Why are Arabs so ugly?
Why are Arabs so ugly?
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Goat DNA
they are severely inbred, pretty much the entire muslim world is
Why are Brits so ugly? Same reason as for Arabs-lots of interbreeding
fpbp bolby in the house
Arab women don't select their mates.
Inbreeding the same with you island niggers
naw but srsly isnt there like some rule in islam where a guy can flat refuse to marry a woman on their wedding day if he finds out she's too ugly after puling off burqua? that would be legit. let's do islam.
If he can't, that would explain why they didn't manage to select for good looks.
I don't think you can completely blame arabs for this abomination. That thing looks like a half sandnigger half bong.
not all of them are
but inbreeding does play a role. It's worse among Pakis and Afghans afaik
looks like a Brit desu
Basic evolution
>women must hide face at all times so face doesn't matter
Check thous thicc asses though
>women chosen only for ass because only way to judge their fitness as a mate.
I'd bend A muslim girl over and fuck her asshole anyday. I'd wrap my rascal twice though because I want buttsex with arab girls to be joyless and without sensation as a way of punishing Islam.
First off she is grows.
Second off she is a jew
>dat evil eye necklace.
First cousin marriage is explicitly allowed in Islam.
Pakistan, for example, has a rate of over 55% of marriages being this inbred, (exact numbers are difficult to obtain,) and this follows over to Pakistani immigrants into the UK.
Pakistanis in the UK are 13 times more likely than the standard population to suffer birth defects because of this.
Arabs are the Alpha gene pool.
I am not saying I wouldn't suck on her asshole. I am a thirsty fuck. But Mia K is not hot. 2/10 with terrible bolt on tits. She needs to sue someone over thous they are the worst fakes in 30 years.
First cousin marriage is legal everywhere in the world except a few USA states. Islam promotes it however which is what is the point you mean to make.
Basically this. The women hide their faces so they have no reason to care about their looks since they get no attention for them. Also, they get married at a young age and once married they let themselves go
White women still prefer us compared to your low test beta males. That's all that matters and that is why you feel threatened by us.
Seems odd that they would promote that. Any idea why?
Still better looking than the average Amerimutt
khaleeji girls (when they're not fat) are hot but most of the world has no way to know
serious answer: inbreeding. the ancestors of these people were some of the most attractive in history; alexander the great took one as his primary wife — she was described by all contemporary accounts as the most attractive woman in the world.
Disgusting african subhumans, we should not have wasted tercios in Europe but bayonneted you filthy moor niggers clean the land of moor occupation and repopulate the land.
I am a white woman and I am repulsed at the sight of you
not all of them are, i went to school with a muslim girl who was always really nice to me and she was really fucking sexy, like if she didnt wear a headscarf all the time and dress so modestly, she would have have been covered in Chad
Also nice cherry picking, Middle Eastern women are some of the most beautiful in the world
did you mean Asians?
the women in that picture are fucking hideous man develop some standards
Fuck, you made me spit out my food!
Damn, who is this guy? He's like a modern-day Conquistador, I've never seen a finer example of Iberian genetics.
>Implying I care about a woman's opinion
Back in the kitchen with you.
A lot of inbreeding.
She is the exception not the rule.
Hearty kek
Bullshit, the real reason Islamic men force their women to wear the niqab is because they're so fucking ugly it embarrasses their husbands for them to be seen in public, so to preserve their own egos they make up some bulshit about them being too tempting.
I'm sorry, I can't have superior beauty standards like Americans, I am but a lowly Middle Easterner
White women>sandnigger men sorry Muhammad
*stares in British*
hello, my fellow german
nuther 'gyptian
Fuck off, Niqab is not even prescribed in the Quran, it's Middle Eastern culture. Why do you think Egyptian belly dancers (who have nothin to do with religion) cover their faces and have extensive eye make up? It's exotic. Only niggers like Saudis and Afghans wear Niqab. The patrician's choice is the head covering for modersy, as in the orthodox Christian churches around the world too.
starting to like Egypt more
me on the left
Pakistanis are arab/semitic?
Salam wa3alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatu Ali, how are you doing in Antwerpen?
Tomorrow friday prayer, hope see you there.
Imam will be talking about jews. Yazakallah akhi
Face it, you don't want the rest of the world to know that you're fucking a woman who looks like your fat ugly sister so you cover your shame.
They are not, some Pakistanis have Iranic admixture (Pashtuns and Balochs) but most are Pajeets. What does that have to do with anything though?
Persian women are one of the most beautiful women out there desu
OP, that is very Antisemitic of you to say. Apologize!
Muslims tell only lies so the exact opposite of what this shitskin says is true.
You're delusional, 95% of Muslim women don't wear the face veil, nowadays if you go to Tunisia, Turkey, Lebanon etc. most don't even wear a headscarf. Dressing modestly and elgantly is a given though.
Lower IQ and higher aggression my dude. Its the only way to ensure Muhammad's religion of peace carries on: create a population too retarded to question it
>s-shut up! she's n-not my s-sister when she's wearing the mask!
They don the veil of incest.
insecure white cuck detected
keep screaming like a child whilst I'm banging your women
Can confirm, some Arab women are ugly but parts of Iraq, Lebanon, and Turkey have some beauty.
May have partially to do with European admixture. They still are beautiful, I would rather date a Muslim (not the ones from Saudi Arabia, UAE, and stuff, since most of those women are flat out whores when they come to the West) than these secular women that flood the West.
Why doesn’t she make a future for her own people in her own shitskin country though
She’s already less noble for leaving it
Hey, I also and 26 and watched adult swim 14 years ago
We saw that the West is degenerating because of feminism and low birth rates and the nuclear family is all but dead so we have decided to help. It's charity, you should thank us. The future belongs to Muslims and Chinks.
Spoken like a true creatura jesus fucking Christ...
>my sister hides her face in public so no one knows i m fucking my sister
>no u r the insecure 1
Suck your own DNA out of your own DNA's furry cooter, Muhammad.
The girl on the left saved the girl on the right. If it was not for the red haired girl the red scarfed wearing girl would be dying a diseased sex slave to some disgusting nigger muslim.
Turkey for sure
> Persia
> describing itself as Middle Eastern
Iranians are so shit tier by their looks that even villages goats are better, while Westernised Persians are alright.
>eyes wide apart like a downie
>posts a creatura
>n-no u r creatura
Truly if someone put makeup and lipstick on a turd you'd be falling all over yourself to fuck it.
>B...but we invited you
Not our fault Western women have such an insatiable thirst to be KEBAB'd
she already got pearl necklace
Who actually looks at Muslim women though? When their men put them in garbage bags.
>also, still waiting for a liberal to tell me how "progressive" Islam is
Burqa is Afghan culture, they will be niggers with or without Islam.
She's hot but not beautiful
>eyes wide apart like a downie
Yeah I stopped reading there...
tranny tier
nice catches, top tier b8
Iran average IQ: 84
You're dumber than American niggers. Sad!
You never started reading. Reading involves not just sight, but comprehension. Reproducing with that creatura is 3 times worse than feeding a white child lead paint chips.
>muh dick
Inbred swine.
>Burqa is Afghan culture
Changed by Islam. Afghanistan was Buddhist before you fuckers killed them all.
Also, don't get uppity because your particular sandnigger culture forces your women to wear 5% less fabric.
This is objectively speaking a cringe worthy comment
Arabs are still the Alpha gene pool.
>incest is best nom nom nom
>ohshit.jpg I'd love to put my Muhammadan spunk on her cumcatching unibrow
You are, objectively speaking, dumber still than a white child who eats lead like candy.