R8 and don’t h8 my post workout meal

r8 and don’t h8 my post workout meal

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what is this shit you americans are eating here again

it's called yummy peanut butter cereals fag

yum yum for my tum tum now i don't have to eat real food :3 thanks general mills!

Cereals are mostly all garbage, and those children chocolate cereals are the worst. They're basically tiny chocolate cookies sold as "cereals"

garbage processed carbs and too much sodium/10

This. Cereals died with GMO foods roughly 50 years ago. Just eat unflavored oatmeal.

I ate an egg and ham sandwich. That's fit approved right?

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why don’t you just shoot yourself and make it happen faster

>Too much sodium

someone post the cap from pol

fuck yes

lol vegan faggot, go die of deficiencies and malnutrition already you gains goblin
inb4 you post some obvious roid monkey who claims to be vegan but probably isnt

>t. faffuck

is that fucking dog food?
>dogs eat dog food

no it's (good) goy food

Can't eat after workout because stomach is usually full of water. Normally just down my shake and eat later.

>can't eat cuz stomach full of liquid
>drink more liquid

why eat unflavored when you can add half a spoon of butter and a pinch of brown sugar to make the texture and flavor 1000x better?

why don't you just hang yourself and save some time

not even fat

not even vegan, i'm just not a pig-eating faggot. enjoy dying earlier, virgin

Not him, but I’ve never thought of putting butter in my oatmeal. I’ll have to try that some time

Pull your head out of you ass eruo. You fuckers eat cereal.

Only cereal I eat. Fucking delicious.

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>i'm just not a pig-eating faggot.
just a regular faggot then?

We got ourselves a badass over here. I wish I was too manly to eat cereal.