Islam is the final fitness redpill, prove me wrong

Islam is the final fitness redpill, prove me wrong.
>no alcohol
>no drugs
>no bacon
>5xJihad is the perfect workout for muscle and spiritual gains

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I mean there is a beauty aspect, but ramadan is a bitch on your gains.

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bro fasting leans you out like none other. imagine doing some cardio in there as well.

i unironically can't wait for the great islamization of the west

the barbarians are at the gate and it's only a matter of time

all these degenerate fags will get what's coming to them and they dont even see it

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Once Islam becomes westernized and drops all the 14th century shit it’ll be based.

Then it'll just be like the failed goyo-judaism we have now. What exactly would be based about it when they just start allowing all of the crazy shit that we do?

Islam is the worst meme.

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islam is pretty based and I'd probably be one if I was a sandnigger but being a hwhite Aryan I must embrace my crusader heritage by being a national socalist

LMAO, Islam has adopted all the best aspects of modernity like weaponry and tactics and has rejected all your cultural marxist teachings like atheism and democracy. Cry more!

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Stop LARPing about race when you are letting merkel castrate germany. Germany should EMBRACE Islam.

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user, Islam was more civilized then american christianity back in the 60's.
Then the world banks and america conspired to put their empires under the yolk of the islamic equivalent of chrisian backwoods snake worshippers and fire and brimstone lunatics.
No I'm not kidding. This is what happened.
Same shit happened to india when they pushed that filthy murderous racist(who hated his own people more the even the most staunchly racist brit) pedophile rapist lunatic Gandhi as some kind of brilliant peacenik who was the light and the way.
He was the willing bitch of Britain and lead the indian people to absolute fucking ruin.

why is orthodox christianity the most cucked religion?
>Literally being threatened by athiest newage s.oyboy redditor uprising
>sucks the cocks of Judaism
While Islam:
does that, faces tyrannical globalists with inferior technology/economy
>commands men to be alpha and spread the word by the sword
>literally controls the globalists and are locked in bloody conflict with Islam
>commands men to educate themselves, master language and knowledge

Is Judaism or Islam better? Christianity, especially Orthodox is cucked beyond saving at this point

Judaism is not a religion, cult is more accurate. Why? Because none of them truly believe in God, they are dirty atheists. Netanyahu was raised secular and only makes appeals to religion to satisfy his fellow bastard turk-slav counterparts in Israel.

Israel zionist regime must be destroyed.

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best of luck Islam-bro you are the underdog but I am rooting for you!

Don’t forget the polygamy. “If you can pay to feed them, it’s your right to breed them.” Plus belly dancing and belly dancer body types are halal af. Even based Bond approves.

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belly dancing is not a thing in Islam. Islam does not permit indecency or dancing.

ya nasrallah!

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Hitler used a brahmin swastika (i.e. ancient aryan religion) for his symbol, except he tipped it sideways to make it impossible to graphically combine with a christian cross. He constantly bitched about how christianity was such a "weak, flabby" religion and so did Nietzsche.

How in the fuck does being an aryan or a national socialist have anything to do with christians

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Alcohol, drugs, and bacon are all potentially good for you, you twit.

Nietzsche embraced christianity before his death you brainlet

I don't care, muslims are racial subhumans and every time a """nazi""" starts being pro-christian pretty soon he wants to let "based POCs" into his movement. "They have christian values!" Becoming pro-christian is the death knell for any white racialist movement.

if you are white it is your obligation to protect the christian values on which our great nation America was founded.
I agree, muslims need to be eradicated and I can't wait for the upcoming race war

suicide vests are not good for gains bish


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belly dancing is cultural and not from islam, but the chick at 2:00 is the most fertile thing i've seen

>being a filthy pakki sand nigger cunt
>filthy religion based on sucking muhammad uncut dick
muhammad isn't really a prophet, he was just some stupid sand nigger who liked to fuck pigs and children and other sand niggers thought that was cool so they made him an idol, then as generation after generation of inbreeding took place his tale eventually got made into some fucking retarded religion.

70% of Saudis are obese

And I will pick Islamist pigs off until I'm overrun with my 1942 meme Luger. I got plenty of 9mm.

you will literally be killed by a child with a knife, without scoring a single kill, nerd

Lol ok buddeh

Fuck off. There is no room for any ideology of socialism communism nationalism or democracy the only belief is in Islam.
It does not. christians are delusional and worship two sticks nailed together.
You care about Nietzsche more than you care about God. Shame on you!
>if you are white it is your obligation to protect the christian values on which our great nation America was founded.
christian values? so you are saying christian values are of race and not God? That is funny because Islam honors God better than your fake religion and you can also bring glory to your tribe, though you probably don't even have a family of your own and probably never had a girlfriend, you LARPing fuck wit.
Islam has nothing to do with the government of Saudi
Your time will come soon, polytheist.

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I am white and christian values are shit and so is America. Jamestown had negroes, America was shit from day one. I do not care about america, I only care about the aryan race.

What a fucking waste jesus christ

you live in America you dumbfuck
if you live on this planet you live in America

mandatory water fasting months with 6 hour eating window

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someone redpill me on ghandi. i knew he was racist hack but didn't know it was to this degree

redpill me on Ghandi user

Stop being a shit skin


Good Lord how the fuck are they gonna get back to that point? Op's autistic rambling makes me think never

I think you guys would like this video.

Get the fuck out you brown disgusting sand head towel nigger trash. Everyone in the fucking world hates Islam. Nothing but barbaric medieval delusional shit that weak pathetic retarded minded blob brains like you actually believe. How much of a shit excuse of a man can you live up to actually limit your life to such virgin faggot laws? I hope I get deployed to a combat zone when I enter the military. I would be honored to put hundreds of chunks of steel to your dead pathetic relatives body. A failed dead goat fucker. I would be in such happiness and relief watching his body parts explode before my eyes watching guts fly out as I feel the thump and recoil of my rifle. I would shoot the body endlessly for hours. Fuck it would be so amazing. Islam just dispersing in front of me. And what the fuck are you gonna do about it sand nigger trash? Go live in your fucking huts? Disgusting worthless culture. Go rape more children as that's the only thing your failed culture is good at.

You are nothing but a burden and a failure


>And what the fuck are you gonna do about it sand nigger trash

He's probably going to have more kids than you and ultimately have the more successful religion, statistically.

No belief system is safe in the kike land culture known as the western world. Even Muslims that are growing up in Europe are slowly leaving traditions and are doing drugs/drinking like every other brainwashed idiot.

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Strong arguments there buddy

>what is ramadan
They do have some valid dietary points though.

Ah yes more kids living in a shit hole third world country and indoctrinating them as well to believe in the same poison. Just birthing more shit.

And the most successful religion? Sorry. It's quite behind Christianity. The most retarded? Perhaps

"Haha I'm totally just gonna disregard all of his long ass text and troll him with five words and ending it by calling him buddy. Yeah I'm so mature and alpha"

You are the biggest failure in all of your bloodline. Do something with your life

This thread is just a GIANT shitskin circlejerk

Jow Forums please fuck off

>ywn join the Iraqi PMU and massacre daesh stooges for Israel side-by-side with Abu Azrael

Why even live?

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>live in low income area in Britland, surrounded by muslims
meh no biggy
>every food shop/ restaurant is halal
meh no biggy.
>shops sell cheap euro booze and smokes, but only to other muslims and subslavs, distrust english customers
meh no biggy
>bunch of muslims are hired at work
that's when I realised through all the masturbatory preaching and fantasising muslims are just as shit as everyone else but seem to be lazier as they distrust the company they work for as it is western therefore must be corrupt. Ramadan comes and the fuckers disappear for a month of holiday with no consequences from HR because uh oh religion. They eat like shit and literally render the bathroom unusable. Despite all this they still feel as though they have the right to advise you on how to work, talk, behave and think as though you follow their god too, because allah is the best so why not right?
Protip to anyone who encounters what seems to be a peaceful or chill muslim; bail as soon as they ask you what you know about islam, that shit will take 2+ hours of listening and it's all bullshit.

>as they distrust the company they work for as it is western therefore must be corrupt

retard, they just use excuses like that. Muslims are lazier than christians because the bible tells us christians 50 times how stupid and worthless and sinful laziness is. Muslims dont have that education.

Gorging yourself in calory sense shit After every sunset isn't good fasting

No, trust me, I am well aware of the lengths they go to to excuse their shit. If it isn't islam, it's to blame basically. However the fact they believe all the shit they do explains how they can believe all the ridiculous other shit they come out with.

And even stronger arguments from you, buddy

You guys do realize pretty much every major religion apart from sikhism encourages fasting, it's not like Mohammed was a genius nutritionist, it's simply part of culture

Don't worry. Once the jews are done, we will finish off your filthy dog race with atomics. How does it feel to know that the jews are the only reason you still exist?

gtfo you muslim fuck


You all better be role playing faggots.

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Afghanistan 1967 was before the Soviets decided to invade and throughly fuck the place.
Iran 1970 was under the American backed Shah.

And both were secular governments that were in conflict with the actual hardline Muslims.

Combine it with the mormon pill to avoid coffee and that's it you've ascended humanity. Mormon men usually look high test and with an healthy glow into their 60s (like Mitt Romney). Coffee is the liquid jew, don't believe fraudulent studies that claim it's healthy every white person drinks it and ages like shit and gets cancer in their 40s.

The best aspects: weapons and tactics
back to the middle ages we go

>IF isn't healthy as fuck

There are even studies showing men get better blood sugar control and inflammation markers during Ramadan. Everyone should do 16/8 year long.

>no bacon means fitness
Look at them up there, they actually believe this.

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Christian God is the way the truth and the life

Islam God is the greatest of deceivers


why can't we all be friends my dudes :(

Salam W/Alaykum

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Because people believe in, and act on, declarations of war made by sky fairies.

yeah it's a real problem unfortunately. im muslim myself btw

No, it's because people like want you to pay tax for being a non-believer, and want to literally stone you for that very comment you just made.

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no i don't.

Jow Forums, I'm very confused on my stance on mudslimes
On the one hand I hate them because they are truck-of-peace-ing the west and raping the women, being religious fanatics who decapitate people who disagree with them, and just for being their sandnigger selves basically
On the other hand, they hate kikes more than we do, middle eastern cuisine is the best, and they have many anti-degeneracy principles that any self respecting man has to agree with
What do?

Middle Eastern food is good but it's not exactly good to make some serious gains. Too much fats.

Dont fall for the “muslims are terrorists meme”. those happenings are either a haux or a fucked up person led by a fucked up leader with HARAM ideologies. Im a muslim myself and can serously tell muslims here have a “quality” on them. A rabbi or a priest sucking a child boys peepee doesnt maker all christians or jews pedo. (Altough I hate jews they are 2 faced decieving snakes)

My 2 cents bro

The same sky fairies that are VERY concerned about the skin in the tip of your penis. It's super important.

you can admire them and at the same time not want them around you

Oy very goyim yes #NotAllMuslims

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>believing in any kind of religion

I get it that believing in a life after death makes you feel better and come to terms with your mortality, but there's zero evidence of any sort of any religion being real.

whiter than you, muhammad

The final redpill is the Imperial pill.

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shut up kike neither of us likes you

the fasting means no water though it's not IF

Could you all christcucks, kikes and mudslimes do the world a favor and stay in Palestine? Thanks.

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well I tried muslimbros, back to pic related

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You all need to return to Holy Orthodoxy.

Don't forget to fuck a nine year old.


im not saying this because I hate Islam in general but Muslim fasting is far less healthy and less gainz worthy because all you do is wait till sunset and then gorge yourself like a fucking pig

Unironically Christian fasting (Orthodox since Cathocuck type of fasting is absolute meme lol) is probably the best way to get that lean mass

Fucking repulsive. Get this shit out of here. Would all these sandnigger religions just fuck off

But Muhammad, peace be upon him, was white. The Quran clearly depicts him as Caucasian. Why else is his direct descendant a WHITE MAN? Whites are clearly superior in Muslim theology. Muhammad had black and brown slaves. All black and brown Muslims exist to serve the white Muslim in Paradise.

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>light skin
Sure thing Muhammad

why am I not surprised someone who still believes in that crap watches cartoons?

You can do those things without fucking children and goats though