>noFap is easymode because I rarely get a boner

Attached: 45E69B1E-92B2-472C-B31B-DA86311F0D8F.png (1432x1462, 1.59M)

Look at that fat fucking hamstump of a hand. And he thinks not touching his peep for a few days is going to change his life, kek.

Attached: nicholsonangermanagement.jpg (283x255, 8K)

>no fap for two years because I have a nice gf who lets me ejaculate inside her vagina (unprotected, of course) any time I want

Oh, and forgot to add:

>only want to like twice a week, because, 43

needs more loomis or robertson even tbqh

Attached: a fitic.png (667x572, 307K)

>trying to brag about having sex to a forum full of highschool- and college-age kids

Damn bro, youu know he was prolly shitting you

I'm 28 and I feel like I'm finally gonna succeed only because I got old

>and brown
It could only get worse if he's under 6'0 and bald

>thought I was just really good at keeping nofap
>turns out it was just clinically low T

Attached: 1414292762335.jpg (905x555, 197K)

Lol that car drawing is so fucked. Dude needs to learn perspective

success breeds jealousy

>30 years old
>still the same high libido as when I was 20
Still, nothing compares to the teenage years when I would get random boners all day.

>tfw just fapped to myself in the mirror

Attached: 0011438.gif (500x341, 972K)

Look at the logo placement on the front and the tilted line marking the front of the hood. Drawing is all about seeing the distance between things and depicting them accurately.

Kill yourself faggot. We were having civil banter and you had to bring petty shit lile race into it. Anti-SJW and SJW are annoying as fuck.

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Attached: vroom.png (370x180, 69K)

Theres only one thing there though

The side looks fine enough (not familiar with cars at all). The front in wanked though. When drawing, draw the image, never draw what you think the image is in your head.

Day 100 of nofap. This shit is easy

>When drawing, draw the image, never draw what you think the image is in your head.
Then how was that image found in the first place?

U mad???

What I mean is don't use symbols while drawing (football shape for eyes is the best example). What you need to do is look at every shape in relation to every other shape and mentally measure out the stuff in between. You can't just wing it until you master this.

t. pajeet nigger

Alright thanks.
Calm down Hunter

Is being brown or black worse on this board? I've never seen a black guy post CBT ever

Cbt? The black anons usually get attscked because of how pol infested this board is.

Dude .

I need to get a blood work.

>Fap daily
>Wake up alone every morning
>At least I always have a stronk morning wood

Attached: i have seen it.jpg (750x730, 515K)

>that 30yo that draws lamborginis in the gym

>no fap
>drawing cars with his hamhock hands

This is your future no fappers.


Attached: 1521449778613.jpg (862x855, 55K)

>Work at small tech company
>Looking over resumes for a CS internship position
>One guy has a single item listed under his experience: "2 years volunteer at the No Fap Emergency App"

It was a bold move

I'd rather be black than indian. Blacks have better muscle genetics and at least get some pussy, pajeets make girls disgusted.

Was he a dev or a support person?

what'd you do

i'm a 33 virgin with severe depression issues and i get boners all the time dude. i wish i didnt, i dont like the bother of masturbating.

He's a curry, he's already lost.

>Day 12 no fap
>Goto gym some girl smiles at me
>Jerk off to thoughts of a 17 year old gym thot