
Its another no fap thread, share your stories, advice, anything about not beatn the meat.
>start because you want to get better at getting girls
>stay because you want to get better at being yourself

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Other urls found in this thread:


Not masturbating will NOT improve your life, you utter fucking retard. Stop watching demented porn, stop masturbating 9 times a day. FINE. But some regular masturbation is healthy and normal, and will not affect anything. For the love of god when will this meme die?

Medfag here btw. Please stop with this autistic fucking nonsense. I'm happy to sit here and answer questions to help kill this.

Can nofap increase testosterone?

Unequivocally, no. It wont affect testosterone. Some studies have shown that if you don't orgasm at all, ie. you're not having sex AND not masturbating, it can actually decrease test.

whats the normal amount
is once a day not normal?

>at work today
>building is right next to a forest
>see a girl sitting against the tree from my desk
>she's talking on the phone for atleast 30 minutes
>can see she's crying
>she hangs up and continues crying
>feel bad, grab some water and go outside
>she sees me approaching and tenses up
>ask if I can sit with her and if she wants some water
>she's pretty qt
>she was calling her mom who lives far away
>sit next to her against the tree
>she tells me about her insecurity, worries and all kinds of other shit
>talk for an hour straight
>girl is straight Jow Forums incarnate
>she sheds a tear every now and then but manages to laugh quite often
>she relaxes
>walk over to her bike
>she wants to shake my hand but I give her a hug and tell her to hang in there and that everything's going to be alright
>get her number
>she just texted me how much she appreciates me coming outside and how special it was for her
>colleagues compliment me when I get back inside

Not sure if this is because of nofap, but it definitely helped me. Wanted to share it with my nofap bro's because you guys are positive people.

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>leave when you realize its an internet cult for losers

Once a day is fine. Like most things, you will know if it's a problem. Do you fap when you know you should be doing something else? Does it get in the way of other hobbies? Do you watch excessive porn? etc This nofap thing is terrible because it enforces feelings of shame in young men for something that is healthy and normal. This is a new puritanism and it will fuck you up. IF you don't believe me - and why would you, it's the internet - go see a MD in person.

Attributing this to not masturbating....

My fucking god.

>Not sure if this is because of nofap, but it definitely helped me
Stay retarded, faggot. Helping people in need is something you do every day right?

Good job user

really loving the "let's shill nazism in every single thread by posting propaganda picture in unrelated threads" things you Jow Forumstards brought up, really bringing the board to new heights every day

"not sure if..."

Even considering this possibility belies how deep the rot has set in.

Also, I'm a medical doctor, so definitely not retarded, and yes, I help young men like you everyday. I work on a college campus.

>Also, I'm a medical doctor, so definitely not retarded

>feeling the need to assert yourself like this
Nigga you retarded as hell

Being empathic doesn’t come from not wanking your dick. First things first, stop the nofap bullshit, your using it as an excuse to dodge more pressing issues in your life. Tackle real issues and save the non problems when your sorted mate.

Call the police fagget

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I'm trying to help pull people out of a fucking cult.

i'll leave you to your ugly manlet worshipping, to each their own

he lost, get over it tho

Being emphatic has nothing to do with nofap, true. But actually managing to approach people IS. Sure, he can be all emphatic behind his desk, but what gives him the balls to go up to her while his colleagues don't?

2 months into nofap lads. My dom won't let me stop haha.

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JIDF pls

You want time to answer ‘not masterbating gave this man courage to comfort a distressed girl”?

I think that user is just a good guy and saw something he thought he could help fix, god forbid you credit yourself when credit is due. You can be proud of your own actions without attaching them to stupid things. That user did that because he manned up, and maybe you can to.

>Being an emotional tampon for a stranger
>Friendzoning yourself immediately
>Asking losers if not touching yourself contributed to your "victory"
>Have fun raising my kid


Day 7

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>do nofap for 3 weeks
>lift a bit more at the gym
>women still not interested in me
>same level of confidence

what about all this talk about dopamine surges and deltafosb?

>Asking losers if not touching yourself contributed to your "victory"

crab in a bucket

don't listen to these fags user. feel good about making a move most of these fags would never do nofap or not.

you may be smart, but that doesn't make you not retarded

>regular masturbation is healthy and normal
no it isnt

the optimal amount is zero

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yes. dont listen to juden

this is a health and fitness board. why should we not be concerned with the health of humanity?

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Unequivocally not true. Nofap is motivated by pseudoscience.

this is an english speaking board. take your hebrew elsewhere

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Wtf is your image talking about user? I'm a medical professional with 22 years experience, and I can assure you that your image is utter BS. YES masturbation is normal and healthy for all human beings. It DOES NOT reduce T.

As I said previously, chronic masturbation and porn addiction are a different matter.

You have swallowed a giant ball of internet pseudoscience.

So much for kike free first post

read about enkidu and what happened to him after he busted nut after nut for seven days straight after being full semen retention master race his whole life
>inb4 but that's just a story it doesnt mean anything hurr

>muh medical profession
i'm also a medical proffesional with over 44.4 years experience and most of my family and in laws are also doctors or involved the medical field in some way. i'm also a phd. NO, mastubation is not normal or healthy for any human being. it DOES reduce T, among other things.

you have swallowed a giant ball of judaic mind viruses

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>lasted a little over 6 months
>go on /s/ for some reason
>short haired QT thread
>have to change shirt
>currently on day 11
I haven't really experienced any benefits from NoFap other than a sense of self control. I only continue to do NoFap because I rarely feel a desire to fap

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nofap will make animals more attracted to you (srs). semen retention has some type of magic effect. you can say "ackshually it's just because you're more confident" but that's not what it is. until the science fags take their heads out of the sand the conclusion will continue to be that it's basically actual magic. like pet dogs and cats will be more attracted to you for no other discernible reason. e.g. a cat that previously never would come near you will suddenly want to be around you all the time, etc

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Medfag? I think you mean jewfag there guy

>mfw involuntary nofap for that past 5 days
>mfw usually descend into a unrepentant fapfest on the 6th or 7th day when the urge hits me like freight train before "resetting"

Anyone else like this?

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I see where this is going. Don't fuck that cat user

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Didn't get enough replies in the last thread, did you?

good job user, proud of you, you are a real human bean now.

>you will know if its a problem
>lots of guys who do it often see it as a problem and strive to make a change
>loose your fucking mind when people talk about working on that change
what did he mean by this

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do you disagree with what the quote is saying though? you can appreciate something while not appreciating its author

this. nofap isnt some miraculous pill that makes you a god amongst men, BUT it is a strong way of practicing self control over something that definitely makes you more driven and confident which in turn leads to little improvements across the board. Its a lot like giving up fast food/sugary foods in this way.

then why dont you give it a try. If you are so in control of your self and arent really just a slave to your body then do it. if the damage done by nofap is not physically life threatening (as with starvation or dehydration) then surly it should be something that you cant achieve. If you are right then no harm no foul and you can go back to fapping every day. but if you are wrong you can come back a wiser man

is a strong sense of self control and the knowledge that you are doing something most men cant not reason enough to keep going though? the idea is that fapping is something you leave behind, not something you put on hold

yea but getting past that first week is (for me) the beginning of the whole reason no fap is worth it. go for 2 and a half weeks user. dont be ruled by emotion like women

Is there any citation for this? I've seen it thrown around a lot but have never seen studies claiming so

digits confirm

Ex GF cheated on me and left 2 months ago. I used to fap a lot while we were together. Now i don't watch porn anymore and don't feel that horny too. Don't feel the need to fap and i don't really understand that change for the moment. Good diet, no alcool, not that much depressed. What's wrong with me ? Am I mentaly sexualy fucked ?

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Fuck off, low test bug boi. Day 89 and I can confirm that you only grow stronger.

>medical professional
>"hur dur i know everything"

Fuck off

I don't know about the legitimate physical benefits but I know exercising control over it makes me feel better.

I think it's pretty much bro science, much like 90% of the nofap superpowers.
It believe it's a good practice for self control however.
I didn't realize how hard it would be until I tried it. Took me several tries just to get passed a month.

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I don't have the mindset of putting it off, I have little to no desire to fap, if i am feeling horny i want sex not self gratification. in my experience the urge to fap is a different sensation than wanting sex

when your life has been flooded with sexual gratification, it takes a while for that over saturation to go back to normal. Give it time. I can grantee you you have not suddenly overcome your biological imperative you are just bringing it back down to scale

Lmao I just went onto /aco/ and had a wank you cunts. Suck my dick you pathetic incels

well thats good then, but In my experience you can go threw those plateaus of having 0 interest in faping but then one night it will sneak up on you. either you will just accidentally see some sort of porn and think "eh ill just look for a bit" or something along those lines and you will justify your faping by the fact that you haven't really felt that much different, but immediately after your done you know you fucked up. I guess what im trying to say is dont think you've already won the game just because its easy right now

Lmao, dopamine receptor desensitization due to abuse of stimulus aka orgasm is pseudoscience.

Your reward system exists for a fucking reason. What have you accomplished today to deserve that hit of dopamine? Have you actually convinced a woman to have sex with you by virtue of who you are, you achievements, etc? No you grabbed ur dick and started wanking it like a monkey.

t.pic related

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Day 21 here, i have a few easy days and a few super hardmode days where i close my eyes and all i can think of are sexual fantasies and have flashbacks of times i had sex. Last night even regular asmr couldnt help me to sleep, had to pop a guided meditation up to keep my mind off sex while i dozed off

ik that feel. sometimes it helps to get up, walk around, grab some water, look at the stars, or really anything as long as your standing for 5-10 mins or so then trying again