Powerlifting General: You bench less than a soccer mom edition
Powerlifting general is for the discussion of the Squat, Bench and Deadlift for the purpose of building a better competitive total or just for funsies.
Please leave your autism at the door. Remember to try hard, eat well and don't be a sad cunt
If Joff and Panzer were in a room, and I had a gun with two bullets, I'd shoot myself in the arms twice, still out bench press both of them, and then I'd fuck panzers mommy.
Reminder that there's NO POINT in benching below horizontal upper-arms (other than wearing out your joints and lifting even less weight) and that if the bulk of your bench training isn't board/spoto pressing you're doing it wrong.
replace board/spoto with cgb/3,1,3 count and you are on to something
Oliver Walker
Why do people call normal bench volume work 'spoto pressing'? Was it something unheard of in the USA before Eric did that?
Brandon Robinson
>WAWTT? Deadlift (beltless) 5@375 5@425 5@475 1x505 easy single
OHP 7x5@135 (60s rest)
Good mornings, curls, band pullaparts.
2 sessions left before a deload week, then a 3 week anchor cycle, then test week.
Lucas Sanchez
That wouldn't fit with the narrative of >NO POINT in benching below horizontal upper-arms (other than wearing out your joints and lifting even less weight) tho.
I'm not convinced that injury/wear and tear is anything more than overexposure to volume desu. Changing the joint angle of the exercise will help, I'm not debating that, but I think a lot can be done just by implementing proper volume/intensity dosing.
What? Spoto press doesn't touch the chest. That's just bro-repping.
Daniel Garcia
>the body isn't made to lift things directly off your chest
Get a loaf of this brainlet
Zachary Lee
It's not made to lift things period. It's made to lift your own body.
Luke Martin
>horizontal press >mattering
In PL everything is vertical displacement except for BP
Reminder your stupid sport cant even get it right and use OHP instead of BP for a comp lift
Nathan Thomas
>body is made to
The body simply is noone created it to do a function
This is why people don't want you to make the OP, you just can't have a nice conversation about something, you just devolve to pointless shit slinging like a chimp.
>inb4 muh projection
Dylan Myers
Just because there was no master architect (if that's what you choose to believe) doesn't mean it wasn't created. It is shaped by your genes, which were selected for their utility by their own success to propagate. I doubt pushing objects up from your chest was ever an important factor specially when compared to things like being able to push yourself off the ground or crawling. Look at this duds pecs.
I thought the main point of spoto press is to pause it and control right above the chest, bros don't do that.
Ryder Thompson
throwing uses chest. humans are the best throwers
Juan Jenkins
Yeah ur mum is pretty good at throwing that ass back lmao
Lucas Perry
In common usage it is, that's how I use it and program it for my lifters and most other coaches do too from what I've seen. But Spoto himself just does it like a bro press. You see it on the supertraining video he did with Mark Bell.
Aaron Ward
You also werent designed to shit in a toilet doesnt mean you cant or shouldnt do it
Biological determinism is retarded
Juan Allen
How do l stop the barbell from scratching up my back? It’s become a problem recently
William Cruz
I use the hexbar every 4th or 5th week for high reps and to spare my lower back from conventional. Using the handles in the low position gives me no pain whatsoever. The moment I switch to high handle position I get a shooting pain in my upper lat that goes all the way to my shoulder, tricep and forearm.
Obviously I don't do high handle anymore but just curious as to what might be going on.
Aaron Miller
I'm not a determinist, unless thinking that you're genetically determined to have an easier time shitting ATG than on a toilet even if you can do both is determinist, then yes.
Why don't you spare your back doing [spoiler]sumo[/spoiler] Hexbar deadlift is not a deadlift.
Andrew King
>lifting dead weight off the floor is not a deadlift Jefferson, trap bar, behind-the-back, sumo and conventional are all deadlifts.
Benjamin Jackson
You’re missing what I’m saying
The whole “its not natural” arguement is what I’m calling biological determinism and it doesnt make any sense cause if your body can do it it is natural
Lincoln Collins
>if your body can do it it is natural Then how come you can't have sex?
It's a linguistic matter. I doubt we're in disagreement about biology of the matter. Swimming is more natural for a dophin than a human, so they swim better. Doesn't mean swimming is unnatural or bad for humans. On the other hand, unlike for cows, it is unnatural for humans to eat grass, and if you eat grass you're gonna have a bad time. You can call that unnatural or however you like.
It only happened to me doing squats for 10x10 with 4-0-2-0 tempo
Idk what caused it but it has happened before
Never in normal sets though
Jose Reed
Watch dr hip's videos.
Ethan Jenkins
my bench has also gone to shit. I posted a couple of weeks ago about having flu and my bench going down. its was either fatmess or fat retard who said it would come back but it hasnt :(
Sebastian Cooper
I ripped my pants while squatting, what can I do to avoid this in the future?
Caleb Wood
Stop squatting.
Caleb Kelly
Pull the legs up like shorts, then before squatting also pull your crotch up
Jayden Parker
Buy better pants.
Joseph Wood
I actually thought of doing the opposite after it happened, pulling the top down to my butt cheeks but your idea sounds better now that I think about it It was while warming up I still did all my sets with my trunks showing, it fucked up my form because I was too self aware about it though Do you have a recommendation?
Henry Thompson
It's how I always do it, never had a pair of pants tear until I forgot it one day
Carson White
r e b e k a
k o h a
Jose Peterson
I really dont understand what you are trying to imply???
You guys doing a happy hour after work today? Those are always fun
Jaxson Evans
Adidas climacool shorts are fine. I've used them for a couple of years with no tears from squatting, deadlifting, powercleaning or biking to the gym. They're a bit stretchy but have thick fabric ans supposedly transpire (who cares) they also dry fast. Cons: not sexy (loose fitting, a bit glossy). I've had a few pants made of non-stretchy fabrics and cotton and they all tore at the butt or desintegrated at the top of the thigh from contact with the bar, or at the inner thigh. These are the ones that have survived the most by far.
cheers mate, I will do some shopping tomorrow and see what I find
Christopher Hernandez
God punished you for pulling conventional
Parker Miller
You got back to the grind quick after that meet. Your advanced enough now that it might be time for an offseason.
>God punished you for pulling conventional God punished you with a Bobby Hill face and a limp dick.
Colton King
yfw i figured out how to use hams on highbars without bending over like in a gm
i now just hit depth lol thx gbro
Nathan Barnes
Yeah they're not crazy but they, weirdly enough, we get on really well. Our christmas party was a trip to the cinema to see Star Wars and then we went for burgers and had a couple of pints with too much food.
Best work party I've been to
Xavier Ortiz
Can somebody explain to me what the fuck is rows used for? Like I do them anyways just because, last time i tried maxing out i could do 10kgs above my bench without having ever done them before. Now im starting at a small number and increasing weight every sesion.
Like I get that it builds some sort of a strength base in somewhere and and that something might make me stronger overall but i dont understand the full purpose of it.
The exercise is just fucking boring and I have only a very slight understanding how it transfers over to my bench and deadlift.
deadlift: It makes my lower back stronger by holding it statically which seems kind of like a meme to me but im doing it anyways. Can anybody tell me how rows for the back is superior to regular deadlifts exactly?
Bench: It uses some sort of antagonist muscles that are the opposite of what i use for benching. But im not convinced it has any big carry over yet.
Hah, there's multiple things wrong with this statement.
Maybe, I've been doing reverse hyperextensions this week and it's been helping. Gonna do lighter, higher rep work next week for squats and deadlifts, probably some highbar and front and get back to things the week after.
Joshua Nelson
I haven't skipped them entirely, been doing things that don't load the spine instead. Actually doing some good mornings right now so we'll see how those go.
Lincoln Smith
>The exercise is just fucking boring
Are you using strict form? Add some weight and body english, it becomes fun then.
Nolan Jones
> Have you ever heard of "lats"?
Ah yes i can do 100kg on the lat pulldown machine but i dont really feel it in the rows. Maybe it will take me a few weeks.
Yeah but it's an assistance exercise for the main movements :(
Apparently theres something like Dorian Yate Rows that i have to try out. Il do it on my light days.
Xavier Fisher
what does it mean if you do a hard lift and feel a little lightheaded halfway through but you manage to lock it out and then rerack and then you feel REALLY lightheaded and your vision gets all dark and cloudy and your arms shake a little for 5-10 seconds? should i be worried?
Caleb Foster
you'll be fine
William Sanchez
>things that don't load the spine instead >good mornings Wait what?
Justin Young
That happens to me when i did serge nubret program aka 8x12 squats at 75% plus 8+ sets more for legs. Over time u will stop passing out on heavy lifts.
Austin Thomas
ok i'm a little less scared now i'm curious, what causes it?
Jonathan Clark
Until today I should say. I've been doing belt squats and reverse hyperextensions instead until today.
Nathaniel Gray
CNS fatigue. youre ok stop being a idiot and enjoy it.
Mason Martin
Idk, the pressure, oxygen levels changing, blood pressure w/e, you will be fine
Dylan Foster
It means you nees to do more cardio. Blood pressure drop.
Ryan Young
hmmmmmm i have in fact been doing a few near-max singles almost every day for the better part of a month
that's not very helpful why even bother posting that off yourself
hmmmmmm i have in fact not done any cardio in the past 4 years
Bentley Walker
normal barbell rows are fucking trash, do seal rows or machine
Gabriel Nelson
Are you having a stroke?
Michael Cook
lol how did I end up responding to that
Dylan Flores
Mate invited me to the pub and my my highschool crush is here
Keep making awkward eye contact
Someone save me
Benjamin Reed
Say hello.
Or don't, I can't make you not be a bitch.
Julian Reyes
Thirded. Kind of annoyingly loose, but I haven't seen shorts I'd rather wear.
Nicholas Rivera
It would be so easy for me to say that to somebody else, it's easy to think about and say "no big deal, I know how to say hello" but I don't think I could force myself to actually do it if my life depended on it.
Bentley Stewart
still no evidence of your lifts, jimlarper
Kayden Martinez
> Or don't, I can't make you not be a bitch. Someones been reading GLO.
Hudson Jones
>third session
i haven't been able to deadlift consistently since november and my near 6pl8 pull is just a distant memory, even squatting fucks me up every other time i attempt it
Colton Cox
I had low back pain but i improved it by doing isolation work for my hips,traps,low back.
Basically isolating the muscles instead of doing the deadlift itself. 45 degree extensions with a plate have really made me a lot more explosive but you can probably use a barbell for it and slowly build up every session. 3x8 etc.
Standing ab pushdowns for abs and hips, Shrugs and 45degree extensions. Maybe it is helpful maybe not.
what is casual lifter mode? 300? 400 is like competition level right?
Luis Howard
thats elite on symmetricstrength dont worry
for a natty its impossible to go above 350wilks
Jaxson Sanders
~350 is good enough to be competitive in local competitions ~400 is good enough to be competitive in regional competitions ~450 is good enough to be competitive in national competitions (outside of the US) ~500 is good enough to be competitive in international competitions