Do you believe this is real? I have a long ring finger but Im still a virgin at 21...

Do you believe this is real? I have a long ring finger but Im still a virgin at 21. According to this I should be promiscuous and sexual whatever that other word was. My puberty was late because I had my first period when I was 15, going 16... I am definitely not a lesbian. Female traits are associated with a longer index finger. Idk. I think this is BS.

Attached: C5C6CCF6-6BF9-4698-903B-69D4FA657652.jpg (520x441, 64K)

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i don't know user, IS that bullshit chart you found on 9gag real? what do you think? if you use your thinking cap, i'm sure you can figure it out! :)

It's just a signifier for HGH and free testosterone levels, which in turn translates in higher dihydrotestosterone, which is highly androgenic.
Nature hardly ever supersedes nurture with regards to behavioral traits, no matter how strong the predisposition.

Don't run around trying to convince people about this because nobody's going to believe it, but FYI the hollywood and celebrity elite LOVE to find passing trannys and make them big in society

Attached: kim-kardashian-ring.jpg (365x311, 30K)

Another one. Bones don't lie

Attached: rwr3321434.jpg (1363x2048, 773K)

My index is longer than my ring finger. Am I a freak?

Probably the most infamous illuminati tranny

Attached: 1478784445875.jpg (306x423, 37K)

I found this on

Low digit ratio

Cognition and personality

>Assertiveness in females[19]
>Psychoticism in females[94]
>Aggression in males[27][95][96][97][98][99]
>Aggression in girls[100]
>Hyperactivity and poor social cognitive function in girls[101]
>Masculinized handwriting in females[102]
>Perceived 'dominance' and masculinity of man's face[103][104]
>In an orchestral context, rank and musical ability in males[105]
>Right hand low digit ratio predicts academic performance[106]
>Inverted U-shape relation between digit ratio and mathematical ability (participants with both high and low digit ratios earn lower grades in mathematics, while participants with intermediate digit ratios achieve the highest grades)[107]
>Decreased empathy in men, in response to adult testosterone levels[79][108]
>Higher propensity to attack without being provoked[109]
>Increased risk-taking behavior in men[110][111]
>Preference for normative behavior[112]
>Mean 2D:4D ratio among artists is lower than among controls[113]
>Higher numeracy (compared to literacy) in children[114]
>Higher criminal offending rates after puberty[115][116]
>Attenuated socio-affective skills[117]
>Conduct disorder in boys[118]


High digit ratio

Cognition and personality

>Personality traits correlated with digit ratio, higher being more feminized[119][120][121]
>Greater openness personality factor[122]
>Paranormal and superstitious beliefs among men with a higher digit ratio[123]
>Higher exam scores among male students[45][124]
>Higher neuroticism in both sexes with higher right hand digit ratio[125] and on left hand in females[94]
>Higher left hand digit ratio in response to high adult testosterone levels predicts musical orchestra rank in females.[126]
>Higher verbal fluency in both sexes.[63]
>Higher visual recall in females.[127]
>Higher literacy (compared to numeracy) in children[114]

Suicide fuel for dicklets; hox gene.

It's your mother's fault that the gene was underexpressed in utero.

There is also a moderate correlation with high digit ratio and a smaller member.

Do you believe everything in tabloids too or just the really dumb shit?

Do you want me to say the really dumb shit because I dont understand ur question. I saw this on Instagram and everyone were talking about their fingers in the comments. I read most of them and I saw that most of the girls had a longer index finger or both of their fingers were symmetrically long.

My ringfinger is longer, but I literally never drink alcohol, suck at soccer, never been into a fist fight and I'm a virgin at 27.

I'm a woman whose index finger on her right hand is longer than her ring, but on the left is of equal length.

What does it mean??


>never been pregnant
>no family members have cancer
>no autism or family members with it
>no ADHD
>never had an ED or family members with one
>probably bisexual (Mostly have crushes on men, masturbate mostly to images of women)
>unathletic, but family members are
>early puberty

It seems to fit me pretty well, OP. However a lot of these things (ex. EDs) are socially determined and could be comorbid or confounded in some way (ex. A person with an ED may be more athletic to lose weight).

Basically it's interesting but you shouldn't trust infographics online without investigating the origins of the claim.

It means you must provide timestamped TITS OR GTFO. It's only fair that you do something nice for us if you're going to shit up our board with your attention whoring and worthless input.

Holy shit, how far has this Pinoy Logging Forum fallen that I have to be the one to say this?

Oh hey 2006, what's up? You got any longcat memes for me?

My index finger is longer than my ring finger. What does that mean. Male.

Looks like bullshit to me

I tried to ask if you liked mudkipz but the originality filter got me. Wow

Attached: 1502057066807.jpg (1000x782, 303K)

too late for me to care

I have bitch hands, I'm a manlet, have mental issues and a beta dad but get laid regularly, what's the story on that?

My index is slightly longer than my ring finger what the hell does that mean?

>ring and index finger same length
>am a tranny
fuck it was a death sentence from day one

I have my index finger longer than my ring finger. what am I?

on my left hand the pointer finger is longer and on the right they are equal. I have small hands though but a 6.5" dick and I'm 6'0'' so chicks are usually like "wow thats big" but I have to explain to them that they're wrong.

leave some gay for the rest of us, user

>Mfw one hand has them at equal length and the other has them at different lengths, what the fuck?

Attached: image.jpg (166x166, 19K)

>index finger shorter than ring finger
>symetrical face and good decent looking (not fat or deformed)
>cant into talking to people, i just dont care about them
>i dont care about money

Attached: 1527440798393.png (600x655, 476K)