complaining about being a successful attractive person with an IQ of 148
fuck you

I'm not sure if this kind of opinion is even allowed these days in the modern era of free speech, but here goes:

I've noticed that women are actually dumber than men and most men are quite dumb, so yeah.
Your typical woman literally cannot comprehend anything beyond superficial shit like handbags and hot looking guys.

>write poems where you cleverly explain the metaphysical nature of reality with math concepts
Maybe you are not as smart as you think you are and just driving women away with your supposed superiority complex
I have an IQ of 144 (got tested by multiple professionals and it varies from 142 to 150) and I can confidently say that intelligence doesnt matter

An NTJ on r9k
claimed he was a special gay
"My Iq's great
It's one four eight
now praise me while I masturbate!"
the other robots all denied
"Which online test did you confide?"
"You a poet? You must have lied!"
"Degree in physics? I bet you tried!
they told him he should suicide
the incel cried, and tried to hide
To none of their posts, he dared, replied

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Idiotic bimbos are hot though. You're just too low IQ to use them to your advantage. You aren't as smart as you think, retard.

>with your supposed superiority complex

Your problem is that you're analyzing me based on my post and assuming I'm tooting out my stats like that when I go meet women.
Nope, that's just me anonymously, and those are objective facts about me. I literally had no way to express my problem of not finding a woman of my level without stating that my level is indeed that which I mentioned in the post. If it makes me arrogant then so be it, I didn't exaggerate or lie. I consider myself a humble man, unlike most tattooed douchebags who drive motorcycles, spit on the floor indoors and seem to get all the girls despite being outright obnoxious, cheating bastards.
So I don't really get why people simultaneously tell me I'm being pretentious and then tell me Chads get girls because they are pretentious and it excites women.

>I can confidently say that intelligence doesnt matter
It matters in the way that if you talk about other than rainbows and ponies to a woman, you'll drive her away. Women fear what they don't understand and calculus is like witchcraft to them. This is what bugs me the most. In order to win a woman over I would need to talk about Jersey Shore, puppies and how I love drinking coffee while watching Netflix.

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>thinks you can get any girl if you're just smart enough so you can trick them

Nah bro, it doesn't work that way.

Newton's IQ was 190 and he lived and died alone.
The smarter you are, the more lonely you are.
My virginity is actually more proof of my intelligence than any IQ test.

>hot virgin
Does not compute.

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>you're analyzing me based on my post
what the fuck else am I supposed to analyze you by? Am I supposed to garner your personality by your digits, judging you on your lack of dubs?
>Women fear what they don't understand and calculus is like witchcraft to them
whilst I would like to entertain the idea that women have hobbies or independent thought, all my years of experience have shown me that women are just as vapid and shallow as you think they are.

Hot male virgins exist, hot female virgins don't. Nice equality for u.

Metaphysics is pseudoscience, you idiot.

So you found out that you're an INTJ and you try to embrace it by acting like a cold (actually autistic) edgelord.

I'm an INTJ and I think you're a faggot.

>Maybe women don't like you because you're a pretentious dick.
You sound absolutely insufferable to be around, OP.

>what the fuck else am I supposed to analyze you by?

You're not supposed to analyze my personality at all.

>whilst I would like to entertain the idea that women have hobbies or independent thought, all my years of experience have shown me that women are just as vapid and shallow as you think they are.

Heh. Indeed.
Whenever I talk to a woman, I first ask her about her hobbies. Whereas I have countless hobbies ranging from motor building to poetry, they usually have none, unless Netflix counts as a hobby. They just sit on the couch all day in their panties, posting food pics on Instagram and waiting for some Chad to pick them up, fuck them and provide for them.
As misogynistic as this sounds, I've found this to be reality.

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>You sound absolutely insufferable to be around, OP.

If a woman is a pretentious asshole, you'd still fuck her, right? You don't care, as long as a female gives you attention.

Why are the most beautiful girls always into low IQ guys?

When I go out I always see these 5/5 girls hanging out with some lowlife criminals on motorbikes. The guy is just spitting on the ground, swearing and the girl is posing, puffing her hair, arching her back trying to present to the guy.
It's like I'm watching some documentary on monkey mating rituals.

Christ, do you guys copy this from r/niceguys or some shit?
I hate that everything on this board feels so genuine and cringy.

Expecting someone of the exact same level of intelligence and interests when you are well outside the norm on that front is unreasonable. Get your intellectual stimulation from coworkers or other places, find someone that you get along with and can share some common interests. Trying to find a female version of yourself is weird and will end in failure.

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To be fair, the majority of people are like this. I have met enough women who have real interests outside of those things, they just aren't common cause most people are shitty in general. A chick I consider my little sister has a lot of interests, she likes cooking, baking, making blankets and that, she has a side business she is working on as well. They exist, they are just rare.

opposites attract.
>magnetism has been an analogy since it was discovered for a reason.

>calculus is like witchcraft to them.
>talking about calculus
You might be good at pattern recognition, but you're a fucking retard.

Ignore these fags for a second
I wanna hear your metaphysics poems.
Do you have them saved somewhere online?

>you're an INTP male with an IQ of 150+, degree in theoretical physics
this is me

why would you try to talk about math with anyone? it's pointless unless it's a colleague.

Men have a much greater variation in intelligence. This means most brainacs are male, as well as most retards. Wether men have higher average iq is still debated.

Kill yourself incelfag

>metaphysical poems
Jesus fuck no wonder you can't get women. Look most people are idiots or their entertainment doesn't involve learning. So to get women you have to actually puruse interests that interest both you and normalfags.

You might have a high sexual market value, but if you're as autistic and cringy as you sound, it doesn't really mean shit. Pic related

That said, kind of I know your feeling. Most women are just boring collectivist roasties. Just accept that their brains work different.

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? I am majoring in mathematics and physics and am female. I understand where you are drawing your conclusions from, but not every female is as inocuous and jejune as you believe they are. I am sorry you are having difficulty meeting someone, though.

Sounds like you're using your intelligence as too much of a basis for your identity. Expecting to find someone that meets your description of yourself won't happen.

To have relationships you will have to put up with people dumber than you, who have pointless interests and seemingly arbitrary goals in life.

Being the person with the greater perspective you have to accept this and in a way patronize. At some point it stops being an act of patronization and you learn that you can wear 'masks' while remaining true to yourself and actually enjoy it.

Not saying it's easy or totally possible but it's something I've had to do to even get to the basics of relationships with normies. They don't want to hear me sperg about molecular biology, though I gladly would.

Luckily for you your social intelligence is just as far to the left on the bell curve as your IQ is to the right, so you aren't really being sold short.

I have this problem sadly.
>iq ranges from 149 to 168
>didn't understand thats its weird to touch peoples hair until I was 16

>IQ of 148
Then why on God's green Earth would you come here and talk to us?
>degree in theoretical physics
Nearly no universities allow you to specialize in theoretical physics as an undergrad, faggot
>and you write poems where you cleverly explain the metaphysical nature of reality with math concepts

You're just an 8th grader who thinks he's smart. Ask me how I know, OP

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>similar minds attract each other
1. This doesn't logically mean that people with different minds, whether in temperament or raw intelligence, cannot be attracted to one another.
2. This isn't necessarily always true.
Impossible means that it's beyond your control. If it's your personal preferences that the girl also has 148 IQ, it is what you want and not an external reality that prevents you from mating. Ergo, not impossible.
>defining your personality using meme psychology
115 IQlet detected.

>Whenever I talk to a woman, I first ask her about her hobbies. Whereas I have countless hobbies ranging from motor building to poetry, they usually have none, unless Netflix counts as a hobby. They just sit on the couch all day in their panties, posting food pics on Instagram and waiting for some Chad to pick them up, fuck them and provide for them.
As misogynistic as this sounds, I've found this to be reality.

They most certainly do exist, it's unfortunate that you've had such terrible luck.

Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow
>Quantum Field Theory grand revelation.

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Don't use your iq as a cope then, understand your social retardation is holding you back and be willing to accept that it's way below average and needs work. The longer you delude yourself due to cognitive dissonance the worse your life will be.

Also this, most people who use their IQ as a massive cope like op are normally like 120-130 iq and/or completely socially inept so they fall back on their IQ as a cope.

Meow meow meoow

Ik that I have been. I have been working on my problems through various means and now I have a multitude of irl friends ans im asking a girl out tommorow. I have rarely used my iq as a cope sense i realized how retatded that was when I was 16. Still dont understand why people get mad if I dont like certain cultures though. And apparently I make thos face like I'm going to attack people when i get mad. I'm trying to look calm but apparently I don't. but im working on it

I can post a few good looking virgins
Some people are just shy

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Op, it's entirely possible that despite your degree, you really are a mediocre poet. It's entirely possible that despite your degree and capacity for understanding theoretical physics, you are profoundly lacking in creativity, wisdom, or any number of integrative intellectual abilities which would render your knowledge more useful to society. Stop overvaluing yourself, you lil biiiitch.

Why else would someone come here other then to laugh at this point? Most things on self pity boards are more comical than relatable at this point.

>Lewis Carroll
>Immanuel Kant
>Henry James
Just famous examples.

They did in the past.
>Joan of Arc
>Queen Elizabeth I

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>They did in the past.

>women that lie really well

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never change user i love you

10/10 you beautiful original bastard

Queen Elizabeth probably had (at least one) lover during her life, but Joan of Arc had to be physically examined for virginity during her trial.

That feel smart enough to know any of my intellectual pursuits would lead to nothing. No drive, no looks, no charisma.I am the quintessential robot. Why would anyone on this board want to reproduce, let the Jews take over already they have taken any last joy I've had.

>he believes in personality types

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drop your discord m8

this is what brainlets actually think about their INTJ overlords.

So you have literally 1 example? She was probably just suckin dick and taking it in the ass instead.

what's a reliable site to find your personality type?

That's like asking for a reliable site to test your IQ. There isn't one

>implying Queen Elizabeth wasn't a tranny and the virgin story was just a cover up

Why would the king be a tranny?

I'm a medical doctor with an I.Q of 134 and I like women who are quiet, thin, timid, submissive, and not too smart. I don't want to have an intelligent, stimulating conversation with a woman. If you want that get a guy friend.

It's a bit of a crazy (yet interesting) age old conspiracy theory.

t. going to live a successful, satisfied life because sociopaths always do

Fuck this world.

Sociopaths are often obsessed with status, and envious of those that achieve more than them.

Seems like he just wanted a certain type of chick he prefers, iono why you decide he is a sociopath based on that. Also, lots of sociopaths end up in prison or dead, so iono what you are on about them always living well.

Losers are envious too, and I'm a loser, a loser who is awake but a fucking loser nonetheless.
You could tell how a person is like through their 30 second interactions with their waiter or maid, let alone how they prefer the person whom they want to be matrimonially compelled to live with them until death to be like. Narcissistic sociopaths that are smart go far here.

You can't figure out if someone is a fucking sociopath from 1 sentence statement on Jow Forums you retard.

Sure you can.

Examples of things a sociopath might say that'd clue you in on them being as such:
>I killed my mother and felt nothing
>I used to kick my parents' dog just for fun
>I'm a medical doctor with an I.Q of 134 and I like women who are quiet, thin, timid, submissive, and not too smart. I don't want to have an intelligent, stimulating conversation with a woman.

I'm INTJ but the only smart thing I've ever did was learning linux is this enough to impress other INTJ girls? no wait I don't want to meet other people

I'm an INTJ with a PhD and I bang all kinds of artsy types who think I'm really funny and charming. Just be funny and charming; you just have to find slightly quirky girls who will appreciate your weirdness, but quirkiness doesn't line up with myers-briggs types anyway.

This thread is shit and you're shit too OP.
Go marry a man faggot.

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>people don't lie or fake things to be edgy here
>having tastes in more submissive women means you are always a sociopath

GJ Freud, you figured it all out.



>create personality thread

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And here are the professions with the least psychopaths:

1. Care Aide
2. Nurse
3. Therapist
4. Craftsperson
5. Beautician/Stylist
6. Charity Worker
7. Teacher
8. Creative Artist
9. Doctor
10. Accountant

>9. Doctor

>>people don't lie or fake things to be edgy here
People lying or faking is irrelevant, everything I say is about the concept of the person portrayed in the post, not whoever is actually behind the keyboard. Unless it's obvious I have to assume I'm replying and referring to the portrayed person. Given the range of personalities and other determinants of behavior you're sorta left in a shadow of doubt no matter what people say, it can all be true and it can all be false. I assume it's true because that's more productive in most cases and there's literally no downsides besides feeding some lying fag's ego but you can't help that.
>having tastes in more submissive women means you are always a sociopath
The devil's in the details, he didn't just say more submissive, he meant as submissive, helpless and weak as a literal, absolute slave would ideally be. If you're sincere in wanting people to be your slave until they or you die then you have problems, the right kind of problems to have though, in this soulless society.

You are extrapolating heavily here based on what you want it to be. You basically have it dead set that what you think is true without any actual proof of it, so now you are going to extreme lengths to try to convince me of it. You can't diagnose sociopathy over the internet, get over it.

Women prefer extroverted men with high social status.

>148 IQ
Women don't care about male IQ or intelligence except where it's correlated to social status.

>Degree in theoretical physics
Women don't care about your degree unless it means that you have or will certainly obtain a well-paying prestigious job.

>write poems where you cleverly explain the metaphysical nature of reality with math concepts
Women don't care about your poetry unless they're attracted to you.

None of your accomplishments are particularly attractive to women.

I need citations to prove that a person who is sincere in wanting expressly and explicitly helpless, weak slaves devoted to them eternally have problems? You're not worth talking to if that's the case, the claim that killing puppies for no reason is fucked up and reflects a destructive personality would need a citation from you, because someone saying "I kill puppies for no reason" is just one sentence and you apparently can't tell that people who say and mean that are fucked.

MBTI is shitty compared to OCEAN. OP is a faggot.

The trick is to not talk about anything with anyone. Even if you share an interest you're going to be into it in a completely different way than them.

You still can't diagnose sociopathy over the internet. If a professional in that field can't do it, you can't either. Considering most sociopaths are hard to even diagnose in the first place due to their ability to blend in and give the appearance of normalcy, that is even more a reason you can't do it. Maybe instead of trying to internet diagnose random people for shit you aren't qualified to do, you could work on not being a fucking loser and pissing and moaning about others?

go suck poppy petey's cock somewhere else

>I can't have a relationship because I'm so much better than everyone
>I have an arbitrary number to spam when I feel threatened

You're such a fuckin dummy

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>you write poems where you cleverly explain the metaphysical nature of reality with math concepts
Holy shit. You're saying you do this??? That's really fucking cringy, dude.

I'd say women value high intelligence because they are attracted to men who make them feel inferior. The other stuff is true though.

>women like me literally don't exist
OP, it sounds like you feel incompetent for being unable to connect with people. So you've built your self-image around being different and rejected down-to-earth things. You can change your thinking. Maybe you could try being a little more spontaneous, rather than judging a situation right off the bat.

Wow, you put some work into this bait.

Low I.Q female detected

In essence, even if sociopathy's diagnosis is this untouchable golden calf, what I meant, that a person with the described traits is the same type of fucked up person who will get ahead in a world like the one we're living in is correct.

Keep sticking your virgin fingers in your ears

All of them can't be diagnosed over the internet, that is why people make fun of stupid tumblr retards that claim they have all these mental disorders without a doctor checking. You aren't some special person that can't diagnose things better than others, you are just a random fucking self admitted loser that is complaining about the world.

Keep sticking your slut fingers in your hole

You can't prove this.