why don't they make bulletproof vests out of diamond if it's the hardest metal?
Why don't they make bulletproof vests out of diamond if it's the hardest metal?
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Diamond isn't a metal you queer
Diamond is actually a metal my dude.
It's way too heavy, and would be inflexible, obviously.
This is the dumbest bait evar
>adamantium is the strongest metal you faggots how don't you know this?
Ya bru 1 gram is like 15 grams
umm actually it's cause diamond is too heavy, 1 gram of diamond weighs like 15 grams or something
Oh yeah sorry bro for making that mistake
If you had a pound of diamond and a pound of lead, which would weigh more?
Wouldn't it be the diamonds they are pretty heavy
It's an old meme, but it checks out.
Unfortunately DragonForce is the hardest metal known to man faggot.
Ding ding winner!
weight aside: a diamond vest would shatter easily at the impact of a bullet, you would get pieces of shrapnel AND crystal jammed inside of your body, causing cardiac arrest from bleed out
Yeah thats why married woman wear around diamond rings that are like sooo so heavy.
+ a diamond vest would be worth a shot ton of money.
Wow an actual brainlet.
Hardest doesn't necessarily mean toughest. These are separate physical properties; the first is how resistant it is to scratching, and the second is how resistant it is to shattering upon forceful impact.
Diamond isn't very tough, which is why it isn't used in cases where you have bullets impacting it. It would also be hella expensive.
Regardless, you actually want materials that "absorb" and "distribute" the force well. Ceramic is sometimes used in tank plating because even though it cracks, it's able to distribute the force of a bullet well throughout the material, cushioning the blow. Kevlar is a light and durable material that fits this description.
Google isn't a hard skill user.
Are you a newfag or are you taking the piss user?
What a throw back
A gram of diamonds is still 1 gram
That's like saying a pound of bricks weighs more than a pound of feathers
>autocorrect on a phone
Get back to work wagie your break is almost over
But bricks are heavier.
This thread makes me want to sew my head to a railroad track.
Yewh but bwicks are denser an therfore heavier idioot
it would just take less brick u dumbass
share all your brainlet wojaks, comrade
But then you'd have less brick.
Diamond is an allotrope of carbon where each carbon atom is connected to 3 others in a 3 dimensional tetrahedral arrangement
How does that make it a metal then?
4 others. 3 would be graphite. Can you tell I did chemistry?
Do we have to spell it out?
it's a fucking joke
Shit yeah you're right sorry
Actually rune is the best metal. It got me a gf by wearing it.
because it would get shattered, maybe in a slicing sword fight it would work
One can't be certain of that on this board.
Even though it's the hardest, it's simply too heavy and expensive to produce. Also extreme hardness isn't good thing in this case because it might shatter if hit by a bullet.
Because hardness isn't all that matters. Besides diamond's not even all that hard. Everyone knows that Dragonforce is actually the hardest metal known to man.
A diamond could be made up of anything.
What if we took diamonds and compressed them into an even harder superdiamond?
And what do you suppose we would use to do that?
not him but maybe we could melt them and compress them
scientists are fucking retards who defined "hard" to mean like the surface cant be scratched but diamonds are still fragile af
>diamonds are still fragile af
You meant to say brittle.
We could make something like an implosion nuke design except replace the explosive charges with nukes and the fission material with diamonds.
this is not the idiot questions board man
for what purpose mang
makes sense
diamonds are the hardest metal known the man
Yea ....diamond vest...that sounds affordable.
Honestly though rappers would eat that shit up lol
If you compressed it that much it'd turn into a black hole
girls would rather obsess over rocks than give you the time of day.
To make a vest that protects you from anything from small arms to orbital bombardment.
They kind of do. Ceramic plates, as seen in body armour and vehicle armour tiles, are pretty similar to diamond. I don't know what the performance characteristics of actual diamond would be but they are kind of expensive and anyway where would you find diamonds that big? You could use artificial diamond/carbon and they do do this to reinforce types of protective equipment eg helmets. Btw carbon is one of only a handful of non metal solids.
They would both weigh the same weight since they're both a pound
I always loved this meme, thanks OP
Nah you're just FUCKING NEW. I will fucking bash your head in if you ever post again faggot,and I'll rape your dog too
It's an old as shit meme, dude. I know Jow Forums is retarded but come on.
obvious bait thread is obvious
1 vest = $300,000,000,000
Not exactly cost effective.
True, but the soldiers wearing diamond vests would be practically invulnerable.
The only way to stop them would be using special guns firing diamond bullets which would be even more expensive than the vests.
Why not a diamond made of bulletproof vests?
this board is filled with trannies and newfags, im starting to draw the conclusion that they might be the same people
fucking kek
But... Diamond is heavier than lead.
they do search up kevlar x92 diamond plate on youtube its a a video from this persian billionare who fires an ak into a diamond plate
Diamonds are way more expensive though so you can get a lot more lead for a pound.
What a fuckin throwback
Nice job user
I hate newfaggots so much...
being hard doesnt mean tough.
A diamond would shatter by a bullet
Due to extensive research done by the University of Pittsburgh, diamond has been confirmed as the hardest metal known to man. The research is as follows:
Pocket-protected scientists built a wall made of iron and crashed a diamond car into it at 400 miles per hour, and the car was unharmed. They then built a wall out of diamond and crashed a car made of iron moving at 400 miles an hour into the wall, and the wall came out fine. They then crashed a diamond car made of 400 miles per hour into a wall, and there were no survivors. They crashed 400 miles per hour into a diamond travelling at iron car. Western New York was powerless for hours. They rammed a wall made of metal into 400 miles an hour made of diamond, and the resulting explosion shifted earths orbit 400 million miles away from the sun, saving the earth from a meteor the size of a small Washington suburb that was hurtling towards mid-western Prussia at 400 billion miles an hour. They shot a diamond made of iron at a car moving at 400 walls per hour, and as a result caused over 10000 wayward planes to lose track of their bearings, and make a fatal crash with over 10000 buildings in downtown New York. They spun 400 miles at diamond into iron per wall. The results were inconclusive. Finally, they placed 400 diamonds per hour in front of a car made of wall travelling at miles per iron, and the result proved with out a doubt that diamonds were the hardest metal of all time, if not just the hardest metal known to man.